* Purple Card – stand in hallway for instructions * Blue Card – you are a man who loves his family very much and works hard to care for them * Pink Card – you are a woman who loves her family very much and cares for her children * Yellow Card – you are a child under the age of 7 who lives a happy life and spends most of your time with your mother
One day you are living your life, and the next, you are overcome by white European settlers who take you as captives.
They shackle you together like a herd of animals.
You are crammed onto ships, about to embark on your long, brutal journey known as the Middle Passage.
Cramped space, no air and very little light
For those who attempted to revolt or died during the journey, they were thrown overboard in the middle of the shark-infested Atlantic Ocean % died due to disease, poor treatment, or committed suicide
Slaves were brought to the colonies, and they were auctioned off to the highest bidder. Families were separated.
* Developed b/c of plantation system * Needed workers * Preferable to servants (slavery permanent) * South’s economy depended on it * Children of slaves were also slaves * Linked to racism b/c only Africans were slaves in America * Racism: belief that 1 race is superior to others
* 3-way trade between colonies, Caribbean (West Indies), & Africa * New England sent fish, lumber, & goods to the Caribbean for sugar & molasses (for rum). * New England sent goods to Africa in exchange for slaves (which were sent to W. Indies). * Africa sent slaves to W. Indies for $ & molasses.