Culture Shock & Identity Crisis Challenges The Evangelist Might Face
Workshop Layout Team Coordinator will give them a brief about the four possible outcomes and tell them 4 practical cases, of the attitude of 4 persons on their country (e.g. Ghana, HK, SA, Namibia, … etc.) Each group is to: 1)Identify the degree of Identification (belonging)with the original culture (Egypt) and the degree of Identification (Adaptation) with the host culture (Your Country Name, or any suggested Country for the new classes) 2)Match their case with one or more Biblical Characters available with the team coordinators. (The Team Coordinator will have 10 small papers with 10 Biblical Characters suggested in the Matrix Below) 3)Each group will present their rational The Team Coordinator will present the stages of Cultural Shock, and open a discussion about the Honey Moon Stage, is the right stage for decision making or not. Conclusion about how to get your identity settled in case of Identity Crisis or Cultural Shock
Feelings +ve+ve -ve Time 1. Honey Moon Stage (Euphoria) 2. Participation & Culture shock Stage 3. Acculturation (Adaptation )Stage 4. Adjustment (Stable) stage Stages of Culture Shock A B C D Preparation Open a Discussion about Decision Making in the Honey Moon Stage
Identification with host culture Identification with original culture High LowHigh Low Assimilation Separation Integration / Multiculturalism Marginalisation Possible Outcomes One rejects his culture of origin and adapts to the host culture, completely converting to its values & behaviours. The host culture is rejected and the norms of the original culture are strengthened. Both cultures are perceived as being “equal“, but mutually incompatible Both cultures are perceived as being “equal“ AND mutually compatible. The person feels “at home“ in both Cultures
Case2: Marlyne is in a long term mission to (Your Country Name), she didn’t succeed to make good relations there with the natives in the country. She wasn’t able to adapt to their life, she hated their food and didn’t ever try to learn language, Marlyne completely rejects their values & behaviours. However Marlyne never felt she misses Egypt, her family, her Church or any of her friends. Will Marlyne fulfil the goal of the mission? Practical Cases Case1: George is in a long term mission to (Your Country Name), he made good relations there and all the natives of the country were initially attracted to him. He blended very much in their life, their food and he learnt their language too, George after some time was completely converted to their values & behaviours, he even looked like them in every aspect. George never felt he misses Egypt, his family, his Church or any of his friends. Will George fulfil the goal of the mission?
Case4: Mark is in a long term mission to (Your Country Name), he made good relations there and all the natives in the country love him very much. Mark in a short time became a close friend and guide to many of them, he shares them their life, their food and learnt their language too. However he really feels he misses Egypt, his family, his Church and all his friends. Will Mark fulfil the goal of the mission? Practical Cases Case3: Christine is in a long term mission to (Your Country Name), she didn’t succeed to make good relations there with the natives in the country. She wasn’t able to adapt to their life, she hated their food and didn’t ever try to learn language, Christine completely rejects their values & behaviours, she tried to escape her loneliness by finding Egyptians families there and only with them she felt home. Christine’s really feels that she misses Egypt, her family, her Church and all her friends. Will Christine fulfil the goal of the mission?
Identification with host culture Identification with original culture High LowHigh Low Assimilation Separation Integration / Multiculturalism Marginalisation George MarlyneChristine Mark Possible Outcomes
Identification with host culture Identification with original culture High LowHigh Low Assimilation Separation Integration / Multiculturalism Marginalisation Lot’s Wife Oprah Peter when he refused to eat Gal 2: 11 Lot Moses Joseph Ester Daniel St. Paul Possible Outcomes Ruth
To Overcome Culture Shock Remind Yourself Who You Are? 1)I am Valuable 2)I am a Child of God 3)He came to set me free of the Chains of Sin 4)I am a Servant 5)I have a responsibility to be Salt and Light 6)I am a part of Something Greater than Myself