T HE A DJECTIVE What kind?Which One or Ones? How Much or How Many? Korean children seventh grade several days busy dentist these countries five dollars braided hair any book no marbles An adjective is a word that is used to modify a noun or a pronoun. To modify a word means to describe the word or to make its meaning more definite. An adjective modifies a noun or pronoun by telling what kind, which one, how much, or how many. Examples… A woman, kind and helpful, gave us directions. The box is empty.
A RTICLES AND D EMONSTRATIVE A DJECTIVES The most commonly used adjectives are a, an, and the. A and an are called indefinite articles because they refer to any member of a general group. The is called the definite article because it refers to someone or something in particular. This, that, these, and those can be used both as adjectives or pronouns. When they modify a noun or pronoun, they are called demonstrative adjectives. Example… This drawing is mine, and that drawing is hers.
P ROPER A DJECTIVES Proper NounsProper Adjectives ThanksgivingThanksgiving dinner CatholicismCatholic priest Middle EastMiddle Eastern country CanadaCanada geese A proper adjective is formed from a proper noun. Notice that a proper adjective, like a proper noun, is capitalized. Common adjectives are generally not capitalized. Example… South American armadillos wear suits of armor that consist of small, bony scales.
I DENTIFYING A DJECTIVES … I DENTIFY THE ADJECTIVES IN EACH SENTENCE BELOW, AND GIVE THE NOUN OR PRONOUN EACH MODIFIES. On winter afternoons, I sometimes walk home after band practice rather than ride on a crowded, noisy bus. The wet sidewalk glistens in the bright lights from the windows of the store. I know they are glad to see me. This quiet, private walk always makes me feel a little tired but also happy.
E XIT T ICKET : O N THE B ACK OF THE Q UARTER -S HEET... Identify the type of each of the following adjectives: Adjective Article?Demonstrative?Proper?“Muggle?” 1. Hideous 2. The 3. This 4. An 5. Approachable 6. Friendly 7. That 8. A
“A LL O UT OF S ORTS ” Travel to each table around the room. Sort the words that appear on the table into the most concise groups that you can. NOTE: All group decisions must be unanimous. You must reach a compromise that pleases every group member before writing down the group names. Take a piece of notebook paper with you to write the names of your groups after you visit each table 1-6. If you finish sorting into unanimously agreed- upon groups before time is up, try to write a sentence that uses as many words from the set as possible.
I DENTIFYING N OUNS, P RONOUNS, AND A DJECTIVES. When the tide comes in, it brings a variety of interesting items from the sea. When the tide ebbs, it leaves behind wonderful treasures for watchful beachcombers. A number of different species of beetle like this part of the beach. Around them you can find bristly flies and tiny worms. You might also run across old pieces of wood with round holes and tunnels in them. These holes are produced by shipworms.