“Partnership Arrangement and Means of Implementation on post-2015 Cambodia Development Agenda” 23 May 2014 Himawari Hotel, Phnom Penh By: Soeung Saroeun, ED, CCC Vision: A strong and capable civil society, cooperating and responsive to Cambodia’s development challenges 1
Outline of Presentation
First Round Consultations: CSOs’ Perspectives on Cambodia Development Framework Beyond regional consultations Battambang Kampong Cham 1 national consultation
1.Social Inclusion and Human Development 2.Inclusive Economic Development 3.NRM and Ecological Development 4.Good governance and Inclusive Partnership 5.Human Rights to Development Key Identified Priority Issues
HLP in March at Bali-Indonesia 2013 CSO meeting in March in BONN/Germany 2013 CSOs Inputs to NSDP of RGC Inputs DPs, including UN agencies in country and UN Assembly in NY 2013 Beyond 2015 consultations process (Pretoria, Bali, Pattaya, BKK) Related Post 2015 Advocacy Campaigns
Second Round Consultations: Partnership Arrangement and Means of Implementation on Post 2015 Development Agenda Two regional consultations in Siem Reap and Kratie
NGO networks were established by CSOs in Cambodia-CCC, NGO Forum, MEDICAM, HACC, CBOs and other networks. Aid Effectiveness: 19 Technical Working Groups, GDCC, and CDCF, draft DCPS Project based engagement: e.g Social Accountability WG, GBV WG, etc DPs-UN, EU, WB, ADB provide spaces for CSOs to contribute formulations related to development strategies/policies; CSO- local administration partnership – commune investment plan, new organic laws, etc. Current Partnership
Limited information sharing to and amongst different development actors; CSO Consortium for joint proposal to address the needs of citizens; Partnership and information sharing between CSO and Government; Quality and well functions of TWGs and GDCC and CDCF; Draft DCPS limited the roles of CSOs in engaging with government only support service delivery and humanitarian assistance; Sub-national working groups and other related structures Triangle partnership (Government, CSO, Business) Areas to Be Improved
A policy that guide partnership among civil society, private sector, development partners and government; Ensure a policy and regulation that enables CSOs to fulfill its potentials as a development partner; Contextualizing Corporate Social Responsibility (CRS); Establishing national funds for CSOs – government budget and contribution from business sector (CSR) Adapting tools/system for promoting the transparency and accountability (EITI, AITI, and Open Government Partnership – OGP); Appropriate Policy Initiatives
Partnering with government in formulating relevant national and sub-national policies and regulations; Providing and improving the quality of public services; Advocating the government to apply their policies and respond to the needs of citizens; Monitoring and providing constructive feedback on the performance of government, business, and development partners; Monitoring on national budget, management of other national revenue; Empowering community to participate in their development process and exercise their rights. Involvement of CSOs in the Implementation
A joint committee and allowing representatives from each sector to participate in developing work plan, implementing the works and conducting M&E process; Internal and external audit should be conducted for all agreed development efforts and encourage for mutual learning and improvement; Appropriate mechanism on micro loans should be established; A mechanism to address the unemployment and migration with decent works; An effective marketing mechanism to ensure the fair trade; Fund mobilizing and funding mechanism needs to be effectively set up; Mechanisms, Monitoring and Evaluation
A Monitoring and Evaluation mechanism such as JMI needs to be in place at both national, sub-national and sectors; Improving technical working group (TWG), GDCC, CDCF or committee with co-lead/facilitators (should have CSO reps) The good governance, anti-corruption law/policy should be reinforced at all level. Mechanisms, Monitoring and Evaluation
Not genuine partnership between CSOs and Government, and triangle partnership; Cambodian’s Financial resources heavily depend on international grants and donations; Poor governance and corruption highly existed; Lack of independence of Judicial system in the country; Lack of genuine engagement with citizens in development process. Potential Challenges
Policies outline genuine partnership between CSOs and Government and Tripartite partnership; More investment on the institutional development; Peer learning or exchanging of best practices among different development actors; A mechanism for resource mobilization from the other development actors such as DP, government and private sector; More and regular dialogue/forum between civil society and the government in both national and sub national level; Officially recognize the roles of CSOs as started in ACCRA (service delivery, empowering, advocacy and watch-dog) Proposed Resolutions
Finalize today communiqué and report; Feed in to UN discussion on May 2014 and UN General Assembly in September 2014; ADB and World Bank CSO Engagement Round table discussion with RGC, DPs in June 2014 and beyond; Beyond 2015-ADA-GCAP 4 th consultations on Post development agenda on May 2014 in Bangkok-Thailand; Connect to Beyond 2015 campaign at global levels (e.g Brussels in June). Ways Forward
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