Adjectives that tell… Which one How many How much
Adjectives that tell… What kind
Adjectives that tell what kind Adjectives are words that describe or tell about nouns. Some adjectives tell what kind. Examples: We saw a large eagle. (What kind of eagle?) Linda’s hair is gorgeous. (What kind of hair?) An adjective usually comes before the noun it describes.
Adjectives that tell How many Or How much Adjectives are words that describe or tell about nouns. Some adjectives tell how many or how much. Examples: He gave me five pencils. (How many pencils?) Adding some sugar will make the coffee tastier. (How much sugar?) An adjective that tells how many and how much comes before the noun it describes.
Adjectives that tell Which one Adjectives are words that describe or tell about nouns. Some adjectives tell which one Examples: This party is boring. (Which party?) These chocolates are delicious. (Which chocolates?)
Read the following sentences and write the correct question (which one/ how many/ how much/ what kind) on the line. 1.- He has been here many times. ______________ 2.- These pencils are not mine. ___________ 3.- My brother bought a new red motorcycle. ____________ 4.- We have enough study-materials for the forth-coming examinations. _____________ 5.- This book is long and boring. ____________ 6.- He spent all his money. ______________