Medium-Term Strategic Focus 2010/11 – 2014/2015 National Department of Tourism (NDT) Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Tourism 21 July 2010
VISION To be globally celebrated as a leader in tourism excellence MISSION Collectively and boldly promoting responsible and sustainable tourism for the benefit of all South Africans VALUES The following departmental values (PROSPER) are based on the broader South African value of Ubuntu and Public Service Batho Pele principles: A R esponsible government department, that is R esponsive to the needs of the people, S erving them with P ride and E xcellence, with a sense of P rofessionalism and Openness. VISION, MISSION AND VALUES
ELECTORAL MANDATE Government has identified the following five key priority areas for the electoral mandate period : Creation of decent work and sustainable livelihood Education Health Rural development, food security and land reform Fight against crime and corruption
1. Speed up economic growth and transform the economy to create decent work and sustainable livelihoods 2. Massive programmes to build economic and social infrastructure 3. A comprehensive rural development strategy linked to land and agrarian reform and food security 4. Strengthen the skills and human resource base5. Improve the health profile of society MEDIUM-TERM STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK (MTSF) PRIORITIES
5. Improve the health profile of society6. Intensify the fight against crime and corruption7. Build cohesive, caring and sustainable communities 8. Pursue regional development, African advancement and enhanced international cooperation 9. Sustainable resource management and use 10. Build a developmental state, including improving of public services and strengthening democratic institutions MEDIUM-TERM STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK (MTSF) PRIORITIES
1. Quality basic education2. A long and healthy life for all South Africans3. All people in South Africa are and feel safe4. Decent employment through inclusive economic growth5. Skilled and capable workforce to support an inclusive growth path6. An efficient, competitive and responsive economic infrastructure network GOVERNMENT OUTCOMES
7. Vibrant, equitable, sustainable rural communities contributing towards food security for all 8. Sustainable human settlements and improved quality of household life9. Responsive, accountable, effective and efficient Local Government system10. Protect and enhance our environmental assets and natural resources 11. Creating a better South Africa and contributing to a better and safer Africa in a better world 12. An efficient, effective and development oriented public service and an empowered, fair and inclusive citizenship GOVERNMENT OUTCOMES
OUTCOMES APPROACH – DEPARTMENT’S CONTRIBUTION NDT to contribute to the delivery of: Outcome 4: Decent employment through inclusive economic growth Outcome 7: Vibrant, equitable, sustainable rural communities contributing towards food security for all NDT has a role in the delivery of Outcome 11: Creating a better South Africa and contributing to a better and safer Africa in a better world Tourism is identified as priority sector in IPAP II
OUTCOMES APPROACH – DEPARTMENT’S CONTRIBUTION Outcome 4: Decent employment through inclusive economic growth Output 2: More labour absorbing growth Output 4: Increased competitiveness, to raise net exports, grow trade as a share of world trade and improve its composition Output 6: Improved support to small business and cooperatives Output 7: Implementation of the expanded public works programme (EPWP)
OUTCOMES APPROACH – DEPARTMENT’S CONTRIBUTION Outcome 4: Decent employment through inclusive economic growth Output 2: More labour absorbing growth Sub-output 3: Sector strategies to support growth of labour intensive industries National Tourism Sector Strategy (NTSS) to be finalised NTSS interventions will increase sector’s contribution to GDP and increase employment
OUTCOMES APPROACH – DEPARTMENT’S CONTRIBUTION Outcome 4: Decent employment through inclusive economic growth Output 4: Increased competitiveness, to raise net exports, grow trade as a share of world trade and improve its composition Sub-output 1: Support for import and export competing sectors Implementation of Industrial Policy Action Plan (IPAP II) Sub-output 2: Increased share of world trade Implementation of Industrial Policy Action Plan (IPAP II)
OUTCOMES APPROACH – DEPARTMENT’S CONTRIBUTION Outcome 4: Decent employment through inclusive economic growth Output 6: Improved support to small business and cooperatives NDT prioritised enterprise development and SMME support Output 7: Implementation of the expanded public works programme (EPWP) NDT is implementing Social Responsibility Implementation (SRI) Programme
OUTCOMES APPROACH – DEPARTMENT’S CONTRIBUTION Outcome 7 Vibrant, equitable, sustainable rural communities contributing towards food security for all Output 4: Improved employment opportunities and economic livelihoods Sub-output 1: Range of economic drivers including tourism, mining, and green economy being exploited Sub-output 2: Benefits of local economic development being realized at community level (including vulnerable groups) Sub-output 3: Skills needed to grow the economy being developed and retained Sub-output 4: Enterprise development services supported (including for SMMEs and cooperatives)
OUTCOME APPROACH: OUTCOME 11 NDT is identified as a core department which has a responsibility for outcome 11 Draft delivery Agreement identifies four (4) outputs for Outcome 11 o Output 1: Enhanced African Agenda and Sustainable Development o Output 2: Enhanced Regional Integration o Output 3: Reformed Global Governance Institutions o Output 4: Enhanced Trade and Investment NDT has been identified as a supporting department for output 2 Tourism as a priority sector - contributing to economic growth and job creation for south Africa contribute to delivery of output 1 With its involvement in marketing South Africa as a destination for tourists through South African Tourism (SAT), NDT has a role to play on output 4
Focus: Increase contribution to GDP and employment growth Increase number of foreign tourists arrivals Increase domestic tourists Increase per tourist spend Rural-based products developed Niche products developed Initiatives / Activities: Domestic and international tourism Marketing Tourism investment promotion Tourism product diversification Tourism enterprise development INDUSTRIAL POLICY ACTION PLAN (IPAP) II
Medium-Term Strategic Themes and Objectives
STRATEGIC THEMES AND OBJECTIVES Strategic ThemesStrategic Objectives People Empowerment and Job Creation To contribute to job creation through the use of labour-intensive methods targeting the unemployed, youth, women, the disabled and SMMEs To build and improve the skills and capacity levels of the Expanded Public Works workers employed in the Social Responsibility projects Tourism Sector Transformation Ensure demographic representativity within the tourism sector Sustainable tourism Growth and Development To address imbalanced geographic spread and seasonality of tourism Ensure involvement of rural communities in mainstream tourism Entrench a culture of travel amongst South Africans To grow the travel and tourism sector’s contribution to economic growth To promote Enterprise Development in the tourism sector To ensure provision of decent work within the tourism sector To provide excellent people development within the tourism sector targeting young people
STRATEGIC THEMES AND OBJECTIVES (cont…) Strategic ThemesStrategic Objectives Responsible Tourism Promotion To ensure Responsible Tourism Best Practices Tourism Service Excellence To ensure competitiveness of the tourism sector Tourism Sector Knowledge and Policy Leadership To inform tourism planning and decision making with timeous and relevant tourism information To ensure uniformity and functionality of tourism sector Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) system To create an enabling policy and legislative environment for tourism growth and development To support Local Government tourism growth and development To manage and conduct tourism research to inform tourism growth and development Integrated Tourism Governance To ensure Integration of tourism priorities into Provincial and Local Government planning To provide information to encourage domestic tourism To facilitate interdepartmental contribution to tourism growth
STRATEGIC THEMES AND OBJECTIVES (cont…) Strategic ThemesStrategic Objectives Public Education, Awareness and Outreach To create a positive image of the department To create a tourism culture in the country To empower South Africans through access to tourism information To create collective ownership of the sector through stakeholder participation To create a caring and compassionate department A better Africa and a better world To facilitate a conducive global environment that supports growth, development & sustainability of Tourism in SA To contribute to Good Global Tourism Governance To contribute to strengthening of Regional, South-South and South-North Cooperation and Integration
STRATEGIC THEMES AND OBJECTIVES (cont…) Strategic ThemesStrategic Objectives Human Capital Management To ensure availability of adequate human capital To ensure availability of skilled, capable and competitive human capital To ensure employee wellbeing and productivity To ensure representation of designate groups in the work force Good Governance To ensure economic, efficient and effective use of departmental resources towards achievement of government mandate To reduce departmental risk exposure To maximise the use of allocated financial resources To ensure the use of government procurement to promote transformation To ensure alignment and cooperation with Public Entities To ensure public accountability and transparency
LINKAGES TO MTSF PRIORITIES MTSF PriorityMTSF Priority Outcome Departmental Contribution Economic growth, decent work and sustainable livelihoods Decent employment through inclusive economic growth Create conducive environment for tourism sector to increase its contribution to economic growth with decent job creation Implementation of tourism sector component of the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) Tourism enterprise development Economic and social infrastructure An efficient, competitive and responsive economic infrastructure network Tourism investment promotion Tourism product and attractions development Rural development, food security and land reform Vibrant, equitable, sustainable rural communities contributing towards food security for all Rural tourism development Education Quality Basic Education Skilled and capable workforce to support and inclusive growth path Tourism skills development
LINKAGES TO MTSF PRIORITIES (cont…) MTSF PriorityMTSF Priority Outcome Departmental Contribution HealthA long healthy life for all South Africans No direct contribution The fight against crime and corruption All people in South Africa are and feel safe Support measures to fight crime against tourists Good governance Cohesive and sustainable communities Sustainable human settlements and improved quality of household life Local tourism development Domestic tourism promotion Social tourism development Responsible Tourism Contribute to a better Africa and a better world A better South Africa, a better Africa and a better world Contribute to a sustainable global tourism agenda Sustainable resource management and use Protect and enhance our environmental assets and natural resources Responsible Tourism
LINKAGES TO MTSF PRIORITIES (cont…) MTSF PriorityMTSF Priority Outcome Departmental Contribution A developmental state including improvement of public services Responsive, accountable, effective and efficient Local Government system An efficient, effective and development oriented public service and an empowered, fair and inclusive citizenship Integrated Tourism Governance Tourism Sector Transformation Promotion of tourism service excellence Responsible Tourism Good Governance
MTEF – Allocation 2010/11 – 2012/13
MTEF – Allocation 2010/11 – 2012/ /11 R’ /12 R’ /13 R’000 Baseline Less: Earmarked funding Office Accommodation EPWP Projects Compensation of Employees Goods and services Projects Less: Transfers - SA Tourism International Tourism Marketing Financial Assistance Grading Council Less: Transfers Business Trust Other transfers Allocation available for NDT
MTEF – Allocation 2010/11 – 2012/ /11 R’ /12 R’ /13 R’000 Allocation available for NDT Compensation of Employees Goods and Services Capital
MTEF – Allocation 2010/11 – 2012/13
Tourism Bill – to get to the Portfolio Committee during later part of second (2 nd ) quarter, beginning of third (3 rd ) quarter (2010/11) National Tourism Sector Strategy (NTSS) – to get to Parliament in the first (1 st ) quarter of next year Annual report – August/September /12 Strategic Plan Workshop – Feb/March 2011 MATTERS FOR NOTING