Fundamentals of Governance: Parliament and Government Understanding and Demonstrating Assessment Criteria Facilitator: Tony Cash
Session Outline Structuring a piece of work for assessment (generic overview and principles) Demonstrating all assessment criteria in your two assignments Discussion of how to bring governance content into these structures.
Generic Criteria Demonstrate: knowledge, understanding and skills ability to apply knowledge, understanding and skills in a workplace context all specific criteria required (We will explore CMI specific criteria in more detail)
What Makes a Good Assignment? What do you think makes a good written assignment?
Demonstrating Understanding We demonstrate understanding by showing we can APPLY the theory and concepts to improve RESULTS/ OUTCOMES in the work context
Generic Principles Demonstrate: WHAT you know/ did / needs to be done(knowledge and skills) HOW you did it / how it should be done (methodology and demonstrating understanding) OUTCOME you are aiming for/ have achieved / will achieve
CMI Criteria In addition to the specific assessment criteria in each unit, the learner’s work must be: –accurate, current and authentic –relevant in depth and breadth and must also show the learner’s: clear grasp of concepts ability to link theory to practice, and ability to communicate clearly in the relevant discipline at the expected level for the qualification
Structure: Example Title page Contents and appendices Acknowledgements Glossary of terms and abbreviations Statement of terms of reference Executive summary Introduction and background Main body of the investigation / project Conclusions Recommendations Appendices Bibliography
Some Thoughts To get started it may help to: Write down all ideas, then structure later Then: Check ideas cover all criteria Edit repeatedly!
Assignment 1: Meeting Stakeholder and Quality Needs (NB SUMMARY – See full guidance) The scenario for this assignment is that your organisation has been asked to produce a report for a government initiative to improve standards of governance in government departments. In particular the report should focus on: Best practice in stakeholder engagement and how this compares to current practices where you are. The quality of governance where you are and how this compares to best practice. Recommendations for improvements. (3,000 words max)
Assignment 1: Meeting Stakeholder and Quality Needs 1.1 Determine organisational stakeholders and their expectations 1.2 Discuss methods of meeting stakeholder expectations or requirements 1.3 Identify methods of communicating stakeholders’ requirements with team members 1.4 Explain processes for updating information on stakeholder requirements
Assignment 1 ctd. 2.1 Discuss the meaning of quality to an organisation 2.2 Identify and apply organisational quality policies and procedures 2.3 Determine how to encourage staff to contribute ideas to improving quality 2.4 Conduct a quality audit and make recommendations for improvement
Assignment 1 ctd 3.1 Discuss the concept of and need for continuous improvement 3.2 Assess work activities and identify areas for improvement 3.3 Encourage staff to contribute ideas for continual improvement
Assignment 2: Conducting a Management Project [NB Summary – see full guidance] You have been tasked to draw up an action plan in order to project manage the implementation of a new approach to governance in your organisation. You need to produce a report that: –explains and justifies the scope of the project –explains the options you are considering for improving governance –makes conclusions and recommendations. –explains how the project will be implemented and how you will determine if it has been successful. –what resources will be required for implementation of the project. (3,000 word max)
Assignment 2: Conducting a Management Project 1.1 Determine a management area for investigation that has an implication for a work-related area 1.2 Identify the aim, scope and objective of the project 1.3 Justify the aim and objective of the project
Assignment 2 ctd 2.1 Identify sources of data and information for the project 2.2 Analyse the data and information for options or alternatives that meet the project aim 2.3 Determine an option or alternative that meets the project aim
Assignment 2 ctd 3.1 Evaluate the research to make conclusions 3.2 Recommend a course of action to meet the project aim 3.3 Assess the impact of the project recommendations
Assignment 2 ctd 4.1 Determine the medium to be used to show the results 4.2 Produce the results of the project 4.3 Discuss the impact of the project on the work-related area.
Discussion: Governance Criteria Discuss examples that use governance issues for the various criteria
Any Questions? Any aspects of assessment process you want to ask about?
Action Planning Review of: What you have learnt from today How specifically you will apply it
Stakeholder Issues Define (who are they? Priorities?) Determine their expectations and concerns (communication) Decide what to do with stakeholder views (e.g. sharing with others in your organisation, letting stakeholders know what has happened) Decide systems for updating information (monitoring ongoing stakeholder views)
Quality: Examples of Issues Definition of quality for a particular organisation/ context Measurement (e.g. reliability, efficiency, productivity etc) Process improvement and problem solving Mechanisms for corrective action Implementation and communications plan Helping all people involved take ownership of quality issues
24 Lessons from Project Work Clear timetable and milestones Clear outcomes and deliverables Accountability Good communication with stakeholders Be “joined up” internally and externally Resources identified and allocated Risk analysis Contingency planning.
Rational Decision-Making Overview 1.Define the decision to be made 2.Establish the objectives 3.Classify and define musts and wants 4.Generate alternatives 5.Consider alternatives against your requirements 6.Test the alternatives against musts 7.Score the alternatives against wants 8.Consider results