15.2 Diversity and Equal Protection
The United States & Immigration The U.S.A. is a land of immigrants. American Indians (15,000 B.C.) Spanish/French (1500 A.D.) English settlers (1607 A.D.) Irish/Germans(1820s-1860s) S.E. Europeans (1880s-1930s) S.E. Asians (1950s-1990s) Latin American (1950s – now)
Immigration Policies Initially, U.S. had few immigration policies! Most immigrants came from W. Europe. Similar culture as Americans. No big waves of immigrants.
Immigration Policies Restriction increase as more immigrants come. Why? 1882 Tax levied on immigrants Chinese Exclusion Act Criminals, “paupers” & mentally ill banned.
Immigration Policies Congress sets limit on immigrants. Based limits on U.S. Population ratio. Asian and African immigration banned.
Immigration Policies Post-WWII Immigration restrictions eased. 1965 Immigration & Nationality Act Allowed 290,000 immigrants annually. Asian immigration increases.
Immigration Today Immigration Act of 1990 Increased immigration to 675,000 per year. Immigration from Latin America 50% of today's total.
Immigration Today Illegal Immigration Unlawful entry into the country. Deportation Forcible return of an alien to their country of origin. Amnesty Gov't pardon for breaking the law.
Immigration and Diversity
- Ethnic group - group that shares a common race, nationality, religion, language, or culture. - Prejudice - Pre-judgment of another group. - Discrimination - Actions based on prejudice.