Prefixed Word Forms in the German Mental Lexicon Ingrid Sonnenstuhl Meike Hadler Helga Weyerts Harald Clahsen University of Düsseldorf Third International Conference on the Mental Lexicon, Banff, October 5 - 8 2002
The Lexical Representation of Derivational Word Forms Full form storage of all complex word forms, morphological structure plays no role. (e.g. Butterworth 1983; Rumelhart & McClelland 1986; Bybee 1995) Full form storage of all complex word forms, morphological structure plays some role. (e.g. Lukatela, Gligorijevic, Kostic, Savier & Turvey 1980; Andrews 1986; Feldman & Fowler 1987; Schriefers, Friederici & Graetz 1992) Decomposition of complex word forms. (e.g. Taft & Forster 1975; Taft 1979, 1981) Transparency determines the processing of complex word forms. (e.g. Henderson, Wallis & Knight 1984; Feldman 1994; Marslen-Wilson, Tyler, Waksler & Older 1994; Drews & Zwitserlood 1995) Different processing of prefixed and suffixed words. (e.g. Marslen-Wilson, Tyler, Waksler & Older 1994) Third International Conference on the Mental Lexicon, Banff, October 5 - 8 2002
Full-form frequency effect? Productive Derivations Previous Results Full-form frequency effect? Full priming effect? Default Forms -t participles ge-[ kauf ]-t no yes -s plurals [ Brikett ]-s Irregulars -n participles [ gefahren ] -er plurals [ Kinder ] Subregulars -n Plurals [+ fem, + e] [ Tasche ] -n ] Productive Derivations -ung nominalizations [[ Stift ]-ung ] diminutives [[ Kind ]-chen ] Third International Conference on the Mental Lexicon, Banff, October 5 - 8 2002
Two Mechanisms – Three Distinctions Word forms inflected by a general default: Basic stem and affix -t participles -s plurals ge[ kauf ]-t 'bought' [ Brikett ]-s 'briquets' Irregulars: Opaque stems -n participles -er plurals [ gefahren ] 'driven' [ Kinder ] 'children' Subregulars and productive derivation: Morphologically structured stems -n plurals -ung nominalizations diminutives [[Tasche]-n] 'pockets' [[ Stift ]-ung] 'donation' [[ Kind ]-chen] 'small child' Third International Conference on the Mental Lexicon, Banff, October 5 - 8 2002
Research Questions Do the results from suffixed forms generalize to prefixed forms? How are derivational forms with a limited productivity represented? Third International Conference on the Mental Lexicon, Banff, October 5 - 8 2002
German Adjectives Investigated bequem 'comfortable' unbequem 'uncomfortable' un + bequem [ un [ bequem ] ] stabil 'stable' instabil 'unstable' instabil [ instabil ] Third International Conference on the Mental Lexicon, Banff, October 5 - 8 2002
Unprimed Lexical Decision Access Representations Experiment 1 Frequency Effects instabil Unprimed Lexical Decision Access Representations Third International Conference on the Mental Lexicon, Banff, October 5 - 8 2002
Experiment 1 Frequency Effects Condition Mean base stem frequency Mean derived stem frequency un- (high) 70,0 12,6 ungerecht 'unjust' un- (low) 69,8 0,3 unplausibel 'implausibel' in- (high) 149,1 9,5 inoffiziell 'unofficial' in- (low) 149,3 ineffektiv 'ineffective' Prediction: Derived word forms are stems by themselves frequency effects for derived stems Third International Conference on the Mental Lexicon, Banff, October 5 - 8 2002
Experiment 1 Frequency Effects Results Word- form frequency effects for both derivational forms Full-form representations for fully productive and less productive prefixed adjectives Third International Conference on the Mental Lexicon, Banff, October 5 - 8 2002
Experiment 2 Cross-Modal Priming Stem-Internal Lexical Structures [ insta:bi:l ] Cross-Modal Priming stabil Stem-Internal Lexical Structures Third International Conference on the Mental Lexicon, Banff, October 5 - 8 2002
Experiment 2 Cross-Modal Priming Derivational form Auditory primes Visual target un- adjectives Identity: bequem bequem ('comfortable') Derivation: unbequem Control: tolerant in- adjectives stabil stabil ('stable') instabil ledig Third International Conference on the Mental Lexicon, Banff, October 5 - 8 2002
Experiment 2 Cross-Modal Priming Predictions No decomposition: Separate entries for derivational forms reduced priming Decomposition: Repeated access to the same stem full priming Dual-Mechanism hypothesis: full priming for un- adjectives reduced priming for in- adjectives Third International Conference on the Mental Lexicon, Banff, October 5 - 8 2002
Experiment 2 Cross-Modal Priming Results Full priming for un- forms decomposed lexical representations Reduced priming for in- forms full-form lexical representations Third International Conference on the Mental Lexicon, Banff, October 5 - 8 2002
Experiment 3 Masked Priming stabil XXXXXX 500 msec STABI L 60 msec XXXXXX 60 msec Third International Conference on the Mental Lexicon, Banff, October 5 - 8 2002
Experiment 3 Masked Priming Derivational form Masked primes Target un- adjectives Identity: bequem bequem ('comfortable') Derivation: unbequem Control: tolerant in- adjectives stabil stabil ('stable') instabil ledig Third International Conference on the Mental Lexicon, Banff, October 5 - 8 2002
Experiment 3 Masked Priming Results Full priming for un- forms decomposed lexical representations Reduced priming for in- forms full-form lexical representations Third International Conference on the Mental Lexicon, Banff, October 5 - 8 2002
Summary Full-form frequency effects for all derivational forms Full-form access representations for all derivational forms Reduced priming for in- adjectives Storage of derivational forms with limited productivity and transparency Full priming for derived un- adjectives Full priming for derived -ung nouns Full priming for -chen diminutives Decomposition of transparent and fully productive derivational forms Third International Conference on the Mental Lexicon, Banff, October 5 - 8 2002
Conclusion full-form access representations, Inflection: Irregulars full-form lexical representations Inflection: Irregulars Derivation: Forms with restricted phonological transparency and limited productivity full-form access representations, morphologically structured lexical representations Inflection: Subregulars Derivation: Forms with full phonological transparency and full productivity Third International Conference on the Mental Lexicon, Banff, October 5 - 8 2002