constant linear velocity
CD-ROM - Transfer rates 1 CAV drives give speeds up to 30× at the outer edge of the disc with the same rotational speed as a standard constant linear velocity (CLV) 12×, or 32× with a slight increase
Optical disc - First-generation 1 Other factors that affect data storage density include: the existence of multiple layers of data on the disc, the method of rotation (Constant linear velocity (CLV), Constant angular velocity (CAV), or zoned- CAV), the composition of lands and pits, and how much margin is unused is at the center and the edge of the disc.
Compact Disc - Physical details 1 Scanning velocity is 1.2–1.4m/s (constant linear velocity)– equivalent to approximately 500 rpm at the inside of the disc, and approximately 200 rpm at the outside edge. (A disc played from beginning to end slows down during playback.)
Data transfer rate (disk drive) - Rotational latency 1 The spindle motor speed can use one of two types of disk rotation methods: 1) constant linear velocity (CLV), used mainly in optical storage, varies the rotational speed of the optical disc depending upon the position of the head, and 2) constant angular velocity (CAV), used in HDDs, standard FDDs, a few optical disc systems, and Gramophone record|vinyl audio records, spins the media at one constant speed regardless of where the head is positioned.
Optical disc drive - Rotational mechanism 1 This led to optical drives—until recently—operating with a constant linear velocity (CLV)
Optical disc drive - Rotational mechanism 1 This divides the disc into several zones, each having its own constant linear velocity
Optical disc drive - Recording performance 1 Although later interfaces were able to stream data at the required speed, many drives now write in a 'zoned constant linear velocity'
GD-ROM - Technical information 1 Very old CD-ROM drives read with a constant linear velocity (CLV) design, however (usually 12x or slower)
LaserDisc - Design 1 ; CLV: Constant linear velocity or Extended Play discs do not have the trick play features of CAV, offering only simple playback on all but the high-end LaserDisc players incorporating a digital frame store
LaserDisc - Design 1 Constant Angular Acceleration is very similar to Constant Linear Velocity, save for the fact that CAA varies the angular rotation of the disc in controlled steps instead of gradually slowing down in a steady linear pace as a CLV disc is read
CD-R - Speed 1 Also, above 20× speed, drives use a Constant linear velocity#Zoned Constant Linear Velocity|Zoned-CLV or CAV strategy, where the advertised maximum speed is only reached near the outer rim of the disc. This is not taken into account by the above table. (If this were not done, the faster rotation that would be required at the inner tracks could cause the disc to fracture and/or could cause excessive vibration which would make accurate and successful writing impossible.)
DVD-R - Speed 1 The write time may vary (± 30s) between writer and media used. For high speed, the write strategy changes from constant linear velocity (CLV) to constant angular velocity (CAV), or zoned constant linear velocity (ZCLV). The table below largely assumes CAV.
LD-ROM 1 LD-ROMs owe their greater capacity to a design for constant linear velocity (CLV) playback. Like magnetic tape, the playback speed corresponds with picture quality and audio definition of analog audio-video streams. Since Pioneer intended LD-ROMs primarily for computer software, they chose CLV technology to increase the file storage capacity.
Phonograph - Disc versus cylinder as a recording medium 1 Recordings made on a cylinder remain at a constant linear velocity for the entirety of the recording, while those made on a disc have a higher linear velocity at the outer portion of the groove compared to the inner portion.
Inertia 1 In other words, it is the tendency of objects to keep moving in a straight line at constant linear velocity
Charles Sumner Tainter - Patents 1 * Recording and Reproducing Speech and Other Sounds (improvements include compliant cutting head, wax surface, and constant linear velocity disk), filed June 1885, issued May 1886 (with Chichester Bell)
Disk drive - Rotation speed and track layout 1 *constant linear velocity (used mainly in optical storage) varies the rotational speed of the optical disc depending upon the position of the head, and
Disk drive - Basic terminology 1 **Constant linear velocity (CLV) keeps the distance covered by the heads per unit time fixed. Thus the disk has to slow down as the arm moves to the outer tracks. This method is typical for CD drives.
Gramophone record - The 'Shellac' era 1 At least one manufacturer in the early 1920s, World Records, produced records that played at a constant linear velocity, controlled by Noel Pemberton Billing's patented add-on governor device
Constant angular velocity 1 In optical storage, 'constant angular velocity' ('CAV') is a qualifier for the rated speed of an optical disc drive, and may also be applied to the writing speed of recordable optical disc|discs. A drive or disc operating in CAV mode maintains a constant angular velocity, contrasted with a constant linear velocity (CLV).
8-track tape - Introduction of Stereo 8 1 With a reel turning at a constant rate, the tape around the hub has a lower constant linear velocity|linear velocity than the tape at the outside of the reel, so the tape layers must slip past each other as they approach the center
LP record - Groove 1 It travels fastest on the outside edge, unlike audio CDs, which change their speed of rotation to provide constant linear velocity (CLV)
Ghostbusters - Home media 1 In 1989, Criterion Collection released a LaserDisc version of the film, in a one-disc Constant linear velocity|CLV version and a two-disc special edition Constant angular velocity|CAV version
Constant linear velocity 1 In optical storage, 'constant linear velocity' ('CLV') is a qualifier for the rated speed of an optical disc drive, and may also be applied to the writing speed of recordable optical disc|discs. CLV implies that the angular velocity (i.e. revolutions per minute|rpm) varies during an operation, as contrasted with constant angular velocity|CAV modes. The concept of constant linear velocity was patented in 1886 by phonograph pioneers Chichester Bell and Charles Tainter.
Constant linear velocity 1 Laserdiscs, the first consumer optical discs, used constant linear velocity to double playback time (CLV disc can hold 1 hour per side; CAV disc only 30 minutes). As the motor's speed decreases from 1,800 to 600 rpm when the read head moves away from the center (which is the start of the recording), the disc constantly moves past the read head at.
Constant linear velocity - Zoned Constant Linear Velocity 1 Some high-speed recorders use the zoned CLV method (ZCLV), which divides the disc into stepped zones, each of which has its own constant linear velocity
The Ghosts of Versailles - Recordings 1 Up until recently, the only recordings were a VHS of a televised production presented by the Metropolitan Opera in 1992 and a Constant Linear Velocity (CLV) LaserDisc of the same performance
Wild Palms - Home media releases 1 It was released on Constant linear velocity|CLV laserdisc in the U.S
For More Information, Visit: m/the-constant-linear-velocity- toolkit.html m/the-constant-linear-velocity- toolkit.html The Art of Service