Created by Bonnie Young ©2010 Clara Barton Before modifying and saving: A certificate may be printed when a student answers the last question correctly (Slide 37). A macro is used to print out the certificate. You need to edit the macro for your printer. Refer to slide 36 for these steps.
Created by Bonnie Young ©2010 Clara Barton You are about to play, Who Wants an Education, the game that makes learning fun! You will be given a question with four possible answers. Click on the letter of the right answer, and you will advance to the next question. If you miss, you will have to start over at question #1. Good Luck!
Created by Bonnie Young ©2010 Clara Barton Moses can't hear because he is__________. Edit questions by triple- clicking on the text of the question, and type the new question. Edit the answers in the same manner. Select the right answer by right- clicking on the letter(A,B,C,D) of the correct answer, select “Action Settings” from the menu, select “Hyperlink to:”, click on the down arrow to select “Slide…”, choose the slide that corresponds to the dollar amount of the question, and click “OK”, and “OK” again. Click on the letter of the correct answer. loud quiet blind deaf $100 Question
Created by Bonnie Young ©2010 Clara Barton Moses can feel the _______of the drum through his hands. Click on the letter of the correct answer. You only have to select a hyperlink for the right answers. sounds drum sticks vibrations air $200 Question
Created by Bonnie Young ©2010 Clara Barton The class goes on a field trip to see a ___________. Click on the letter of the correct answer. concert animal park parade tv show $300 Question
Created by Bonnie Young ©2010 Clara Barton What was the surprise Mr. Samuels had in his black bag? Click on the letter of the correct answer. drums balloons socks candy $500 Question
Created by Bonnie Young ©2010 Clara Barton A musician who plays an instrument such as drum, cymbals, or piano is called? Click on the letter of the correct answer. rock star percussionist pianist music person $1,000 Question
Created by Bonnie Young ©2010 Clara Barton The woman on stag is wearing no________. Click on the letter of the correct answer. socks hat shoes ballon $2,000 Question
Created by Bonnie Young ©2010 Clara Barton The ________ helps the students hear the vibrations. Click on the letter of the correct answer. shoes balloons teacher music $4,000 Question
Created by Bonnie Young ©2010 Clara Barton What word does not have the long i sound? Click on the letter of the correct answer. sky day night buy $8,000 Question
Created by Bonnie Young ©2010 Clara Barton After the concert the children get to__________. Click on the letter of the correct answer. go to the park write a story play with the instruments call their parents $16,000 Question
Created by Bonnie Young ©2010 Clara Barton On the bus, Moses signs, "it was____." Click on the letter of the correct answer. a very long day hard to hear a bad day so much fun $32,000 Question
Created by Bonnie Young ©2010 Clara Barton What word has the same vowel sounds as room? Click on the letter of the correct answer. fly rope new gum $64,000 Question
Created by Bonnie Young ©2010 Clara Barton What word is an adjective for music. Click on the letter of the correct answer. loud drums piano play $125,000 Question
Created by Bonnie Young ©2010 Clara Barton The word wind can mean these two things. Click on the letter of the correct answer. air that blows and candy to twist around and to turn air that blows and to twist around drums and air $250,000 Question
Created by Bonnie Young ©2010 Clara Barton Special adjectives include______. Click on the letter of the correct answer. names of people a, an, and the places things $500,000 Question
Created by Bonnie Young ©2010 Clara Barton People who are deaf can use their______ to sign. Click on the letter of the correct answer. cars feet hands mouth Million Dollar Question
Created by Bonnie Young ©2010 Clara Barton $100! You just won You are absolutely right, Right Answer
Created by Bonnie Young ©2010 Clara Barton You just won That is correct! $200! Great Job
Created by Bonnie Young ©2010 Clara Barton $300! You just won Your teacher has taught you well, you’re right!
Created by Bonnie Young ©2010 Clara Barton $500!You just won Great Job! You did it!
Created by Bonnie Young ©2010 Clara Barton $1,000!You just won Clara Barton must be a good school!
Created by Bonnie Young ©2010 Clara Barton $2,000! You just won You are pretty smart!
Created by Bonnie Young ©2010 Clara Barton $4,000! You just won Wow! You must have studied!
Created by Bonnie Young ©2010 Clara Barton $8,000!You just won Awesome! Halfway to one million dollars!
Created by Bonnie Young ©2010 Clara Barton $16,000! You just won Super! Your teacher will be proud!
Created by Bonnie Young ©2010 Clara Barton $32,000!You just won Wonderful! You’ve reached the next level!
Created by Bonnie Young ©2010 Clara Barton $64,000!You just won You are on your way! Be careful!
Created by Bonnie Young ©2010 Clara Barton $125,000! You just won I’ve never seen anything like it!
Created by Bonnie Young ©2010 Clara Barton $250,000! You just won Fantastic! This is really exciting!
Created by Bonnie Young ©2010 Clara Barton $500,000!You just won One right answer to go!
Created by Bonnie Young ©2010 Clara Barton Wrong $0 That is not correct. You leave with
Created by Bonnie Young ©2010 Clara Barton Wrong $1000 That is not correct. You leave with
Created by Bonnie Young ©2010 Clara Barton Wrong $32,000 That is not correct. You leave with
Created by Bonnie Young ©2010 Clara Barton You are a Millionaire! Mrs. Helms is very proud!! To edit the printcertificate macro: Go to Tools, Macro, Macros. Select printcertificate, click on the edit button. The Visual Basic Editor window will open. Scroll down the script until you see,.ActivePrinter = "HP DeskJet 710C Series”. Change the text inside the quotations with the name of your printer (look in the Print menu for the printer name). Go to File, Save. To edit the printcertificate macro: Go to Tools, Macro, Macros. Select printcertificate, click on the edit button. The Visual Basic Editor window will open. Scroll down the script until you see,.ActivePrinter = "HP DeskJet 710C Series”. Change the text inside the quotations with the name of your printer (look in the Print menu for the printer name). Go to File, Save.
Created by Bonnie Young ©2010 Clara Barton Certificat e is a Use clip art or other graphics to spice up this page. Graphic sites: AOL graphics library Graphic sites: AOL graphics library You can also copy pictures off the web, and use the Paint program in Accessories of Windows to modify it for the particular slide. Created by Bonnie Young, Clara Barton