LO: I understand which alkanols can be oxidised. 6.5 Oxidising Alkanols 6.5.1 Comparing Oxidation LO: I understand which alkanols can be oxidised.
Potassium dichromate is a mild agent. oxidising During the oxidation, dichromate solution changes colour from orange to green. Experiment: Name Type Colour Change butan-1-ol primary orange green butan-2-ol secondary orange green tertiary no reaction 2-methylpropan-2-ol Acidified potassium dichromate solution doesn’t oxidise alkanols. tertiary LO: I understand which alkanols can be oxidised.
6.5.2 Oxidation Process LO: I understand how oxidation takes place.
Oxidation is gain of or loss of . oxygen hydrogen Primary alkanols are oxidised in two stages: Stage 1 Loss of hydrogen ethanol ethanal The product of stage 1 is an ( ). alkanal aldehyde LO: I understand how oxidation takes place.
ethanoic acid ethanal alkanoic carboxylic Stage 2 Gain of oxygen ethanoic acid ethanal The product of stage 2 is an acid ( acid). alkanoic carboxylic LO: I understand how oxidation takes place.
propan-2-ol propanone alkanone ketone Secondary Alkanols Secondary alkanols are oxidised in one stage: Loss of hydrogen propan-2-ol propanone The product is an ( ). alkanone ketone LO: I understand how oxidation takes place.
The products in both cases contain a carbon to oxygen bond: double C O This functional group is called a . carbonyl Tertiary alkanols can’t be oxidised in this way. LO: I understand how oxidation takes place.
6.5.3 Copper(II) Oxide LO: I understand that oxidation can take place using copper(II) oxide.
black brown orange acid During the reaction the copper(II) oxide ( ) gives up its oxygen forming copper ( ). black brown The pH paper changes from green to showing an has been produced orange acid LO: I understand that oxidation can take place using copper(II) oxide.