B RIEF G RAMMAR R EVIEW Arrrghhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8 P ARTS OF S PEECH NounsAdverbs PronounsPrepositions VerbsConjunctions AdjectivesInterjections
N OUNS Definition: Person, place, thing, idea Common: generic (any) zombie
N OUNS Definition: Person, place, thing, idea Proper: specific Rob Zombie
P RONOUNS Definition: A word that replaces a noun. There are lots! They could be he, she, myself, everybody, his, hers…
P RONOUNS Definition: A word that replaces a noun. Before Rob Zombie directed the 2007 remake of Halloween, he was also in the band White Zombie.
V ERBS Definition: A word used to express action, being, or state of being. Action Verb : She ran from the zombie.
V ERBS Linking/Being Verbs : (is, am, are, was, were, be, being, been) She is a zombie.
V ERBS Helping/Auxiliary Verbs : previous, + has, have, had, do, does, did, may might, must, can, could, shall, should, will, would.
V ERBS Helping/Auxiliary Verbs : We should have been running from the zombies.
A DJECTIVES Definition : An adjective is use to modify (describe) a noun or pronoun. They answer these questions: Which one? What kind? Whose? How Much? How Many?.
A DJECTIVES Which one? the slow zombie What kind? the mean zombie Whose? your zombie
A DJECTIVES How much? more zombies How Many? five zombies
P REPOSITIONS Definition: A preposition shows the relationship between its object (object of the preposition) & some other word in the sentence. There are a 51 of them.
P REPOSITIONS Think of a zombie and a car A zombie is above the car. A zombie is inside a car. A zombie is beside a car. A zombie is under the car.
A DVERBS Definition: An adverb is used to modify a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. They answer the questions: How? When? Where? How often? To what extent?
A DVERBS How often? The zombie fell twice. To what extent? The zombie is extremely scary.
A DVERBS How? The zombie walks aimlessly. When? The zombie comes today. Where? The zombie fell forward.
C ONJUNCTIONS Definition: A conjunction connects words or groups of words. Coordinate Conjunctions: For And Nor But Or Yet So
C ONJUNCTIONS Definition: A conjunction connects words or groups of words. Subordinate: as, as if, because, before, if, since, that till, unless, when, where, whether
C ONJUNCTIONS Definition: A conjunction connects words or groups of words. Correlative (in pairs): Both…and Either…or Neither…nor Not only…but also
C ONJUNCTIONS The zombie and his friend danced. The zombie will attack unless we hide. Either he was a zombie, or he was extremely boring.
I NTERJECTIONS Definition: An interjection expresses strong feeling. It can end with a comma or an exclamation point depending on the emotion. Wow! You look awful. Oh, you’re a zombie.