The 10 Commandments
THE STORY OF MOSES ***taken directly from this website!
Hidden in a Basket When Moses was born the Hebrews were slaves in Egypt. Pharaoh was afraid of them because he thought they might take over his country. He ordered that all Hebrew baby boys be killed at birth so that they would not grow up and fight against him. To save Moses his mother made a plan. She hid him in a basket by the side of the River Nile.
Moses is Rescued Moses' sister Miriam watched over him until Pharaoh's daughter came to the river to wash. She found Moses in his basket. Miriam told her she knew a woman who could be a nurse for the baby. It was his mother. Pharaoh's daughter took him back to live with her as though he were her son.
God Speaks to Moses Moses grew up as an Egyptian prince, but he never forgot he was a Hebrew. One day Moses lost his temper and killed an Egyptian who had beaten a Hebrew slave to death. He had to run away to another land. God spoke to him from a burning bush and told him he must go back and free the Hebrews from slavery.
The Ten Plagues Moses went to Pharaoh to ask him to set the Hebrews free. Pharaoh did not want to lose his slaves. He would not let them go, because they worked on his grand buildings. Awful things began to happen in Egypt. There were ten plagues. Before each one, Moses had warned Pharaoh what would happen. Moses told him the disasters had been sent by God.
The Hebrews are Freed The last plague was the worst. The eldest son in every Egyptian family, including Pharaoh's, died. God had warned Moses to mark the doorposts of all Hebrew houses so that Hebrew boys would be safe. Pharaoh was so upset by losing his son that he said the Hebrews could leave Egypt.
A Change of Mind The Hebrews knew they must leave Egypt quickly. They needed food to take with them. There was no time to let the bread rise before it was cooked. They had to take the dough as it was. Pharaoh changed his mind again and sent his army after them to bring them back.
Moses Parts the Sea The army chased the Hebrews to the banks of the Red Sea. They would have been trapped but a miracle happened. God told Moses to lift up his rod and as he did so the waters parted to make a dry path. They were able to make their escape.
The Hebrews are Saved When all the Hebrews were safely at the other shore, Moses lifted up his rod again and the waters of the sea closed on Pharaoh's army who had been chasing them. God had saved the Hebrews.
God Leads the Way Even though the Hebrews were free, they were still in the desert. They wanted to find a land called Canaan which God had promised them. The journey was long and they soon ran out of food. They were very hungry and blamed Moses for taking them out of Egypt. Moses told them that God would give them food
Food and Water God told Moses, "I will give the people food." The next day the ground was covered with a white food which tasted like honey. Moses called this food manna. God also sent flocks of birds called quails that they cooked and ate. When their water ran out, God told Moses to strike a rock with his rod. As he did so water rushed out and they all had enough to drink.
Mount Sinai After three months of travelling the Hebrews came to the foot of Mount Sinai. God called Moses to meet him on the mountain. As he climbed there was thunder and lightning. When he was up the mountain God gave Moses ten laws which told the people how to live.
The Ten Commandments These Ten Commandments were written on two tablets of stone. Moses stayed so long on the mountain that the people waiting at the foot of the mountain grew angry. They decided to make another God for themselves. It was a golden calf.
When Moses returned he was shocked to see the people dancing and worshipping the golden calf. He broke the tablets God had given him and destroyed the golden calf. God forgave his people for worshipping the statue and told Moses to cut two more tablets of stone.
Moses took the stone tablets up the mountain and God gave him the Ten Commandments again. When he came down all the people listened to Moses as he told them what God had said. Moses promised God that the Hebrews would keep all of the Commandments.
ARK OF THE COVENENT After Moses came down from Mount Sinai, the two stone tablets were placed in a chest called the Ark of the Covenant to keep them safe during the journey to the promised land. The Jews or Israelites as they were known then, carried this box with them wherever they went. A covenant is an agreement. Moses promised God that the Jews would keep all of the Commandments.
The Ten Commandments The Ten Commandments appear in the Old Testament of the Christian Bible and also in the Jewish scriptures. The Ten Commandments are the fundamental laws of Christian people and how they should live. Many countries base their laws on these rules too.
The 10 Commandments You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make idols. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Honor your father and your mother. You shall not murder. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not steal. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. You shall not covet.
ACTIVITY In this activity you can make a modern set of 'Ten Commandments' for today's world. If you are trying this out at school you could see how your list compares with your friends' lists. WHAT TO DO: 1. Draw a stone tablet shape on blank paper. 2. Cut out your shape. 3. Lightly write 10 rules with a pencil on your stone tablet, which you think may help people to get on better with others, either in your school or in the world today. 4. When you are satisfied with the layout, carefully go over your writing with a pen or markers!