The five pillars of Islam Often known as the five pillars of heaven BY: Solomon Roundtree
The First pillar The first pillar is all about faith to show belief in that there is no god but God, and Muhammad's is the messenger of god
The Second pillar The second pillar is the pillar of faith. It is called the salat meaning (Daily Ritual)
The Third pillar The third pillar is called zakat. It is also called almsgiving meaning giving to those in need
The Fourth pillar The fourth pillar is called is called the siyam. Or the fasting meaning (going without food) Their allowed to eat and drink at night fall and before sun rise.
The Fifth pillar The final pillar is the one named hajj. It is required that all Muslims visit the holy land before they pass away.
Jihad The word “Jihad” means to strive. Originally in Islam, it meant physical struggle with spiritual significance.