Framework for an overall ‘Vision’ A vision framework that speaks to need across modes Bike Ped Transit Passenger Rail.


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Presentation transcript:

Framework for an overall ‘Vision’ A vision framework that speaks to need across modes Bike Ped Transit Passenger Rail

Framework for an overall ‘Vision’ A vision framework that speaks to both urban and rural need Urban bike, ped, transit needs Rural bike, ped, public transportation needs

Notes from Previous Sub Meetings: What is the ‘vision’ for a transportation system across all modes? (bike, ped, transit and passenger rail) “sufficient and stable funding to meet current need” “funding sufficient to meet future need and growth related challenges” “bike, ped, transit and rail options as a tool to reduce roadway congestion” “A connected and integrated transportation system (across jurisdictions)” “Improve public health (in terms of transportation safety and physical activity)” “meet statewide goals for air quality and emissions reductions” “An integrated and seamless transportation system (between modes)”

Key Concepts: 1.Safety and public health outcomes 2.Connectivity and integration (jurisdictional): 3.Connectivity and integration (modal): 4.Sustainability and emissions outcomes: 5.[Congestion relief outcomes:] 6.Revenue

Vision Discussion: 1.What is the overarching subcommittee vision that speaks across modes (bike, ped, transit) and across regions (urban, suburban, and rural)?* *Question: How do we incorporate goals of congestion relief into this vision? Subcommittee Deliverable: A draft subcommittee vision statement (expressed in 3-5 sentences)

Bike/Ped/Transit/Rail safety and public health outcomes: ConceptGoals (long term)Strategy or Potential Recommendations (near term) A transportation system that enhances public health though improved safety and increased physical activity (active transportation). 1.A drastic reduction in transportation related death and injury, particularly for vulnerable populations 2.A population with lower rates of obesity, heart disease, etc., stemming from an increase in active transportation a)Roadway system designs that enhance safety for vulnerable users b)Investment in bike/ped outside the existing ROW c)Enhancement of Safe Routes to Schools programs d)Enhancement of Transportation Options programs that encourage active transportation e)Investment in first mile/last mile connections that improve safety

Bike/Ped/Transit/Rail: connectivity and integration (jurisdictional): ConceptGoals (long term)Strategy or Potential Recommendations (near term) A connected and integrated transportation system across transportation providers, and jurisdictions 1.Public transportation users can rely on a system that is integrated across multiple jurisdictions 2.Transportation assets are optimized for greatest possible efficiency 3.Mobility hubs (such as the Salem Transit Depot) integrate transportation service across providers and jurisdictions a)Address gaps in network of transit providers across state b)Coordinate assets of rural/urban transit and transportation providers (fixed route transit, paratransit, senior, student, tribal transportation, etc.) c)Improve efficiency, reliability and integration of transportation across jurisdictions and providers through innovative technology d)Identify ways to reduce cost and improve efficiency of student transportation e)Develop Public Private Partnerships for paratransit and on-demand transit

Bike/Ped/Transit/Rail: connectivity and integration (modal): ConceptGoals (long term)Strategy or Potential Recommendations (near term) A connected and integrated transportation system between transportation modes 1.Integration between modes is optimized through first mile/last mile connections 2.Mobility hubs provide a link between modes and last mile connections a)Improve efficiency, reliability and integration of transportation across modes through innovative technology b)Prioritize investment in first mile/last mile connections that enhance efficacy and safety for transportation system users c)Identify ways to reduce cost and improve efficiency of student transportation

Bike/Ped/Transit/Rail sustainability and emissions outcomes: ConceptGoals (long term)Strategy or Potential Recommendations (near term) A transportation system that supports Oregon’s statewide sustainability and emissions reduction goals. 1.A system that provides a measurable reduction in air pollution and carbon emissions 2.A system that limits future growth in VMT as a consequence of a growing population 3.Reduction in roadway demand and congestion through transit and bike/ped system improvements 4.Increase in mode share of [mode] to [x] percent a)Investment in transportation modes that reduce emissions b)Investment in transit and bike/ped system improvements that target congested roadway corridors

Congestion relief outcomes: ConceptGoals (long term)Strategy or Potential Recommendations (near term) Reduce congestion on the transportation system through investments in transit, bike, ped, and passenger rail For discussion: what is the long term goal that this subcommittee sees? For discussion: What are the specific strategies that address the congestion concept?

Transit (near term revenue): ConceptNear Term GoalsNear Term Strategy or Potential Recommendations A public transportation system that has stable and sufficient funding to meet current system needs. 1.Revenue that is sufficient to leverage federal funding 2.Revenue that is sufficient to close critical system gaps across the state 3.Operations revenue sufficient to meet current demand 4.Revenue sufficient to meet the needs of the elderly and disabled a)Enhance revenue options for local governments and transit districts I.Employee payroll tax? II.Local funding tools for senior and disabled transit? III.Greater flexibility for use of revenue dedicated to yellow bus service b)Increase the state investment in public transportation I.Sufficient to leverage federal funds II.New or existing state revenue sources?

Transit (long term revenue): ConceptLong Term GoalsLong Term Strategy or Potential Recommendations A public transportation system that has stable and sufficient funding to meet future mobility and growth-related challenges 1.A system that meets future demand from a growing and aging population 2.A system that limits future growth in VMT as a consequence of a growing population a)Capital investment in, and expansion of, the public transportation system to meet a growing population b)Address constitutional restrictions associated with future transportation finance strategies (e.g., VMT tax, tolling, carbon tax, etc.) c)New revenue sources sufficient to cover operating costs of an expanded system: I.Expand local options for public transit? II.Employee payroll tax? III.“Sin taxes” (e.g., cigarette, cannabis, alcohol. Etc.) IV.Other new sources of transportation revenue?

Bike/Ped (revenue): ConceptGoalsStrategy or Potential Recommendations A bike and pedestrian transportation system that has stable and sufficient funding to meet current system needs and future mobility and growth-related challenges 1.Off-system improvements or connectivity where appropriate 2.Revenue sufficient to create a safe network for those who bike and walk, targeting zero deaths Near Term: a)Revenue to address gaps and ‘critical connections’ in existing system b)Investments in enhancements inside existing ROW c)Prioritize investment in user safety Long Term: a)Address constitutional restrictions associated with future transportation finance strategies (e.g., VMT tax, tolling, carbon tax, etc.) to provide greater flexibility for off-system improvements

Passenger Rail (revenue): ConceptGoals (long term)Strategy or Potential Recommendations (near term) Revenue needed to maintain current service Revenue needed to improve the existing corridor to higher speed service From Outline: 1.Improve intercity passenger rail service, high-speed rail improvements that provide a backbone of fast, efficient, frequent, and reliable service between Eugene, Oregon and Vancouver, British Columbia. 2.Increase job access, link communities and major educational institutions, and connect potential customers to goods and services. a)Identify a sustainable revenue source for Passenger Rail service that meets current need, and lays the groundwork for future rail enhancements… b)Recommend Alternative 1?

Strategy/Recommendations Discussion: Do these concepts capture the breadth of subcommittee findings? Are there more specific strategies or recommendations that can be teased out of these concepts? What should be the top-priority recommendations?