European Forum on Eco-Innovation | Markets for Sustainable Construction Brussels, 11 June 2007 Overview of the market forces and national approaches in European Regions Southern Europe Alberto Bonilla | Tecnalia-Labein | Unit of Construction Head of R&D for Sustainabkle Building and Built Environment (Spain) Southern Europe Overview of the market forces and national approaches in European Regions
European Forum on Eco-Innovation | Markets for Sustainable Construction Brussels, 11 June 2007 Overview of the market forces and national approaches in European Regions Southern Europe Alberto Bonilla | Tecnalia-Labein | Unit of Construction Head of R&D for Sustainabkle Building and Built Environment (Spain) RAW MATERIAL OBTAINING RAW MATERIAL TRANSPORT PRODUCT MANUFACTURING PRODUCT DISTRIBUTION CONSTRUCTION USE PHASE WASTE MANAGEMENT END OF LIFE LIFE CYCLE
European Forum on Eco-Innovation | Markets for Sustainable Construction Brussels, 11 June 2007 Overview of the market forces and national approaches in European Regions Southern Europe Alberto Bonilla | Tecnalia-Labein | Unit of Construction Head of R&D for Sustainabkle Building and Built Environment (Spain)
European Forum on Eco-Innovation | Markets for Sustainable Construction Brussels, 11 June 2007 Overview of the market forces and national approaches in European Regions Southern Europe Alberto Bonilla | Tecnalia-Labein | Unit of Construction Head of R&D for Sustainabkle Building and Built Environment (Spain) To improve the competitiveness of the sector Social integration and sustainable communities Climatic Change and sustainability Breakdown the barriers for technological boom Challenges of the construction sector (Spanish Construction Platform)
European Forum on Eco-Innovation | Markets for Sustainable Construction Brussels, 11 June 2007 Overview of the market forces and national approaches in European Regions Southern Europe Alberto Bonilla | Tecnalia-Labein | Unit of Construction Head of R&D for Sustainabkle Building and Built Environment (Spain) An informative use of results Economic incentives: Normative regulations New co-operative relationships among stakeholders Some needs for sustainable construction promotion
European Forum on Eco-Innovation | Markets for Sustainable Construction Brussels, 11 June 2007 Overview of the market forces and national approaches in European Regions Southern Europe Alberto Bonilla | Tecnalia-Labein | Unit of Construction Head of R&D for Sustainabkle Building and Built Environment (Spain)
European Forum on Eco-Innovation | Markets for Sustainable Construction Brussels, 11 June 2007 Overview of the market forces and national approaches in European Regions Southern Europe Alberto Bonilla | Tecnalia-Labein | Unit of Construction Head of R&D for Sustainabkle Building and Built Environment (Spain) Society demands on sustainability Increasing the quality of urban environments (comfort, security, health…) Need to provide and to demonstrate the availability of sustainable solutions More severe normative and regulation Market forces – administration
European Forum on Eco-Innovation | Markets for Sustainable Construction Brussels, 11 June 2007 Overview of the market forces and national approaches in European Regions Southern Europe Alberto Bonilla | Tecnalia-Labein | Unit of Construction Head of R&D for Sustainabkle Building and Built Environment (Spain) Increasing of the competitiveness Demands of the final user: comfort, flexibility… Improvement of construction processes: faster, safer, cleaner… Regulatory changes for building, infrastructures performances Changes in resources costs: manpower, mortgages… Market forces – promoters and constructors
European Forum on Eco-Innovation | Markets for Sustainable Construction Brussels, 11 June 2007 Overview of the market forces and national approaches in European Regions Southern Europe Alberto Bonilla | Tecnalia-Labein | Unit of Construction Head of R&D for Sustainabkle Building and Built Environment (Spain) Complexity in the management of the buildings To “adapt” the building to the new regulatory requirements Demands of the building final user: comfort, resource consumption reduction, … Changes in the resources costs: e.g. energy Image of sustainability Market forces – building managers – building owners
European Forum on Eco-Innovation | Markets for Sustainable Construction Brussels, 11 June 2007 Overview of the market forces and national approaches in European Regions Southern Europe Alberto Bonilla | Tecnalia-Labein | Unit of Construction Head of R&D for Sustainabkle Building and Built Environment (Spain) Regulatory changes: ¿threat? or ¿challenge? Tools for sustainability assessment – for behaviour prediction Proven solutions Integration among them and with other agents Market forces – Designers
European Forum on Eco-Innovation | Markets for Sustainable Construction Brussels, 11 June 2007 Overview of the market forces and national approaches in European Regions Southern Europe Alberto Bonilla | Tecnalia-Labein | Unit of Construction Head of R&D for Sustainabkle Building and Built Environment (Spain) Need to adapt their product to regulatory changes Improvement of manufacturing process Improvement of the products: higher performances, less environmental impact, more industrialised… Changes in the resources costs: raw materials, energy… Market forces – Manufacturers
European Forum on Eco-Innovation | Markets for Sustainable Construction Brussels, 11 June 2007 Overview of the market forces and national approaches in European Regions Southern Europe Alberto Bonilla | Tecnalia-Labein | Unit of Construction Head of R&D for Sustainabkle Building and Built Environment (Spain) Necessary to take into consideration other forces: Assurance companies Financial agents … These can act ‘catalyzers’ (promoting the change) or ‘delayer’ (retarding the change) Market forces – Others
European Forum on Eco-Innovation | Markets for Sustainable Construction Brussels, 11 June 2007 Overview of the market forces and national approaches in European Regions Southern Europe Alberto Bonilla | Tecnalia-Labein | Unit of Construction Head of R&D for Sustainabkle Building and Built Environment (Spain) Framework provider (tools, solutions…) Exemplifying agent – Demonstration projects Incentives provider (e.g. labelling, economic…) Normative and regulations Administration = Driving force
European Forum on Eco-Innovation | Markets for Sustainable Construction Brussels, 11 June 2007 Overview of the market forces and national approaches in European Regions Southern Europe Alberto Bonilla | Tecnalia-Labein | Unit of Construction Head of R&D for Sustainabkle Building and Built Environment (Spain) Normative & Regulation Environmental Product Declaration IAPC CEPMC DMAPC (ISO 14020), Environmental profiles Improvement of manufacturing processes IPPC, EUETS IEA (Integrated Environmental Autorization) NAP (National allocation plan) Reduction of environmental impacts on construction processes EMASISO Energy efficiency in Buildings EPBD CTE-HE (Líder), Energy Certification, RT2005 Building sustainability labeling ISO/TC 59GESV-CV, VERDE, HQE…
European Forum on Eco-Innovation | Markets for Sustainable Construction Brussels, 11 June 2007 Overview of the market forces and national approaches in European Regions Southern Europe Alberto Bonilla | Tecnalia-Labein | Unit of Construction Head of R&D for Sustainabkle Building and Built Environment (Spain) Normative & Regulation Reduction of environmental impacts (infrastructures, buildings…) EIA (Evaluación de impacto ambiental) ECIA (Eval. conjunta de impacto ambiental) Environmental impacts of sectorial, territorial, urban plans and programs SEA (Strategic Environmental Assessment) EAE (Evaluación ambiental estratégica) Demolition - Deconstruction Selective demolition encouraged by landfill costs (mixed wastes) Waste recyclingRD1482/2001
European Forum on Eco-Innovation | Markets for Sustainable Construction Brussels, 11 June 2007 Overview of the market forces and national approaches in European Regions Southern Europe Alberto Bonilla | Tecnalia-Labein | Unit of Construction Head of R&D for Sustainabkle Building and Built Environment (Spain) Economic incentives for integration of renewables in buildings Economic incentives for efficient building retrofitting Tax reductions for clean technologies uses Incorporation of sustainable requirements in public tenders Incentives
European Forum on Eco-Innovation | Markets for Sustainable Construction Brussels, 11 June 2007 Overview of the market forces and national approaches in European Regions Southern Europe Alberto Bonilla | Tecnalia-Labein | Unit of Construction Head of R&D for Sustainabkle Building and Built Environment (Spain) Demonstration projects TETRAENER
European Forum on Eco-Innovation | Markets for Sustainable Construction Brussels, 11 June 2007 Overview of the market forces and national approaches in European Regions Southern Europe Alberto Bonilla | Tecnalia-Labein | Unit of Construction Head of R&D for Sustainabkle Building and Built Environment (Spain) Demonstration projects ACCIONA SOLAR BUILDING
European Forum on Eco-Innovation | Markets for Sustainable Construction Brussels, 11 June 2007 Overview of the market forces and national approaches in European Regions Southern Europe Alberto Bonilla | Tecnalia-Labein | Unit of Construction Head of R&D for Sustainabkle Building and Built Environment (Spain) Demonstration projects ROO F Scal e: 1/50 23 Photovol taic panels 27 m 2 modular area Collector area 40 m 2 Vacuum tube collector DEMOHOUSE Spain
European Forum on Eco-Innovation | Markets for Sustainable Construction Brussels, 11 June 2007 Overview of the market forces and national approaches in European Regions Southern Europe Alberto Bonilla | Tecnalia-Labein | Unit of Construction Head of R&D for Sustainabkle Building and Built Environment (Spain) Demonstration projects DEMOHOUSE Greece
European Forum on Eco-Innovation | Markets for Sustainable Construction Brussels, 11 June 2007 Overview of the market forces and national approaches in European Regions Southern Europe Alberto Bonilla | Tecnalia-Labein | Unit of Construction Head of R&D for Sustainabkle Building and Built Environment (Spain) Demonstration projects NAPLES Municipal Youth Center Municipallity offices
European Forum on Eco-Innovation | Markets for Sustainable Construction Brussels, 11 June 2007 Overview of the market forces and national approaches in European Regions Southern Europe Alberto Bonilla | Tecnalia-Labein | Unit of Construction Head of R&D for Sustainabkle Building and Built Environment (Spain) Thank you for your attention For more information, please contact Mr. Alberto Bonilla Labein-Tecnalia Unit of Construction phone