West Virginia ELPA21 Interactive Demo, Training Modules, Administrator Roles & Readiness January 12, 2015
Welcome Introductions West Virginia Department of Education Robert Crawford, Assistant Director, Office of Federal Programs Mami Itamochi, Coordinator, Office of Federal Programs Questar Assessments, Inc. Corey McClay, Program Manager Samanthi Mallawaaratchy, Associate Program Manager Evan Melick, Product Manager Kristine Odenbrett, Business Analyst Angie Fischer, Training & Documentation Manager
Logistics Questions Technology issues Please submit questions via Go-To-Webinar questions Technology issues Please submit issues via chat
Agenda Interactive Demo Toolkit Modules Technology Readiness Roles and Responsibilities Administration Site Registration Materials Processes Next steps Support Questions
Interactive Demo Move to live demo using ELPA21 URL. Slides 6-8 are back-up in case of technical difficulty. Location to access: Supported in Chrome May be called Test Preview, Practice Test, Item Sampler Some important differences from the assessment: Results aren’t stored Unlimited number of attempts, including listening and speaking (limited to two times during test) Gives examples of different question types, not full test No support if connectivity is lost There is not a restriction on who can assign accommodations for the Interactive Demo. In the classroom practice sessions, Test Administrators will select the accommodations. If the students practice at home they will have the option to select accommodations. The AA manual will include a crosswalk of accessibility options. The terminology in the Nextera system differs from what you may be used to. The crosswalk will link the functionality and terminology. Select Interactive Demo Select grade (K long – recommended for those without previous online testing experience) Grade 1 Enter name – there is text below that explains that the name and scoring information is not retained once they move on from the site Play a few questions, explain that the first audio button is for the directions & second is for the question. Can click to hear it again. Select Review Click I’m Done Ipads not working with Interactive Demos—reassurance that they may be used for operational The Interactive Demo runs on chrome Login procedure shown on the demo is different than what it will be on operational ELPA21/( this results in students being unable to practice actual log in procedures) Lesson plans that go with the demo will be available at a later date that will reflect Questar’s platform and log in procedures
Interactive Demo
Interactive Demo
Interactive Demo
Toolkit Modules
Toolkit Modules Platform Overview 5 minutes Administration Site Overview 5 minutes Student Testing Session 6 minutes Student Testing Experience 5 minutes Accessibility and Accommodations 6 minutes Testing Lab Management 5 minutes Workstation Preparation 5 minutes Troubleshooting 5 minutes Modules will be available January 14 at this location: http://wvde.state.wv.us/federal-programs/ELPA.htm There are 8 modules that will be available on the DOE website. Each module in the toolkit will take 5 - 15 minutes to complete. Viewers can select the module(s) appropriate for their specific role. The times listed are from the time the module launches to completion if the viewer doesn’t pause during the training module. On Training Modules, screen shots may not reflect the exact platform of the operational test (for example, one screen shot may show 2 testing sessions, when in fact there are 4)
Platform Overview Platform Overview Understand the test View the testing platform Experience a basic walkthrough Learn how to start a test Gain a general sense of what students will experience Who should watch: test administrators, teachers, parents, students, state/district/school staff 5 minutes The Platform Overview reviews the test and the testing platform, provides a basic walkthrough of the testing system, and provides instruction on how to start a test. The objective of this module is to gain a general sense of what students will experience for the ELPA21 assessment.
Administration Site Overview Using the Test Administration Site Review the platform (not test items) Overview of materials Who should watch: teachers, administrators, test coordinators 5 minutes The Administration Site overview reviews the test administration site that staff will use, the testing platform that students will use, and an overview of the materials available to assist with administering the ELPA21 assessment.
Student Testing Session Register individual students Complete roster changes Modify Personal Needs Profiles (PNP) Learn about Interactive Demos Start the student testing session Access directions for administration Track student progress Pause a test and reactivate a paused test Who should watch: test coordinators, teachers, test proctors, student’s main point of contact before and during the testing session; also appropriate for a general audience 6 minutes The Student Testing Session assists coordinators and teachers with how and where to get started with registering students, completing roster changes and an introduction to modifying the Personal Needs Profiles or PNPs for students when necessary. The PNP is covered in more depth in the Accessibility and Accommodations module. It also provides a brief overview of the Interactive Demo and how staff can track students’ progress during testing.
Student Testing Experience View educator-facing overview of the testing tools students may encounter Overview of student log in procedures Locate interactive demos and accompanying lesson plans Learn how to navigate the test, use bookmarking and review features, pause and resume testing, and how to end a testing session and submit Locate templates for projectable or printable keys or “Guide to ELPA21 Tools” to remind students of the uses of different platform tools during testing Who should watch: test coordinators, teachers, test proctors, student’s main point of contact before and during the testing session; also appropriate for a general audience 5 minutes The Student Testing Experience focuses on the testing tools students may encounter within the assessment, how students log in to the testing platform and navigate the test. It also provides information on how to access the interactive demo, the lesson plans, and templates regarding the platform tools available to students.
Accessibility and Accommodations View overview of accessibility features (universal and designated) View overview of accommodations Create PNPs: Enter IEP and 504 plans Learn student platform tools Who should watch: IEP coordinators, test coordinators, student’s main point of contact before and during the testing session; also appropriate for a general audience 6 minutes The Accessibility and Accommodations module covers an overview of the accessibility features, both universal and designated features. It also provides an overview of accommodations and directions on how to create a Personal Needs Profile or PNP for a student by entering IEP and 504 Plan information for the individual student into the Admin site. There is also a review of the student platform tools available within the ELPA21 assessment. If student supports/accessibility options were not included in the PreID file sent January 15, they will need to be manually entered to the student profile.
Testing Lab Management Understand security measures Add, modify and delete school accounts Run system reports Who should watch: IT directors, data directors, technology coordinators, test administrators, coordinators 5 minutes West Virginia State policy 2340 offers further governance for testing procedures. Testing Lab Management covers security measures for the ELPA21 assessment and information regarding PreID files, and how to run system reports within the Admin site. The State DOE will provide a file of student and test administrator information to Questar. You may need to add or modify student or educator profiles after that file has been loaded if changes are required.
Workstation Preparation Workstation readiness Secure browser setup Safeguards against data loss Who should watch: IT directors, data directors, technology coordinators, test administrators, coordinators 5 minutes Workstation Preparation covers workstation readiness and setting up the secure browsers for testing. It also covers how to safeguard against data loss. Even those who participated in the Field Test last year will need to complete workstation readiness and download the new Secure Browser.
Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Troubleshoot common issues Prevent errors Get help Who should watch: IT directors, data directors, technology coordinators, test administrators, coordinators 5 minutes The troubleshooting module provides guidance on how to troubleshoot common issues and how to prevent errors during testing. It also covers the best way to get assistance for any issues that do occur.
Technology Readiness
Nextera Technical Requirements Desktops Tablets Windows Macintosh Linux Chrome iOS Android Operating System Vista | 7 | 8 | 10 2003 | 2008 | 2012 (latest service pack) Mac OS X 10.6+ Fedora 16+ Ubuntu 10.4 | 11.10 |12.4 Chromebook on OS v29+ iPad on iOS 7+ Android tablet on OS 4.2+ Windows tablet on 8 Processor Intel Core 2 Duo 1.6 Ghz equivalent or higher CPU 1.6 Ghz + or equivalent 1.0 Ghz dual core equivalent or higher System Memory Minimum 512MB Free Ram Recommended 1 GB Free RAM Minimum 1 GB Free Storage Space Supported Browsers Internet Explorer v9+ Microsoft Edge Mozilla Firefox 38+ Google Chrome 42+ Apple Safari 8 Chrome Kiosk mode support available Screen Size & Resolution Recommend 11.6" or larger screen size for desktops Minimum 1024 X 768 screen resolution Minimum 9.7" screen size LAN Network Min: 802.11g Wireless 54Mbps or greater; 100 Mbps LAN for desktops / Minimum available LAN bandwidth at each workstation: 1Mbps Rec: 802.11n Wireless 150 Mbps or higher; 1 Gbps LAN for desktops / Recommended available LAN bandwidth at each workstation 2 Mbps Internet Speed Minimum per device: 150 Kbps Recommended: 300 Kbps This chart lists the technical requirements for the student devices used in testing. ELPA21 assessments also require a headset with a microphone. The previous training session regarding Technology Readiness is available on the DOE website. If you have further questions please contact Questar Customer Support. The Interactive Demo is not supported on iPad
Workstation Lockout Applications If you have any scripts or applications that clear out student profiles, such as DeepFreezeTM or CleanSlateTM, you need to: Disable the workstation lockout application or Configure the workstation lockout application to exclude the cache location Use the command line switch described above to change the location where the encrypted response files are saved. As long as there is a network connection to this folder and the account being used has proper rights Nextera will use this alternate location to save the encrypted response file.
Roles and Responsibilities
Roles and Abbreviations District Title III Director (DTD) District Level User (DLU) District Information Technology Coordinator (DITC) Roles and abbreviations All users have access to the home and help tabs, which offer role-based quick links, customer support contact information, manuals & quick reference guides Test Administrator (TA)
Roles and Responsibilities District Information Technology Coordinator (DITC) Access Home and Help tabs Ensure device, headset, and network readiness Download secure browser ITC – if you have questions, view the Process & Readiness training available on the DOE website or contact Questar Customer Support.
Roles and Responsibilities District Title III Director (DTD) District Level User (DLU) Complete registration View, add, change accounts within district Order and track materials for schools within district Receive, distribute, collect materials Access to track progress during testing View reports and data files within district State will send Pre-ID file Complete Registration: we’ll cover the process is later on our agenda today, estimate of number of students testing per school View, add, change information and accounts within district Verify district shipping address is correct Verify that there is one District Information Technology Coordinator Reset Test Administrator passwords as needed Move students between schools as needed Order materials for all schools within district via Help tab Materials are shipped to the district. The DTD distributes ordered materials to the schools. When testing is complete the DTD ships secured materials to Questar. Track Progress View Reports
Roles and Responsibilities Test Administrator (TA) Print Labels (student login credentials) Administer assessment, monitor student progress during testing View reports and data files for class/testing group Test Administrators are not allowed to help students with responses
Student: Proctor Ratios Grade Band Number of Students Number of Proctors Kindergarten – online 1 to 5 1-2 Kindergarten – paper/pencil Writing 1 to 3 Grade 1 – online Grade 1 – paper/pencil Writing Grade band 2-3 8 1 Grade band 4-5 10 Grade band 6-8 15 Grade band 9-12 20 Recommendations assume all students have practiced using the Interactive Demo prior to testing. The grade bands that are combined here have the same directions. Please consider your best practice for whether or not to combine grade bands. If you need to combine grade bands these are the recommendations. This chart uses Proctor as a general term. You may have multiple support roles supporting each testing group (tech)
Approximate Testing Times These estimates do not include time for reading directions to students or breaks. Grade band Time per Domain Total Time K, 1 15 minutes 60 minutes 2-5 22 minutes 90 minutes 6-12 30 minutes 120 minutes
Administration Site
Home Top: Testing window, district, school – change Blue Navigation bar Blue message indicates change at top Role-based Things To Do and Messages
Accounts I’d like to cover the common functions in the system in the order that you will likely need to perform them.
Accounts Account data that was on the PreID file will populate here. In this example we have 5 Test Administrators. The first Test Administrator’s profile is active. If he were to forget his password, I would come to this page and click Reset. The TA will receive an email with an initial password. You may have noticed that the other Test Administrators have Activate instead. These are accounts I set up manually and they have not yet received a password. If I click Activate they will receive a welcome email with a password. If I select View I can manage the account.
Accounts I got here by clicking “View.” I can review the account information. If something needs to be changed, click Edit. We would click “Back to accounts list” to return to the previous page.
Accounts Next we’ll move on to Registration, which is also on the Accounts Tab.
Accounts District Test Coordinators will complete the Registration Process and we will review this process later in our agenda today.
Students New Student to Add View to edit/view If you have students move into your state between the time that the PreID file was sent and the testing window opens, add the students here and consider if there are any paper pencil material needs.
Students Edit
Students Change School of Record DTD can move student from one school to another The following roles have access to edit/move students from district to district (in addition to Questar customer support) - SLU, DTD, DLU Add IEP Yellow arrow indicates the area to assign supports/accessibility options - closer look on the next slide
Students On this section of the Student Edit screen I would click Modify to select one of the Accessibility Options provided. If I click on “Answer Masking Tool” it will turn blue and I will know it is selected. Save changes before navigating away. Please note that the AA Manual will list a crosswalk for your reference if you question the difference in terminology describing the available supports. If student supports/accessibility options were not included in the PreID file sent January 15, they will need to be manually entered to the student profile.
Students Next: Multi-Student Edit
Students Saves time for test administrator with multiple students requiring accessibility options/ supports Select entire group or a selection of students Assign supports in one step
Test Administrations Options in the drop down Speak to Important Dates This is Test Administrations screen
Test Administrations Monitor testing status at the class level on this page. Select View to see detail (next slide)
Test Administrations On the View Test screen Examiner View: allow a proctor to monitor progress on a new tab Print Labels/Student credentials: choose a roster or Avery Labels Session PIN – the students will have one password for all domains. When a testing group is logged in and after they receive instruction, the TA can provide the session PIN (same number for the whole group) to begin that domain. There is a session pin for each domain. monitor test progress by student
Reports Tab
Help Tab 1-844-997-0427 Help Menu: Order Materials option is available for District Title III Coordinators Manuals are all online and available below the Commonly Asked Support Questions
Registration Quick Reference Guide Registration QRG for District Level Users will be available on the Help Tab. This QRG offers a step by step process for adding accounts, verifying the district shipping address and completing registration.
Registration Under the “Accounts” menu, select Registration Use the drop down menu to select the school Type in the estimated number of students for that school Save Select the next school. Repeat until all schools are complete Once you click “Complete Registration” you will not be able to make changes
Materials Processes
Ordering Materials Most materials will be online, including manuals. In some cases paper materials are necessary, such as Paper/Pencil materials for Kindergarten and First grade Writing component and accommodated materials like Large Print and Braille. The K-1 materials have been ordered. District Title III Directors will order all additional materials through the Administration Site. On the Help tab, select Order Materials. From this screen you can order, review an order, or track the delivery of an order. When you select Order you will be directed to ServicePoint. .
Ordering Materials You will be automatically signed in to ServicePoint to complete your order.
Ordering Materials K-1 writing test booklets (plus 20% overage) and K-1 Directions For Administration have been ordered and will arrive in districts on February 8. The K-1 shipment will include Pre-ID labels that need to be affixed to writing test booklets. K-1There is a Writing component of the online test that students will respond to on paper
Ordering Materials All additional Paper Pencil Materials will be ordered by District Title III Directors through the Additional Material Order link on the help tab. This includes: Kindergarten and grade 1 Writing response booklets for newly enrolled K-1 students that are testing online any students needing accommodated materials. Accommodated test booklets require bubbling in the correct demographic information on the provide bubble sheet Please order any additional Paper Pencil Materials as soon as possible. The last date to order is March 14. Braille materials will not be available at the beginning of the test window. Contact Questar Customer Support for Braille availability dates. Additional = anything other than K-1 writing booklets, DFA
Returning Materials District Title III Directors will: Questar will: After testing, all scorable and secure materials must be returned to Questar according to the directions sent in the initial shipment. District Title III Directors will: Collect and inventory materials from each school Apply provided labels to boxes Ship to Questar Follow reporting procedures from the Office of Statewide Assessment on security breaches Questar will: Count and scan all returned materials Provide a list of missing materials to WVDE
Additional Processes If a test booklet is contaminated with blood, vomit or other bodily fluids: Student responses for valid test sessions must be transferred to clean documents. Soiled test book must be securely destroyed following requirements for disposing of hazardous materials. Test book must not be returned to Questar. Send a letter to Questar with the following information: Student name Test Booklet content Secure barcode number New barcode used for the student Reason the booklet is not being returned (vomit, bloody nose, etc.) Please indicate the method used to securely destroy the student test booklet
Next steps
Next Steps Today’s Webinar Recording emailed to all registered participants (please allow 24 hours) posted to the West Virginia webpage (please allow 24 hours) http://wvde.state.wv.us/federal-programs/ELPA.htm Previous Webinar Recording Processes and Readiness webinar is also available at the above location Evaluation You will receive a brief evaluation via email. Please take a few minutes to complete the evaluation. Your feedback is important to us!
Looking Ahead PreID data January 15, 2016 Nextera Administration Site available January 21, 2016 Student Web Client available February 1, 2016 Registration window closes February 1, 2016 K-1 materials arrive in districts February 8, 2016 Last day to order Paper Pencil Materials March 15, 2016 Ship Return Items from District February 23-April 8, 2016 The materials shipment window ends a week after the testing window closes. District Title III Directors can return materials any time within the date window listed here. We encourage you to return the materials when you have collected them from the schools: you do not need to wait until the end to return. Materials need to come back by district including all the schools in the district.
Looking Ahead Key Dates The materials shipment window ends a week after the testing window closes. District Title III Directors can return materials any time within that window and we encourage you to return the materials when you have collected them from the schools: you do not need to wait until the end to return. Materials need to come back by district including all the schools in the district.
Support Customer Support By e-mail: wv.elpa.help@questarai.com By phone: 1-844-997-0427 (toll-free) By chat: via Nextera Administration Help Support hours around the test window: Monday-Friday 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Central Time/8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Eastern Time Support hours around outside of the test window Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Central Time/9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Eastern Time The email and phone number displayed here is the contact for all Questar Customer Support inquiries. Support around test window (two weeks prior to the test window and throughout the test window) - 02/16/2016 – 03/25/2016 Times: 7:00 am – 6:00 pm CST 8:00 am – 7:00 pm EST
Thank you! Questar Assessment Inc. and the West Virginia Department of Education