Defense Parts Management Portal DOD Standardization Conference Parts Management Initiatives Panel Defense Parts Management Portal Alex Melnikow Deputy Director, DMSMS Defense Standardization Program Office The Defense Parts Management Portal (DPMP) is coming soon to a website near you. But why should that be of interest to you? The Defense Parts Management Portal is intended to be a single point of entry for finding just about anything that is parts management related, including DMSMS. Organizations Part and Component Sources Tools Services Information First, let us begin with some background about Parts Management, why we are developing a Defense Parts Management Portal, the current status of the portal, and where we think the portal is going. Arlington, Virginia March 5, 2008 Exec Overview - All
Parts Management Parts management is a vital component of the acquisition and sustainment processes Comprehensive parts management addresses the totality of parts-related organizations, processes, materiel, and management required for a weapon system throughout its life cycle Parts management is a vital component of the acquisition and sustainment processes—from design and development through support, modification, and phase-out of weapons systems and equipment. A comprehensive parts management program addresses the totality of parts-related organizations, processes, materiel, and management required for a weapon system throughout its life cycle. March 5, 2008 Exec Overview - All
Parts Management is not Parts Control Parts Control was defined by MIL-STD-965 Parts Management encompasses far more Cancellation of MIL-STD-965 had profound effects Positives + OEMs free from prescriptive requirements + Greater flexibility for creativity and innovation Negatives - Discipline of parts management largely disappeared - Parts proliferation increased - Obsolescence issues increased In the past, many people used the phrase “parts management” to describe “parts control” as defined by MIL-STD-965. Today, parts management encompasses far more. Acquisition Reform, and the cancellation of MIL-STD-965, had profound effects on parts management, both positive and negative. On the positive side, equipment manufacturers were freed from the rigid and prescriptive requirements of the standard and given far greater flexibility for creativity and innovation. On the negative side, the discipline of parts management largely disappeared, resulting in increasing parts proliferation, life-cycle support costs, and obsolescence issues. The Defense Parts Management Portal (DPMP) is intended to enhance the positive aspects of parts management in the new acquisition environment while also minimizing or eliminating many of the negative aspects. March 5, 2008 Exec Overview - All
Parts Management Part Selection Selecting optimum parts for a system is a crucial element of the design phase of an acquisition program. Collectively, parts are primary determinants of system reliability, maintainability, supportability, and availability As well as of logistics readiness, interoperability, logistics footprint, and total ownership costs. Proper parts selection requires consideration of myriad factors Technical characteristics Part reliability Cost Commonality Performance part and supplier quality Qualification Potential obsolescence Standardization Selecting optimum parts for a system is a crucial element of the design phase of an acquisition program. Collectively, parts are primary determinants of system reliability, maintainability, supportability, and availability, as well as of logistics readiness, interoperability, logistics footprint, and total ownership costs. Proper parts selection requires consideration of myriad factors, including technical characteristics, part reliability, cost, commonality, performance, part and supplier quality, qualification, potential obsolescence, and standardization. The DPMP will feature new and enhanced part selection tools that will assist design and component engineers with addressing these factors and making wise parts selection decisions faster and at lower cost. These part selection tools will be addressed in future articles in this journal. March 5, 2008 Exec Overview - All
Background 2004 DSPO Chartered the Parts Management Reengineering Working Group (PMRWG) 2005 PMRWG Issued Final Report A few years ago, in response to a number of the negative consequence resulting from Mil-Spec Reform and the cancellation of MIL-STD-965, OSD requested a thorough assessment of Parts Management and directed reengineering where necessary. 2004 - DSPO chartered PMRWG, a Government and Industry team, to examine PM and to reengineer it where necessary make it more effective. 2005 - PMRWG issued it’s report with 8 major recommendations, then disbanded. March 5, 2008 Exec Overview - All
Recommendations Restore parts management as an engineering discipline Make parts management a policy and a contractual requirement Develop tools that provide accurate, current information for parts management Create a Defense Parts Management Portal The following were among the top recommendations: Restore parts management as an engineering discipline Make parts management a policy and contractual requirement Develop tools that provide accurate, current information for parts management Create a Defense Parts Management Portal. March 5, 2008 Exec Overview - All
Implementation 2006 – Parts Management Reengineering Implementation Project Team Chartered Implement Recommendations Three Working Groups 2007 – Transition to Parts Standardization Management Committee (PSMC) Sustain & Expand In response to the PMRWG report findings and recommendations the Defense Standardization Program Office (DSPO) took action to implement these top recommendations. 2006 - DSPO chartered PMRIPT to implement the top four recommendations. PMRIPT - three working groups: Policy and Contracting Team (1st recommendation) Systems Engineering Team (2nd recommendation) Portal Team (3rd and 4th recommendations) Teams developed strategies, processes, and products to address each of these recommendations and achieved exemplary results, including the recent release of MIL-STD-3018, “Parts Management.” . 2007 – PMRIPT passed the baton to the Parts Standardization Management Committee to carry the implementation efforts across the finish line. March 5, 2008 Exec Overview - All
Issues Parts management is difficult Parts management is costly Data in numerous, diverse information systems Systems cannot communicate or exchange data Some systems are old and difficult to use Data are duplicative, incomplete, or inaccurate Parts management is costly Part and component selection Cataloging / documentation Logistics support / footprint management DMSMS Today we are focused only on the third and fourth recommendations: Develop tools that provide accurate, current information for parts management - Create a Defense Parts Management Portal. The report cited many issues upon which the portal and its tools can have a positive impact. But, implementing the portal basically comes down to making Parts Management less difficult and less costly. March 5, 2008 Exec Overview - All
Key Objectives Improve parts management throughout DOD Enable more efficient and effective parts management Provide improved access to parts data and tools Improve quality of parts data Promote and support increased standardization Improve communication and collaboration Promote data sharing and parts-related research Improve parts data integration - government and industry Lower costs The following are the key objectives of creating the DPMP: Improve parts management throughout DoD Enable more efficient and effective parts management Provide improved access to parts management data and tools Improve the quality of parts data Promote and support increased standardization Improve communication and collaboration Promote data sharing and parts-related research Improve integration of parts data resources between government and industry Lower costs. March 5, 2008 Exec Overview - All
DPMP Concept User Created Content DPMP employs a different design approach from most government portals. Resources accessed through the DPMP are user-created content Approach has worked with considerable success in the private sector Wikipedia YouTube Facebook The DPMP employs a different design approach from most government portals. Most resources accessed through the DPMP are user-created content from both government and industry participants. This approach has worked with considerable success in the private sector, as evidenced by Wikipedia, YouTube, and Facebook. March 5, 2008 Exec Overview - All
DPMP Concept Business Rules Govern Content DPMP open to the general public Business rules govern content DPMP resides at GIDEP Participating organizations must obtain a GIDEP account Organizations granted administrative rights and control Organizations manage a dedicated interface page Content providers may limit access DSPO is the governing authority for the DPMP. Although portal destinations will consist largely of user-created content, clear business rules will govern what content is allowed and what is not. The DPMP resides on a server operated and maintained by the Government and Industry Data Exchange Program (GIDEP). Participating organizations wishing to use the portal to offer information and resources to the parts management community must first obtain a GIDEP account. The authorized organizations will then be granted administrative rights and control over a dedicated interface or “bridge page” that will thereafter be managed and maintained by the organization. The DPMP will provide open access to the general public. However, government or industry content providers may elect to limit access to certain content by requiring a user name and password from authorized users. March 5, 2008 Exec Overview - All
DPMP Concept Portal is a Navigation Tool Single point of entry Web accessible Information related to parts management Easy navigation to organizations with parts management-related roles or responsibilities parts and components sources tools, services information resources documents, policies, and templates The portal is intended to be a single point of entry for accessing just about any information that is related to parts management and is web accessible. The portal enables easy navigation to organizations with parts management-related roles or responsibilities, as well as to parts and components sources, tools, services, information resources, documents, policies, and templates. March 5, 2008 Exec Overview - All
DPMP Concept Lean Design Keep the technical content on server small Complex resources or tools reside on content provider servers GIDEP server portion largely navigation External resources reached through bridge page The DPMP is designed to keep the technical content residing on the DPMP server as small as possible. Technically complex resources or tools that require extensive development or support will reside on servers owned and maintained by organizations other than GIDEP. The GIDEP portion of the portal will consist largely of navigation resources and connectivity to external resources through a user managed interface or bridge page. March 5, 2008 Exec Overview - All
DPMP Concept Provide a Market Framework The DPMP provides functional framework logical navigation pathways Tools interface capabilities Connects users with content providers Users access resources via logical navigation structure DPMP is marketplace for the parts management community Content determined by what providers offer potential customers Impact determined by degree resources offered are accessible, accurate, and useful The DPMP will provide users with a functional framework, logical navigation pathways, tools, and interface capabilities that will connect users with content providers. Users will find and access the parts-related resources they seek via the portal’s logical navigation structure. Content providers will make available information, tools, or other parts-related resources to portal users and potential customers. In this manner, the DPMP becomes an exchange forum or marketplace for the parts management community. The size and range of portal destinations and content will be largely determined by the content that providers are willing to offer potential customers. The impact of the portal on the parts management community will largely be determined by the degree to which users find the resources offered by content providers to be accessible, accurate, and useful in addressing their parts-related needs. March 5, 2008 Exec Overview - All
This is the current “notional” portal Home page. Subject to change. A menu of unique functionality is displayed on every portal page on the left side of the screen. These same functions are also shown in the center and right side of the home page. Here, however, each function provide a menu one level down. March 5, 2008 Exec Overview - All
DPMP Concept General Features Search the DPMP About DPMP What’s New Calendar Site Map Feedback Navigation Tracking The DPMP opens with a simple home page (see Figure 1) that includes the following function buttons arrayed across the top of the screen: Search the DPMP—an internal search utility About DPMP —information about the portal sufficient to address most inquiries What’s New?—information about recent changes to the portal Calendar—a utility for posting or announcing DPMP-related events or milestones Site Map—a utility to help users visualize the portal structure, enabling them to navigate through the portal more rapidly. Feedback—a utility that will enable users to inform the DPMP team about what they do and do not like and about what is working and what is not. The portal also provides navigation tracking—an onscreen trail of bread crumbs that will enable users to always know where they are and where they have been. March 5, 2008 Exec Overview - All
DPMP Concept Navigation Options Community Connection Knowledge Sharing and Collaboration Life-Cycle Parts Management Tools and Services Part and Component Sources Part Information Repositories Education and Training Information Resources The DPMP main menu contains several navigation options. These constitute the starting points for the key navigation paths found in the portal. These navigation starting points are as follows: Community Connection—-serves as “Yellow Pages” of organizations within the defense parts management community. Destination organizations must hold a GIDEP account to control and administer a bridge page. Knowledge Sharing and Collaboration—serves as a marketplace for organizations that offer knowledge sharing and collaboration tools and services to the community and for customers seeking such resources. Life-Cycle Parts Management—enables navigation to information and resources related to professional disciplines (for example, systems engineering and configuration management) with roles and responsibilities in parts management. It also contains information about the activities and tasks performed by the various disciplines throughout all phases of a weapon system life cycle. Tools and Services—serves as a marketplace for customers seeking tools or services to connect with organizations offering tools or services. Part and Component Sources—serves as a marketplace through which users can quickly identify and access trusted sources of parts and components. Part Information Repositories—enables access to repositories, including libraries and databases. Education and Training—enables access to a wide array of parts-related courses, seminars, and conferences. Information Resources—contains sources of information available throughout the community. March 5, 2008 Exec Overview - All
Community Connections Bring government and industry together in a shared portal. Each participating organization is a navigation destination. Menu structured by organizational type Government Industry: OEMs and systems integrators Industry: Sub Tier suppliers Part and component manufacturers Part suppliers and distributors Defense support contractors Associations International organizations This navigation structure will help users quickly drill down to a desired destination in three or four menu choices (or mouse clicks) T Three of the more complex navigation paths are addressed below to illustrate how the DPMP menu structure will permit users to navigate logically to a desired destination. Community Connection One objective of Community Connection is to bring all government and industry organizations that constitute the defense parts management community together through a common portal. Each participating organization is a navigation destination at the end of a navigation pathway. The menu structure organizes community members by organizational type and then by subcategory. For example, the second-tier menu choices under Community Connection are as follows: Government Industry: original equipment manufacturers and systems integrators Industry: subcontractors and subtler suppliers Part and component manufacturers Part suppliers and distributors Defense support contractors Associations International organizations. This navigation structure will help users quickly drill down to a desired destination in three or four menu choices (or mouse clicks). March 5, 2008 Exec Overview - All
Navigation Architecture Company Bridge Page Destinations Within Company This illustrates Community Connections navigation. From the home page you will navigate through a series of menus (generally 3 or 4 at the most). Each click will take you one step closer to your desired destination. When you reach a menu listing specific companies, selecting a company will take you to bridge page that is unique to the company. A bridge page is designed to specifically address parts management. Each company can customize their bridge page to address the spectrum of parts management within the company. March 5, 2008 Exec Overview - All
to be consistent with Portal look, feel and navigation Notional Bridge Page Company Name DPMP Company Logo Products: Nuts Bolts Fasteners Points of Contact: Jane Doe ~ John Oem ~ OEM/parts user group ~ address Profile: What we do Parts Issues we face Links back to Portal: to be consistent with Portal look, feel and navigation Places: U.S. East Coast U.S. West Coast International Policy on Parts: Parts Mission Policy specifics Policy POC Programs: Parts Management Intra-Organizational Parts Management efforts There is a template for the bridge page and two alternatives for customizing the page. The company can designate an administrator who can populate and control the page. The company can provide the information it wants on its page and can obtain assistance in populating and managing the page. The type of information and destinations available through the page may include: Profile of the company Products produced by the company Points of Contact within the company Places – various locations where the company does business Policies and Procedures – relating to parts management Programs Projects Projects related to Parts Management: Initiative on Parts Management Cross-Industry Project on Parts Management Weapon System Parts Management Design Considerations Papers and Pool of Records: White Paper Library Other PM references March 5, 2008 Exec Overview - All
DPMP Bridge Page Each destination organization “owns” its bridge page Bridge page contains information about the organization Connects users to points of contact, catalogs, tools, or other resources Provides connectivity between buyers and suppliers Organization determines what it will make available Organization determines how the offering will be presented Each bridge page opens in a separate window Ensures users can easily return to the DPMP Each destination organization “owns” a bridge page within the portal. Figure 2 illustrates the relationship. A bridge page contains information about the organization and connects users to its points of contact, catalogs, tools, or other resources. A bridge page is a web-based resource that participating organizations will use to link members of the parts management community to the organization’s products, services, capabilities, and resources. The DPMP provides connectivity between buyers and suppliers. Each organization will determine what information and resources it will make available on its bridge page. It will also determine specifically how the offering will be presented to users. Each bridge page opens in a separate window. This design helps ensure that navigation paths and connections can be maintained and that users can easily return to the DPMP after exploring an organization’s offerings. March 5, 2008 Exec Overview - All
Life-Cycle Parts Management Disciplines (such as) Systems engineering Configuration management Reliability engineering Quality management Standardization Cataloging For each discipline (useful resources) Key organizations Policies, procedures, and standards; Training Tools Best practices Activities and tasks Life-Cycle Parts Management This navigation path allows users to explore the roles, responsibilities, and resources of various parts management-related disciplines, including the following: Systems engineering Configuration management Reliability engineering Quality management Standardization Cataloging. For each listed discipline, the DPMP will identify useful discipline-related information or resources across categories such as key organizations; policies, procedures, and standards; training; tools; best practices; and activities and tasks. March 5, 2008 Exec Overview - All
Tools and Services Example Tools No Cost or Fee for Service Weapon System Impact Tool Generic Compound Analysis Tool PinPoint ASSIST DMSMS and Obsolescence Tools GIDEP E-Mall Federal Logistics Information System (FLIS) No Cost or Fee for Service No cost to user and for a fee or license Accommodates revenue models of participating organizations Tools and Services This navigation path allows users to navigate to a variety of part-related tools and service providers. A number of tools exist within the community in both government and industry. Unfortunately, many tools of these tools are unknown to, or underutilized by, the parts community. This menu item will direct customers to such tools as the following: Weapon System Impact Tool Generic Compound Analysis Tool PinPoint and other part selection tools Acquisition Streamlining and Standardization Information System Diminishing Manufacturing Sources and Material Shortages and obsolescence tools GIDEP E-Mall Federal Logistics Information System. The DPMP will identify as many useful tools as possible with utility for parts management. Many tools will be free to users, while others may require a fee or license. To the degree possible, the portal design will accommodate the revenue models of those organizations willing to make their tools accessible through the portal. March 5, 2008 Exec Overview - All
Tools Organized into Categories Based on What the Tool Does Part Selection Cost Analysis Performance Measurement Reliability Analysis Obsolescence Analysis General Search Tools Tools listed in the DPMP will be organized into categories based on what the tools are designed to do: Part selection Analysis Performance measurement General searches. Selecting optimum parts for a system is a crucial element of the design phase of an acquisition program. Collectively, parts are primary determinants of system reliability, maintainability, supportability, and availability, as well as of logistics readiness, interoperability, logistics footprint, and total ownership costs. Proper parts selection requires consideration of myriad factors, including technical characteristics, part reliability, cost, commonality, performance, part and supplier quality, qualification, potential obsolescence, and standardization. The DPMP will feature new and enhanced part selection tools that will assist design and component engineers with addressing these factors and making wise parts selection decisions faster and at lower cost. These part selection tools will be addressed in future articles in this journal. March 5, 2008 Exec Overview - All
Part and Component Sources Find sources of parts and components based on FSG/FSC Source list drawn from existing relational database Each listed source name has hotlink to company bridge page or website March 5, 2008 Exec Overview - All
Knowledge Sharing and Collaboration Communities of Practice Team Collaboration Space Best Practice Exchange Data Exchange Resources GIDEP DMSMS Data Sharing On-line Meeting Resources Go-To Meeting March 5, 2008 Exec Overview - All
Approach Rapid development & launch Employ spiral development Evolve through customer-driven requirements Integrate DMSMS Use NATO / DLIS data exchange standard Use COTS technologies Conventional wisdom says, “Never launch a portal before it is fully developed and tested.” Doing otherwise is a sure way to disappoint or alienate the early users. The Portal Team members believe that this portal will never be complete. The team sees the portal as a constantly growing and evolving resource. The team’s decision therefore, was to launch the portal quickly as soon as it contained a useful level of functionality. Now capabilities will be added using a Spiral Development approach. New requirements and improvements will be identified by the portal users from across the parts management community. The existing DMSMS portal was our starting place, making DMSMS an integral part of the new portal. The team also chose ISO-22745 and ISO-8000 as its data exchange standards for parts information. Finally, the team is using off-the-shelf technologies to the maximum degree in order to minimize development costs and avoid the pitfalls of custom programming. March 5, 2008 Exec Overview - All
A Work in Progress Portal will be shaped by its user community Organizations not listed may ask to be listed Organizations may ask their supply chain organizations to become involved Navigation pathways and logic will evolve as users suggest improvements Content providers must provide accessible, accurate, and useful information The DPMP is now, and always will be, a work in progress. By design, the portal will grow and be shaped by its user community. When launched, the DPMP will contain a limited number of destination organizations, tools, and other resources. It will grow through increasing the number of content providers, expanding resources available, and, of course, addressing user feedback. Organizations not currently listed may ask to be listed to become more involved in the community or possibly to keep up with the competition. Major organizations may ask their supply chain organizations to become involved. Tool and service providers may want to participate to increase their business visibility, acceptance, and utilization. Navigation pathways and logic will evolve as users suggest improvements. DPMP is a user-driven system because the content providers are invested in providing accessible, accurate, and useful information and resources to their customers. The DPMP facilitates a new approach to business and collaboration between government and industry. If the successes of commercial websites built on the principles of a user-driven system are any indicator, the future of the DPMP should be very bright. If you are part of the parts management community and your organization is not represented or participating in the DPMP, it should be. This article is an open invitation for you to join and participate in this adventure. To learn more, visit the DPMP at or contact the DSPO point of contact at March 5, 2008 Exec Overview - All
Questions? March 5, 2008 Exec Overview - All
Backup Slides Part Selection March 5, 2008 Exec Overview - All
Find a Part This is the current “notional” portal Home page. Subject to change. A menu of unique functionality is displayed on every portal page on the left side of the screen. These same functions are also shown in the center and right side of the home page. Here, however, each function provide a menu one level down. March 5, 2008 Exec Overview - All
Part Selection Capability - Purpose Promote Use of Gov/Industry Preferred Parts Enable Standard Queries (eOTD-Q) using Parametric Data (everyone can receive & respond) Enable Rapid Informed Part Selection Increase Standardization and Commonality Reduce Logistics Footprint Lower Future DMSMS Events Lower Cost and Increase Availability Part selection - most important decision point in the PM life cycle. Good choices have important positive impacts downstream. Poor choice result in downstream problems and costs for the life of the program. Enabling rapid, informed, and wise part selection will reap: Increased Standardization and Commonality Reduced Logistics Footprint Fewer DMSMS Events Lower Life Cycle Cost Increased Availability March 5, 2008 Exec Overview - All
Part Selection Capability Other Part Data Suppliers Revenue Model ISO-22745 ISO-8000 This diagram provides a simplified view of the part selection capability. ISO-22745 and ISO-8000 March 5, 2008 Exec Overview - All
Parametric Search Pin Point is one of the tools available through the Portal that will support parametric search and comparison. Pin Point is being developed by XSB, Inc. Pin Point will: Enable Effective Parametric Queries, and Promote Use of Gov/Industry Preferred Parts March 5, 2008 Exec Overview - All
Backup Slides DMSMS March 5, 2008 Exec Overview - All
AIA - OSD Tiger Team Working to develop a Plan of Action Conceive pilot projects Identify policy compliance problems Propose policy recommendations Devise a method to track progress Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Boeing, Northrop Grumman and Bell Helicopter have all made verbal commitments to support this approach Expand Portal Team to include greater participation by Industry and Services And, here is what we want the Tiger Team to do. I have confirmation from Rich Tedesco at Lockheed and Dave Roberts and Raytheon that they are willing and eager to support this effort. March 5, 2008 Exec Overview - All
DMSMS Data Sharing Project Bills Of Material GIDEP Case Resolution Data GIDEP (SDW / ODR) Production Discontinuance Notices Preferred Parts Lists Issues related to all of these are being worked via the AIA - OSD Tiger Team March 5, 2008 Exec Overview - All
DOD DMSMS Organization OSD Leadership DUSD / L&MR ADUSD (L&MR) / SCI Director, DSPO Membership Voting Members Air Force Army Navy Marine Corps DLA OSD - DSPO Advisory Members (7) Associate Members (14) Industry Liaison (9) Academia (2) Committee Structure Outreach Common Use Tools Conference FMS Interoperability Training March 5, 2008 Exec Overview - All
System-Level DMSMS Management Working Group DMSMS tools, databases and research are exclusively focused on managing the obsolescence of individual electronics parts, and in some cases groups of electronic parts Increasing portion of the DMSMS management problem is at higher-levels of assembly, i.e., the LRU-level and higher For many organizations, the “components” that need DMSMS management are not individual electronic parts, but COTS items such as laptop computers, routers, switches, and a host of other hardware items composed of electronic, non-electronic, and software content These organizations design, procure and support systems that never directly involve procuring or managing individual electronic parts (e.g., chips) While these organizations are using some of the same mitigation approaches to manage their DMSMS problems as the part-level obsolescence community, they also have unique DMSMS problems March 5, 2008 Proposed Exec Overview - All
System-Level DMSMS Management Working Group Issues to be addressed include, but are not limited to the following: COTS LRU obsolescence forecasting and mitigation Correlation, or lack thereof, between individual electronic part obsolescence and COTS LRU obsolescence Software obsolescence forecasting and mitigation DMSMS co-sustainment of hardware and software Roadmap and policy driven DMSMS management constraints Constraint and schedule driven refresh planning March 5, 2008 Proposed Exec Overview - All
System-Level DMSMS Management Working Group Formation of a system-level DMSMS working group, and possible Aging Aircraft and DMSMS Conference sessions Would facilitate the inclusion of organizations who are managing system-level obsolescence problems today, and have little connection to individual electronic part-level forecasting and part-level specific management solutions March 5, 2008 Proposed Exec Overview - All