The Appendicular Skeleton Study Guide
Right scapula, anterior aspect Acromion Suprascapular notch Superior border Coracoid process Superior angle Glenoid cavity Subscapular fossa Lateral border Medial border Inferior angle Right scapula, anterior aspect 2
Right scapula, anterior aspect 3
Glenoid cavity at lateral angle Coracoid process Suprascapular notch Superior angle Acromion Supraspinous fossa Glenoid cavity at lateral angle Spine Infraspinous fossa Medial border Lateral border Right scapula, posterior aspect 4
Right scapula, posterior aspect 5
6 Greater tubercle Head of humerus Lesser tubercle Deltoid tuberosity Coronoid fossa Medial epicondyle Capitulum Trochlea Anterior view 6
Anterior view 7
8 Head of humerus Greater tubercle Deltoid tuberosity Olecranon fossa Medial epicondyle Lateral epicondyle Trochlea Posterior view 8
Posterior view 9
10 Olecranon Head Troclear notch Neck Coronoid process Interosseous membrane Ulna Radius Head of ulna Ulnar styloid process Radial styloid process Anterior view 10
Anterior view 11
12 Olecranon View Trochlear notch Coronoid process Radial notch Proximal portion of ulna, lateral view 12
View Proximal portion of ulna, lateral view 13
The humerus of the right arm and detailed views of articulation at the elbow. Coronoid fossa Capitulum Medial epicondyle Head of radius Trochlea Coronoid process of ulna Radial tuberosity Radial notch Radius Ulna Anterior view at the elbow region 14
The humerus of the right arm and detailed views of articulation at the elbow. Anterior view at the elbow region 15
Carpal bones thumb► “Sally left the party thumb► to take Carmen home” IV III II Hamate V I Capitate Trapezium Pisiform Trapezoid Triquetrum Scaphoid Lunate Ulna Radius Anterior view of right hand 16
Carpal bones IV III II V I Anterior view of right hand 17
18 Iliac crest Iliac fossa Anterior superior iliac spine Ilium Coxal bone (os coxae or hip bone) Anterior inferior iliac spine Sacrum Pubis Coccyx Acetabulum Ischium Pubic symphysis Pelvic girdle Pubic arch 18
Iliac fossa Sacrum Coccyx Pelvic girdle Pubic arch 19
20 Ilium Ala Iliac crest Anterior superior iliac spine Posterior superior iliac spine Anterior inferior iliac spine Posterior inferior iliac spine Acetabulum Greater sciatic notch Ischial spine Lesser sciatic notch Pubis Ischium Ischial tuberosity Ilium Ischium Pubis Lateral view, right hip bone 20
Ala Ilium Ischium Pubis Lateral view, right hip bone 21
22 Neck Fovea capitis Greater trochanter Head Lesser trochanter Gluteal tuberosity Lateral condyle Lateral epicondyle Medial condyle Lateral epicondyle Medial epicondyle Anterior view Posterior view Femur (thigh bone) 22
Anterior view Posterior view Femur (thigh bone) 23
24 Lateral condyle Medial condyle Head Tibial tuberosity Interosseous membrane Fibula Tibia Medial malleolus Lateral malleolus Anterior view 24
Anterior view 25
Intermediate cuneiform Lateral cuneiform Medial cuneiform Intermediate cuneiform Lateral cuneiform Navicular Cuboid Talus Calcaneus Superior view 26
Superior view 27
Intermediate cuneiform Navicular Intermediate cuneiform Lateral cuneiform Talus Calcaneus Cuboid Fifth metatarsal Lateral view 28
Lateral view 29
Intermediate cuneiform Navicular Talus Intermediate cuneiform Navicular First metatarsal Medial cuneiform Calcaneus Medial view 30
Medial view 31