Cow Nutrition and Feeds Cow Nutrition and Feeds. Primary consideration when feeding beef cows is: Factors that determine the level of energy that needs.


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Presentation transcript:

Cow Nutrition and Feeds Cow Nutrition and Feeds

Primary consideration when feeding beef cows is: Factors that determine the level of energy that needs to be fed: Factors that determine the level of energy that needs to be fed: 1.Physiological state 2.Size 3.Milk production 4.Weather

Primary consideration when feeding beef cows is: 1. Physiological state Breed Maintenance Gestation Lactation % of total annual requirement % of total annual requirement AHx Cx Jx Sx X

Production characteristics of breed types differing in mature size & milk production potential Breed Type AHx Cx Jx Sx AHx Cx Jx Sx Wt. Lb Calf birth wt. Lb Milk yield, Lb Ave. weaning wt

ME requirements for different cow genotypes Breed Type AHx Cx Jx Sx AHx Cx Jx Sx Maintenance, Mcal/D Gestation Mcal/D Maintenance, Mcal/D Lactation, Mcal/D

Metabolizable Energy Energy: 1200 Lb Sx

Metabolizable Energy Energy: 1100 Lb AHx

Estimated milk production

ME needs for different cow types when nursing Breed Cross Breed Cross AHx Cx Jx Sx AHx Cx Jx Sx Cow Wt Milk Yield/D Maintenance + Rebreeding, Mcal/D Lactation, Mcal/D Total, Mcal/D Alfalfa-brome hay, lbs Mcal/#DM

Analysis of ration for different cow types when nursing calves Breed Cross Breed Cross AHx Cx Jx Sx AHx Cx Jx Sx Total Energy Mcal/D Maximum Dry Matter Intake Energy Density of Ration Mcal/lb. Hay or Pasture OK OK NO NO Hay / Corn Silage 36/64 50/50 (9.3/36.8) (15.2/33.8) (9.3/36.8) (15.2/33.8) Corn / Hay 29/71 31/69 (7.7/18.3) (9.6/20.9)

ME needs for different cow types at peak production Breed Cross Breed Cross AHx Cx Jx Sx AHx Cx Jx Sx Cow Wt Peak Milk Yield/D Maintenance Rebreeding, Mcal/D Lactation, Mcal/D Total, Mcal/D Alfalfa-brome hay, lbs Mcal/#DM

Protein requirement – 1100 Lb. cow

Calcium & Phosphorus requirement – 1100 Lb. cow