COURSE INFORMATIONs Lectures: Monday: 8.00 am – 9.00 am (DKR5) Tuesday: am – pm (DKP1) Laboratory: - none – Tutorial: to be decided
TEACHING STAFF PhakLen EhKan Taman Seberang Ramai, Kuala Perlis (off.) / (hp)
ASSESSMENTs Final Exam:50% Part A: 4Q (Answer ALL) Part B: 2Q (Answer 1Q only) Coursework:50% Test (min. 2):40 % Quiz/Assignment:10%
COURSE OUTCOMEs CO1: Able to carry out analysis in basic numbering system and be able to understand basic theory of binary system CO2: Able to minimize Boolean functions, design and optimizes logic circuit in digital applications. CO3: Able to design combinational logic circuit in terms of Boolean Functions CO4: Able to design and evaluate sequential logic circuit in terms of Boolean Functions
COURSE CONTENTs (1) Chapter 1:Introduction to Digital Logic Digital vs Analogue Numbering system and Codes Basic Logic Gates and IC Gates Boolean Rules and Laws K-Maps (Karnaugh Maps) Chapter 2:Digital Combinational Logic/ Arithmetic Circuits Converters (Decoder/Encoder /Mux/ Demux) Arithmetic (Adder/Subtracter/Comparator etc.) Parity Circuits (Generators & Checkers)
Chapter 3: Sequential Logic/Circuits Concept of Sequential Logic Latch and Flip-flops Shift Registers and Application Counters (Types, Application & Design) Sequential Circuits Design (State diagram, State Table, K-Map, Circuit) COURSE CONTENTs (2)
REFERENCES [1] Rafikha Aliana A Raof, Norina Idris, PhakLen EhKan, Mohamad Nazri Md Noor.(2006) Digital Electronics Design. 1 st Edition. Malaysia: Prentice Hall [2] Floyd. TL. (2006) Digital Fundamentals. 9 th. New Jersey, Prentice Hall [3] Ronald J. Tocci (2003) Digital Systems – Principles and Applications. 7 th Ed. New Jersey, Prentice Hall [4] M.Morris Mano. (2005) Digital Design 3 rd. Ed. Prentice Hall [5] HTTPs