Turgor Pressure
Turgor Pressure is the main pressure of the cell contents against the cell wall in plant cells and bacteria cells, determined by the water, resulting from osmotic pressure.
Turgor Pressure Turgor is a force exerted outward on a plant cell wall by the water contained in the cell. Wilted plant cell Plant cell filled with water
Osmosis: diffusion of water through a selectively permeable membrane Water moves from high to low concentrations Water moves freely through pores. Solute (green) to large to move across. How does Turgor Pressure Work? Osmosis
Plant cells So, plant cells have a thick cell wall surrounding the cell membrane. Excellent. Plant cells usually have a humongous water-filled vacuole, called a central vacuole, that pushes out on the cell membrane to keep the cell rigid and tough. If the vacuole loses too much water, it will cause the cell to become limp. If too many cells suffer this fate, the entire plant will “wilt” and its leaves will lose their shape and strength and droop.