Chapter 4 Body Systems 6 th Grade Science
How is the body organized? The human body is made up of more than __ trillion cells. Every cell is part of a __________ unit which makes up the body. Cells work together and depend on each other to keep the body’s internal conditions in _______. ___________processes take place in the cells to maintain internal conditions. 75 living balance Chemical
Chemical Processes in Cells Important life processes can only occur in the cells at a particular temperature range - ___________. Cells in different parts of the body work together to maintain this internal _________. Cells are ___________ in a way that makes them efficient. Approximately _______ cells could cover the head of a pin. 37˚ C (98.6˚ F) temperature organized 10,000
Levels of Organization All cells are made up of the same basic _______ (same basic parts). Each cell is adapted to perform a very specific ________. Cells are organized by the ________ that they perform. Similar cells that work together to perform a particular function in the body make up _______. structure function tissues
Cells, Tissues, Organs Cells that can ________, or shorten make up ________ tissues Cells that carry ________ from one cell to another make up ________ tissue. The ________ is made up of _______ tissue. When two or more tissues work together they form an _________. Example: Your heart is an ______ that is made up of many different types of ______. (muscle, nerve) contract muscle messages nerve brainnerve organ tissues
Organ Systems Cells are organized to form ___________. Tissues are organized to form _________. Organs are organized to form _____________. Examples of organ systems: – _____________________________ – ______________________________ tissues organs Organ systems Circulatory Digestive Endocrine Excretaory Immune Muscular Nervous Reproductive Respiratory Skeletal
SystemFunction CirculatoryTransports oxygen, nutrients, and cell wastes DigestiveBreaks down foods into a form that the body can use EndocrineControls internal conditions. Growth, development, and reproduction ExcretoryRemoves wastes from the blood ImmuneDefends the body against pathogens MuscularAllows body movement and movement of substances within the body NervousControls the body movement, thought and behavior ReproductiveProduces sex cells and offspring RespiratoryProvides the oxygen and removes gas wastes from the blood SkeletalProvides body protection and support; interacts with muscles to allow movement
Example: The Heart The heart is made up of _______ cells that have many __________ to provide energy for the hart to beat constantly. The arrangement of muscle cells in the heart form heart ________ which allows the heart to contract and relax as it beats. The heart itself is an _________ which is made up of muscle tissues, tissues that provide support and protection, and tissues that form its blood vessels. muscle mitochondria tissues organ
Blood cells ______ blood cells carry oxygen throughout the body so that all cells can carry out life functions. ________ blood cells help to fight disease- causing invaders that attack the body. Although each person is unique, the structure and function of the cells, tissues, and organ are similar in some ways. These similarities enable other human beings to donate blood and entire organs. Red White
Skeletal system Bones are ________ that make up the make up the skeletal system. Bones are made up of living ________, as well as non-living _________ that are deposited by bone ________. The functions of the skeletal system: 1. ____________ 2. _______________ 3. _________________ 4. ___________________ tissues minerals organs cells Provides support Protects organs Makes new blood cells Stores important minerals
Parts of the Bone Parts of the bone: 1. Thin, tough outer covering on the surface of the bone is living __________. 2. ___________ in the bone carry blood which supplies materials that none cells need. Blood also removes ______ that bone cells produce. 3. _________ bone is the hardest material in the human body, except for tooth enamel – it is made up of __________. 4. _______ bone tissue makes the bone lightweight. 5. __________ in the spongy bone makes new _______________. Blood vessels wastes Boney tubes Compact Spongy Red Marrow Red blood cells tissue
6.__________ stores fat. - As your body grows from an infant to an adult, the __________ (flexible material) is replaced by hard ________. -__________ and __________ make up the skeletal system Skull, ribcage, and back bone - ______________ Bones store minerals such as _______________ Yellow marrow cartilage bone Cartilagebone Protect important organs Calcium and phosphorous
Minerals in the Bones Minerals are __________ from the bone as the body needs them _________________ make bones hard and strong. As people grow older, they lose _______ in their bones. The bones become weakened and can break easily. This is known as _______________. released Calcium and phosphorus calcium osteoporosis
Joints A __________is a place where two bones meet. Flexible ___________ covers and protects the ends of bones at ___________. The _______ of cartilage surfaces and the way they fit together determines the _________ a joint can move. Strong cords of tissue called ________ connect the bones in each joint joint cartilage direction shape bone ligaments
Muscular system Bones support the body while ______ allow you to move. _________ muscles in the body make up about ________ of your body weight. Muscles and tissues that attach tem to the bone make up the _______________. The body has _____ types of muscle tissues. muscles % Muscular system 3
3 Types of Muscles 1. _________ Muscle – muscle tissue in your heart. Contracts without getting tired. 2. __________ Muscle – found in the organs of the digestive system and blood vessels. Cardiac and Smooth Muscles are INVOLUNTARY!! They work automatically to control movements inside your body. 3. _________Muscles – voluntary muscles that move your arms and legs Cardiac Smooth Skeletal
Movement All muscles can contract but only ________ muscles are responsible for ___________. ________ and _______ work together to move your body. Muscles attach to opposite sides of a ______ at a ____. When one muscle contracts and pulls the bone, the opposite muscle relaxes. Movement results in the direction of the pulling muscle skeletal movement Bones muscles bone joint