How councils are run Cabinet government
Why change? “Opague and unclear decision-taking weakens the link between the people and their democratically-elected representatives.” John Prescott, Deputy Prime Minister, 2000 – introducing (Local Government Act 2000)
Why change ii? Greater clarity over who does what – role of decision-makers better understood Meaning… Greater accountability Improved efficiency Antidote to voter apathy - more engagement/interest of public
Cabinet Government Cabinets are the key decision-making bodies of councils – across all types Made up of up to ten councillors Led by majority political party or ruling coalition, headed by leader of the council (politician)
Cabinet government ii Within cabinet, individual councillors responsible for services (“portfolio holder” or “executive member”) Need not reflect overall political balance of council Cabinet decisions can be collective or individual Publishes Forward Plan – document setting broad details of decisions coming up in next three months
Cabinet powers Sets council’s over-arching policy framework Takes all the key decisions on policy/services Determines spending priorities and recommends budgets
Cabinet “pluses” More efficient Improved accountability Lines of responsibility clearer In other words - public know who is doing what – where the buck stops
Cabinet “minuses” Backbenchers sidelined - not part of decision-making process Decisions taken by small one-party “cabals” – less democratic? Potential for views of local community to be ignored Lack of accountability – decisions by individuals Checks and balances weak
Scrutiny – the checks & balances All councils have all-party scrutiny committees: These have powers to: “Call in” cabinet decisions Summon councillors, officers and others to explain/answer questions about decisions/policy Request review of cabinet decisions via “refer back” process
Scrutiny ii Carry out independent investigations & report on any local issue - eg health, transport, drugs, policing Cannot overturn cabinet decisions – only make recommendations Holds meetings in public
NHS Scrutiny Committees Each council area must have an NHS Scrutiny Committee. Can review any aspect of health care affecting its area, eg hospital closures; health scandals In two-tier areas, this will have representatives of county council & district council, plus lay representatives
Scrutiny committees - minuses Have influence but not power – cannot overturn decisions Refer back process comes after decisions made Can become “political” Can slow down decision-making process – also a plus Lack political/back-up support
Scrutiny – the pluses Although limited, decision makers can be called to account in public Recommendations can influence and sometimes change council policy Ability to examine issues outside direct remit of council
Cabinets – open or shut and our right to know Cabinet meetings must be open to press and public: For all key decisions For discussions on key decisions Optional for other “non key” decisions Where meetings are open: Press and public entitled to agendas and reports five working days before meeting Urgent items (those not on agenda) only allowed if relevant scrutiny committee chairman agrees
Cabinet meetings – open or shut? Closed Decisions which are not “key” For “early collective discussions to narrow options under debate” For “political debate” without officers For cabinet members to clarify matters with officers Decisions involving exempt or confidential information
What is a key decision? A key decision (under Local Government Act 2000) is one likely: To result in authority spending or saving a “significant” sum of money Is “significant” in terms of its effects on communities living or working in two or more wards BUT: It is for each council to define what it is significant – usually through financial thresholds!
Individual cabinet decisions Councils must additionally publish: Records of all individual cabinet member decisions Background papers to those decisions Any alternative options considered but rejected Find out what your council’s arrangements are for publishing key decisions
Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985 All meetings of principal authorities; their committees and sub-committees must be open to the public Unless: Dealing with exempt or confidential information The Act also applies to police and fire authorities and joint committees of health and local authorities
Access to Information Act 1985 Information is confidential if: Would cause council to breach duty of confidence Or if disclosure is forbidden by: Government Statute Order of the court
Access to Information Act, 1985 Information is exempt where it relates to: Employees; job applicants Council tenants or applicants for services or grants Care; adoption or fostering of a particular child A person’s financial/business affairs Supply of goods/services if prejudicial to negotiations or bargaining positions Labour relations where prejudicial to negotiations Legal advice Investigation and prosecution of offenders Schedule 12A of the Act
Access to Information Act 1985 Where a meeting is public: Press must have “reasonable facilities” to report and phone copy (a chair…or bench) Agendas and reports must be available five working days before meeting Copies of these to be available at meetings Late items can only be considered if deemed urgent by the committee chairman Agendas, reports and minutes must be kept for six years Where press and public are excluded a vote must be taken; a formal resolution passed and the relevant section of the Act read out
Access to Information Act 1985 Has been partly amended by…. Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2000** Freedom of Information Act 2000* **This deals with the right of press and public in relation to council cabinets/executives and regulations around key decisions * Has amended regulations around exempt information – because info exempt under 1985 Act may not be under FOI Act
Directly-elected mayors Councils led by single political leader after an election Before a mayoral election, voters must first show support for idea in public referendum Voters can call for referendum (must be 5% of electorate) Simple majority determines referendum In election, electors vote for 1 st and 2 nd preference candidate
From football mascot “H’Angus The Monkey” to respectable mayor – Stuart Dummond, elected mayor of Hartlepool three times and once voted Best Mayor In The World
Mayoral elections First voter-initiated election for mayor – Berwick on Tweed, 2001 with 64% turnout 2002 – 11 elections; 5 won by independents (inc. Ray Mallon – ex-policeman in Middlesborough; Stuart Drummond, Hartlepool; Dorothy Thornhill, former teacher; Watford) Turnout mixed – 40% to 19% : Several re-elected
Mayoral elections 2009 Three elections took place in June: Doncaster: Won by English Democrats’ candidate Peter Davies from Labour Hartlepool: Stuart Drummond won third term (with UKIP and BNP candidates beating Conservatives and Lib Dem candidates) North Tyneside: Won by Conservative Lynda Arkley
Mayors – the pluses Can build profile/re-invigorate area Candidates can come from outside mainstream politics – independents with no party allegiance Can encourage greater public interest Speedy decision making Accountability – people know who’s in charge Strong community leadership (eg Ray Mallon)
Mayors – the minuses Scope for abuse of power/corruption/pursuing vested interests Greater potential for “maverick” candidates could to bring local government into disrepute Potential for more decisions to be taken behind closed doors rather than at open meetings Backbench councillors may feel alienated or sidelined (similar problem to cabinet) Too much power vested in one individual
Coalition plans Directly-elected mayors for 12 largest English cities Subject to: i) “confirmatory referendum” ii) “full scrutiny by elected councillors” But: No formal timetable yet The Coalition: Our Programme for Government,May 2010
Coalition plans ii Plans for new unitaries in Norfolk, Suffolk and Devon to be scrapped Councils will be permitted to return to old committee system Powers to communities to “save local facilities threatened with closure” Powers to communities to “take over local state run services” [‘The Big Society]
Working the cabinet system for news System allows for many bites at the cherry… Pre-write from cabinet reports/agendas Report outcome at cabinet meetings (check webcasts) If controversial, will it go to scrutiny? Yes? Report ahead of scrutiny meeting Report outcome of scrutiny committee Any ‘refer back’ to cabinet from scrutiny? Yes: Issue must return to cabinet for discussion Any need for full council rubber-stamping?
Monitor scrutiny committee inquiries Have controversial decisions been called in? What independent inquiries are there? Are they summoning interesting witnesses? When? When are reports of inquiries likely to be published?
Full council All councillors must set budget and council tax levels Full council must agree decisions which represent departure from agreed policy framework Appoint chief officers Makes constitutional decisions