Where to start? Hesitations/Excuses Don’t worry about past Stuck in a rut Just start being a dad (don’t over complicate) Chapter 1, From One Dad to Another…
Our kids deserve a pattern of consistency from us. Chapter 1, From One Dad to Another…
For many of us, our own father was the best teacher we’ve ever had. Chapter 1, From One Dad to Another…
The key is to understand that learning never stops. Chapter 1, From One Dad to Another…
Becoming a good dad is all about striving to do it better and never quitting. Chapter 1, From One Dad to Another…
Three little words… Loving Coaching Modeling Put your definitions on hold as we read the rest of this book… Chapter 1, From One Dad to Another…
These three factors don’t stand alone. They overlap. Chapter 1, From One Dad to Another…
Our job description is loving, coaching and modeling. None of these parts are optional. Chapter 1, From One Dad to Another…
If you have a child, the question isn’t whether you’re a father. It’s how you’ll do the job you can’t turn down – and whether you’ll allow yourself to enjoy it. Chapter 1, From One Dad to Another…
Fathers have on unavoidable role: They teach. They teach when they’re there, and when they’re not. They even teach when they're never there. Chapter 1, From One Dad to Another…
It’s a father’s privilege and God-given challenge to take the lead in his kids’ lives Chapter 1, From One Dad to Another…
It will always be easier for their hearts to turn to you if they know your heart is filled with love for them. Chapter 1, From One Dad to Another…
Championship Fathering is mostly about time and the basics. You start doing the fundamentals and keep doing them. Chapter 2, Championship Fathering: What Is It?…
Sports champions are teams and individuals who practice and perform their fundamentals better and longer than anyone else. Chapter 2, Championship Fathering: What Is It?…
Loving, coaching and modeling are so basic to fathering that we’ll never outlive learning and practicing them. Chapter 2, Championship Fathering: What Is It?…
Fathering may seam like a one man job, but works best as a team endeavor. Chapter 2, Championship Fathering: What Is It?…
Our goal as fathers should not be perfection, but constant improvement. Chapter 2, Championship Fathering: What Is It?…
We fathers fail at times. Sometimes we don’t keep our promises. We may correct too harshly or “lose it” over some trivial matter. Chapter 2, Championship Fathering: What Is It?…
Being humbled is a good thing. It reminds us we need help from others, including God. Being humbled can teach us that effective fathering isn’t hit or miss, but the result of a plan. Chapter 2, Championship Fathering: What Is It?…
Championship Fathering also means being a father to your own children first – and then extending that love to others. We who sense the responsibilities of fatherhood and are highly committed to our families – need to reach out to kids who need us. Chapter 2, Championship Fathering: What Is It?…
So how do we become the kind of dads who belong to the Fathering Hall of Fame? By being teachable. Don’t let a day go by without learning something new and passing something on to your kids. Chapter 2, Championship Fathering: What Is It?…
How else can we grow and be all God want us to be? We have to be teachable – willing to learn from elders, and other dads, from books and speakers, and from people who are different from us. Chapter 2, Championship Fathering: What Is It?…
God knows better than we do how inadequate we are! Ask him for specific guidance in every situation or trial. Chapter 2, Championship Fathering: What Is It?…
1.What is of primary importance for becoming a Championship Father? 2.Was your father a good or bad role model? 3.Do you allow yourself to enjoy being a father? 4.Do you have (make) time for “other” kids? 5.When is the last time you deliberately learned something new and took the time to pass it on to your kid(s)? Small Group Questions…