New England Colonies Massachusetts (Maine) Rhode Island Connecticut New Hampshire Massachusetts
New England Massachusetts – now Maine
New England New Hampshire
New England Massachusetts
New England Connecticut
New England Rhode Island
New England Geography Thin, rocky soil – bad for farming Many ports – good for shipping and trade long, cold winters, short growing season – bad for farming
New England Economy Subsistence farming – enough for family, not cash crops SHIPPING AND TRADE (COMMERCE)
Middle Colonies New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware
Middle Colonies New York
Middle Colonies Pennsylvania
Middle Colonies New Jersey
Middle Colonies Delaware
Middle Colony Geography Fertile soil for farming Several good ports – good for shipping and trade Less cold winters, slightly longer growing season than New England
Middle Colony Economy Cash Crop farming – wheat, oats, grains – “breadbasket colonies” NOT slave labor Shipping and trade from ports (New York City, Philadelphia, Baltimore) DIVERSITY LED TO PROSPERITY
Southern Colonies Maryland North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Virginia
Southern Colonies Maryland
Southern Colonies Virginia
Southern Colonies North Carolina
Southern Colonies South Carolina
Southern Colonies Georgia
Southern Geography Rich, fertile soil – good for farming Few ports Mild winters, long growing season – good for farming TIDEWATER – flat land near coast – most plantations BACKCOUNTRY – hilly land away from coast – small, independent farmers
Southern Economy Cash crop farming – tobacco, rice, indigo Slave labor