Cameron, Kristen, Jon
aluminum zirconium, a common ingredient in anti- perspirant, increases the risk for any disease, including breast cancer or Alzheimer's Disease
Pure Al is a highly reactive, lightweight, silvery metal. Aluminum in this pure form is NOT found freely in nature. Most abundant and most distributed metal in the world!
Transportation/ Vehicles Packaging Cookware Construction Electrical Transmission lines CDs and electronics Antiperspirants.
4 to 5 tonnes of bauxite are needed to produce two tonnes of alumina, from which one tonne of aluminium can be produced
Environmental destruction: Hydroelectric plants for aluminum production ruin habitats and lives. Bauxite waste! RAINFORESTS! Aluminum(Bauxite) found in the nutrient rich soil of the tropics! Floods! Soil Erosion- effects plants, animals, people Climate Change: Aluminum smelters release greenhouse gases and toxic emissions Energy consumption: 3% of the world's electricity goes into making aluminum cans. Pollution: 1 ton of cans produces 5 tons of waste
The effects of Bauxite Pollution lead to dead crops, contaminated water, wheezing / respiratory issues. Impair communities from growing/selling crops. World Rainforest Movement- “mining projects in the Amazon endanger the very survival of the local communities, because mining operations contaminate rivers, diminish the native flora and fauna, and restrict use of natural resources by the regions ancestral inhabitants.”
Aluminum is 100 % recyclable!!!!!!
Voluntary Aluminum Industrial Partnership and the US Environmental Protection Agency Organizations that work toward tracking, reducing, and reporting emissions of greenhouse gases from Aluminum and other environmental issues regarding aluminum. Inter-American Commission on Human Rights protects communities threatened by the mining and works towards installing protective laws.
RECYCLE!! Plan and limit mining! Reserve the rainforest