Groundwater Protection Project Greg Robison Project Manager Ed Sullivan Consulting Engineer June 23, 2008
Topics Project Background Technical Format Catawba Example
Project Background Industry Awareness Raised Experiences Captured NRC in (July 2006) NEI Executive Committee approved Groundwater Protection Initiative (July 2006) Duke Groundwater Protection Project began work (August 2006)
Duke Perspective This issue reminded us that public confidence and trust are critical to the continued successful operation of our plants This issue caused us to look both inwardly at our daily activities and outwardly at our neighbors
Inward Focus We saw a need to formalize & enhance our ground water protection program Our aim is to give us assurance that we will be able to manage inadvertent releases to groundwater in a timely manner This is NEI Industry Ground Water Protection Initiative Action 1
Outward Focus We saw a need to develop a communication plan that more clearly covers all our neighbors – especially to assure we touch local communities, local government Now go implement the plan This is NEI Industry Ground Water Protection Initiative Action 2
Key Project Activities Re-characterize the groundwater characteristics of each site Install a series of radiological wells for early detection to allow remediation before materials leave owner property Establish a formal ground water protection program Extend communications plans to local level and communities
Project Progress Completed installation of near-field and far-field well sets at McGuire (added 51 wells), Catawba (added 37 wells) and Oconee (added 26 wells) Completed 2 of 3 site characterization reports for the three sites Completed 1 of 3 numeric groundwater models for the three sites Established formal Ground Water Protection Program Developed and executed a refined Communications Plan
Project Example - Catawba Background Information Well Location Strategy Project Results Computer Model Conclusions
What is Groundwater? Groundwater is defined as “water below the surface of the earth.” Groundwater resides within the pore spaces between soil particles and in rock fractures. Groundwater is the source of drinking water for 48% of the U.S. population. Groundwater is the source for 42% of irrigation water in the U.S. Water-bearing zones are referred to as “aquifers.”
Saturated Media Fractured RockSoil
Typical Groundwater Profile
Piedmont Carolinas Geology/Hydrogeology Regional Geology Silts present to depths of feet below ground surface. Fractured bedrock present below silts. Transition zone between soil and rock. Regional Hydrogeology Flow occurs throughout entire geologic formation with localized preferential paths. Flow rates are generally slow ( ft/yr). Flow in fractured bedrock is unpredictable.
Potential Source Evaluation Identify all potential sources Design drawings Site reconnaissance Site personnel interviews Perform quasi-quantitative risk ranking Integrity (Engineering) Intensity (Radiation Protection) Impact (Hydrogeology Team) Select highest risk sources for “attention” during hydrogeologic investigation
Well Location Considerations Review existing site wells Ensure near-field wells in vicinity of potential sources Install far-field wells to monitor off-site migration Fill gaps in hydrogeologic information
Well Location Considerations Monitor each geologic unit Evaluate vertical gradient Evaluate drain effects Monitor effects of any suspected historical releases
Well Location Results – CNS 7Existing Wells 17Near-field Wells 8Far-field Wells 6Gap Wells 6Assessment Wells 44Total
Existing Wells
Near-Field Wells
Far-Field Wells
Gap Wells
Assessment Wells
Groundwater Flow
Well Construction Depths Water table wells Shallow bedrock Deep bedrock
Hydrogeologic Results – CNS Confirmed pre-construction geologic investigation conclusions Clarified effects of building drain system Groundwater flow dominated by surface water and drain system
Radiological Results – CNS Most recent tritium results: Below detection limit – 7 Between detection limit and standard – 32 Greater than standard – 1 One significant tritium source confirmed No fuel pool release detected
Computer Model – CNS 3D Numerical Model – USGS MODFLOW Grid size: 3300’ x 3600’ Four horizontal layers Typical grid block = 50 ft x 50 ft Typical grid block = 12.5 ft x 12.5 ft Total cells = 55,680
Computer Model – CNS Effectively replicates observed flow conditions Simulates transport of postulated releases Facilitates evaluation of various remedial responses Demonstrates the effectiveness of the monitoring well network
Conclusions Site hydrogeologic conditions are well understood (natural and plant-related) Effective leak detection established for potential sources (near-field wells) Site boundary monitoring in-place (far- field wells) Tools in place for ongoing assessment (monitoring well network, computer model)