Course Objectives This course will cover the fundamental concepts of human computer interaction including user interface design principles, human capabilities, interface technology, interface design methods and interface evaluation. We will do this primarily from the perspective of interface layer
Course Materials All study materials will be available on the internet including … as it turns out … links provided to materials from other sites. Key materials provided are Articles, book chapters, online learning Remote access to a cloud VM including Microsoft Dynamics & related resources, a $25 license fee Installation software for any required products (no cost to students)
Hardware & Software Course syllabus has details A reliable Windows 7, Windows 8 computer is easiest but a Mac or Linux box will do Software is available free though a remote access license ($25) for a hosted VM is required
Contacting the Instructor Instructor: Todd A. Schultz, Ph.D. Office: Allgood Hall office E131. Office Hours: Mon 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm and Wed 1:00 pm to 5:30 pm. Otherwise, check my schedule at for my general availability and make an schedule Office Phone: Web site:
Assignments 7 50 pts (300 pts total or 30% of the grade) Quizzes on content from reading and study (7 will be assigned but the worst one will be dropped). pts (700 pts total or 70% of the grade) Technical or analysis hands-on assignments which expose students to a variety of at computer and reporting skills. About StudyChk00 and TechPrac00
Grading Course grades are based on a 1000 point scale with grades assigned as follows (of course any errors in grades reporting or calculation will be addressed before final grades are determined): 901 points and higher earn a course A 801 to 900 points earn a course B 701 to 800 points earn a course C 601 to 700 points earn a course D 600 points or below earn a course F
Your course value chain Right items Right place Right time Right count Right condition
Rules & Regulations Academic honesty Collaboration Attendance Late work One work days a week Scheduling your time