Faculty Senate Meeting April 29, 2010
Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call –N. Book, Secretary II. Approval of February 18, 2010 meeting minutes III. Election of New Officers IV. Campus Reports and Responses V. Reports of Standing and Special Committees VI. Old Business VII. New Business and Announcements VIII. Adjourn
Reports of Standing and Special Committees RP&A Curricula Budgetary Affairs Administrative Review Student Affairs Personnel ITCC
Academic Freedom and Standards (D.6.a) Hosder, SerhatMech. EngFaculty (Departments/FS) 2012 Eng, Li LiBusinessFaculty (Departments/FS) 2012 Chin, Yoo-MiEconomicsFaculty (Departments/FS) 2012 Haynes, LanceArts, Lang & PhilFaculty (Departments/FS) 2011 Dubroff, DickElec & Comp EngrFaculty (Departments/FS) 2011 Parris, PaulPhysicsFaculty (Departments/FS) 2011 Schlesinger, MarkMat, Sci & EngrFaculty (Departments/FS) 2011 Cotterill, AnneEnglish & Tech Comm Faculty (Departments/FS) 2011
Administrative Review (D.6.b) Dogan, FatihMat. Sci.Faculty (Faculty Senate)2012 Luna, RonaldoCivil Engr Faculty (Faculty Senate)2012 Sharpsteen, DonPsychological ScienceFaculty (Faculty Senate)2011 Wilkerson, RalphComputer ScienceFaculty (Faculty Senate)2011
Budgetary Affairs (D.6.c) Hale, BarbaraPhysicsFaculty (Departments/FS)2012 Park, Eun SooEconomicsFaculty (Departments/FS)2012 Stavropoulos, Pericles ChemistryFaculty (Departments/FS)2011 Dunn- Norman, Shari Geo Science & EngineeringFaculty (Departments/FS)2011 Cawlfield, JeffGeologyFaculty (Faculty Senate)2012 Ragsdale, Ken Engr Mgt & Sys EngrFaculty (Faculty Senate)2011 Insall, MattMathematics & StatisticsFaculty (Graduate Faculty)2010 Crosbie, AlMechanical & Aero EngrFaculty (Graduate Faculty)2011 Stephanie Rostad Student CouncilStudents (Student Council)2010 Shyam BaruaCouncil of Graduate Students Students (Council of Graduate Students) 2010 Malott, SteveAdministrative ServicesAdministration (Chancellor)2010
Curricula (D.6.d) TBDFaculty (Graduate Faculty)2011 Luechtefeld, RayEngr Mgmt & Sys EngrFaculty (Faculty Senate)2011 Nisbett, KeithMech & Aero EngrFaculty (Faculty Senate)2012 DSCC(Arts and Humanities) 2009 DSCC(Engineering)2009 DSCC(Sciences)2009 DSCC(Social Sciences)2009
Facilities Planning (D.6.g) Wright, DavidEnglishFaculty (Departments/FS)2012 Roe, RobertMathematicsFaculty (Departments/FS)2012 Sheffield, JohnMechanical and Aerospace Engineering Faculty (Departments/FS)2011 Woelk, KlausChemistryFaculty (Faculty Senate)2011 Madria, SanjayComp. Sci.Faculty (Faculty Senate)2012 Chowdhury, Badrul Elec & Comp EngrFaculty (Faculty Senate)2011 Bieniek, RonPhysicsFaculty (Department/FS)2011 Patton, MarvinPhysical FacilitiesAdministration (Chancellor) 2010 David GriffinStudent CouncilStudents (Student Council) 2010 Giraj KandukuriCouncil of Graduate Students Students (Council of Graduate Students) 2010
Honorary Degrees (D.6.h) Stutts, DanielMech. Engr.FS - From Dept. Nominations Aug 2011 Meagher, MichaelHistoryFS - From Dept. Nominations Aug 2011 Reddy, PrakashChemistryFS - From Dept. Nominations Aug 2011 Venayagamoorthy Ganesh Elec. Comp. Engr.FS - From Dept. Nominations Aug 2011 Warren K. WrayProvostAdministrationAug 2010
Intellectual Property (D.6.j) Hilmas, GregMat. SciFaculty (Faculty Senate)2012 Switzer, JayChemistryFaculty (Faculty Senate)2012 Dharani, LokeshMech. Engr.Faculty (Faculty Senate)2012 Potthast, AdamArtsFaculty (Faculty Senate)2012 Kosbar, KurtElectr. Engr.Faculty (Faculty Senate)2012 Drewniak, JamesElectr. Engr.Faculty (Faculty Senate)2012
Library and Learning Resources (D.6.k) Fan, JunElectr. EngFaculty (Departments/FS)2012 Adekpedjou, AkimMathematicsFaculty (Departments/FS)2012 Schuman, TomChemistryFaculty (Departments/FS)2012 Malone, EdwardEnglish & Tech CommFaculty (Departments/FS)2012 Bruening, MichaelHist & Poly SciFaculty (Departments/FS)2011 Sheng, HongBusiness Administration and IT Faculty (Departments/FS)2011 MacSithigh, GeroidMechanical and Aerospace Engineering Faculty (Departments/FS)2011 Yamilov, AlexiPhysicsFaculty (Departments/FS)2011 Caitlin GiffordStudent CouncilStudents (Student Council)2010 Krishna KolanCouncil of Graduate Students Students (Council of Graduate Students) 2010 Stewart, AndyDirector of Library Library2010
Personnel (D.6.l) Ferdowsi, MehdiElec. EngrFaculty (Departments/FS) 2012 Lin, Ying ChouBusinessFaculty (Departments/FS) 2012 Wilemski, GerryPhysicsFaculty (Departments/FS) 2012 Chariklia Sotiriou- Leventis ChemistryFaculty (Departments/FS) 2011 Isaac, TseggaiHistory and Poly SciFaculty (Faculty Senate) 2011 Chowdury, BadrulElec & Comp EngrFaculty (Faculty Senate) 2011 Balakrishnan, S.N.Mech & Aero EngrFaculty (Graduate Faculty) 2011 Wade JadwinStaff CouncilStaff (Staff Council)2010 Shenethia ManuelHuman ResourcesAdministration (Chancellor) 2010
Public Occasions D.6.m Westenberg, DavidBiol SciFaculty (General Faculty)2011 Bieniek, RonPhysicsFaculty (General Faculty)2011 Bryant, RichardEconFaculty (General Faculty)2011 Worsey, PaulMiningFaculty (General Faculty)2012 Burken, JoelCivil Engr. Faculty (General Faculty)2012 SedighSarvestani, Sahra El & Cp EngFaculty (General Faculty)2012 Ward, MarianneAlumni AffairsAdministration (Chancellor)2010 Mark PotrafkaStudent Activities Administration2010 Selin AcarStudent CouncilStudents (Student Council)2010 Alexa RooneyStudent CouncilStudents (Student Council)2010 Michael SchwartzStudent CouncilStudents (Student Council)2010 Prabhu AngajalaCouncil of Graduate Students Students (Council of Graduate Students) 2010
Student Affairs (D.6.o) Frank, RonBiologyFaculty (Departments/FS)2012 Kim, Chang-SooElec. Engr.Faculty (Departments/FS)2012 Winiarz, JeffreyChemistryFaculty (Departments/FS)2012 Raper, SteveEngr Mgmt & Sys EngrFaculty (Departments/FS)2011 Landers, RobertMechanical and Aerospace Engineering Faculty (Faculty Senate)2011 Stephanie RostadStudent CouncilStudents (Student Council)2010 Dominic ClucasStudent CouncilStudents (Student Council)2010 Marina JacobeStudent CouncilStudents (Student Council)2010 Paul VossStudent CouncilStudents (Student Council)2010 Shriram GadekarCouncil of Graduate Students Students (Council of Graduate Students) 2010
Student Awards and Financial Aids (D.6.m) Fitch, StephanieBusiness AdministrationFaculty (General Faculty)2010 Newkirk, JoeMSEFaculty (General Faculty)2011 Rovey, JoshuaMechanical and Aerospace Engineering Faculty (Faculty Senate)2011 Mullin, MarkPhysical EducationFaculty (Faculty Senate)2011 Roe, RobertMathematics & StatisticsFaculty (Faculty Senate)2011 Wray, W. Kent ProvostAdministration2010 Stichnote, LynnStudent Financial AidAdministration2010 Goff, JayEnrollment ManagementAdministration(Chancellor)2010 Baheirah KhusheimStudent CouncilStudents (Student Council)2010 Paul VossStudent CouncilStudents (Student Council)2010 Bharat GangichettyCouncil of Graduate Students Students (Council of Graduate Students) 2010
Bristow, DougMech. Engr.Faculty (Department/FS)2012 Gertsch, LeslieGeo, Sci & EngrFaculty (Department/FS)2012 Davis, MichaelEconomicsFaculty (Department/FS)2012 Watts, TrentEnglishFaculty (Department/FS)2012 Paige, RobertMathematicsFaculty (Department/FS)2012 Niyogi, DevBiological SciencesFaculty (Department/FS)2011 Cox, NormanElec & Comp EngrFaculty (Department/FS)2011 Elrod, CassieBusiness Admin & ITFaculty (Department/FS)2011 Hagen, DonPhysicsFaculty (Department/FS)2011 Morgan, JackEnglish & Tech CommFaculty (Department/FS)2011 Tien, JerryMining & Nuclear EngrFaculty (Department/FS)2011 Banerjee, ArindamMech. Engr.Faculty (Department/FS)2011 Packard, JamesDirector, Phy Facilities Administration N/A Laughlin, Christy Director, Univ PoliceAdministrationN/A Stephanie RostadStudent CouncilStudents (Student Council)2010 Paul VossStudent CouncilStudents (Student Council)2010 Jun WuCouncil of Graduate Students Students (Council of Graduate Students) 2010 Haug, Mary StaffCouncil Staff (Staff Council)2010 D.7.b. Parking, Security and Traffic Committe
D.7.d. Student Scholastic Appeals Drallmeier, JamesMech & Aero EngrFaculty (General Faculty)2012 Morgan, IleneMath/StatFaculty (General Faculty)2011 Fahrenholtz, BillMaterials Science & Engr Faculty (Faculty Senate)2011 Frank, RonBiological SciencesFaculty (Faculty Senate)2011 Martin, JamesPsychologyFaculty (Faculty Senate)2011 Stephanie Rostad Student CouncilStudents (Student Council) 2010 Paul Voss Student CouncilStudents (Student Council) 2010 Rajasekhar ModuguCouncil of Graduate Students Students (Council of Graduate Students) 2010
Grievance Panel and oversight Committee Currently serving with terms not expired yet: Panel: A. Miller Oversight committee: L. Haynes, R. Bieniek 5 APPLICANTS: Meggie Cheng, Nuran Ercal, Cihan Dagli, Chaman Lal Sabharwal, Prakash Reddy All indicated they would be willing to serve on either body. Since 4 of the applicants indicated preference for panel, we will first elect member of panel and then of oversight committee from same pool minus the person elected to the panel
Referral to Budgetary Affairs –Work with the upper administration to determine the effect of the budget cuts on the academic and administration units.
Referral to Academic Freedom and Standards Committee –The RP&A approved a motion to have the Academic Freedom & Standards Committee examining the issue of possible time conflicts between common exams and students taking regularly-scheduled classes.
Referral to Student Affairs Committee –The RP&A Committee made a referral to the Student Affairs Committee to examine the existing procedures for recognizing student organizations. –The RP&A Committee made a referral to the Student Affairs Committee to endorse (or not) the following statement on academic integrity:
General Version Academic honesty is essential for the intellectual life of the University. Faculty members have a special obligation to expect high standards of academic honesty in all student work. Students have a special obligation to adhere to such standards. In all academic evaluations of students, the instructor shall assess the student’s performance and make an academic judgment about the student's grade on that work and in that course based on the academic standards of the course, including any standards of academic integrity and/or professional standards for which students have been provided notice in the course syllabus, other course materials, or other program materials. In cases where the student fails to meet the academic integrity standards of the course, the instructor may take that into account in grading the student’s performance, but only to the extent necessary to make the academic evaluation of the performance. In such cases the instructor shall report any alleged academic dishonesty to the Primary Administrative Officer, who is the individual responsible for the administration of the due process procedures which can lead to sanctions being imposed against the student for violations of the Conduct Code. Version Directed to Students (e.g. on Syllabi) ( Adapted from the student Standard of Conduct and Rules of Procedures in Student Conduct Matters, Sections and of the Collected Rules and Regulations of the University of Missouri)
Referral to Personnel Committee –Draft of documents concerning classroom intellectual property rights was referred to the personnel committee for review. –Professor Neogi also reported to RP&A that the personnel committee had developed a proposed policy statement concerning spousal and relative conflict of interest.
Referral to Curricula Committee –A policy was recently instituted by the Columbia campus to accept transfer credit for military experience and education. The Curricula Committee was charged with developing a Missouri S&T policy using UMC’s policy as a reference.
Report on Administrative Review Committee –Professor Mariesa Crow reported that the survey of those administrations under review was complete and provided the tabulated results and comments to Professor Schulz.
Report on Campus Assessment Committee –Vice-Provost Schwartz made a request of RP&A that we elect two representatives to the Campus Assessment Committee to replace Professor Isaac, who was stepping down. RP&A elected Professor Keith Nisbett and Professor Mark Fitch to serve on the committee as faculty representatives.
Report on Planned RP&A Retreat –RP&A adopted a resolution to have a retreat early in the Fall semester for Faculty Senate officers and newly-elected chairs of standing committees.
Report on Instructional Capacity Taskforce –A motion was made and passed to forward the following resolution to Dean Jay Goff: RP&A has received a briefing by two faculty representatives on the task force on Student Educational Capacity at S&T. RP&A commends the committee’s good work in a very difficult task, and recognizes that there are many issues associated with the mandate of the committee. After deliberation, the RP&A committee encourages the taskforce to address, as a prominent part of its final recommendations, issues concerning faculty shortage and the ability to attract high-quality graduate students.
Report on Instructional Capacity Taskforce –Taskforce on Educational Capacity: Balakrishnan and Raper were members of this task force, serving on one or more subcommittees. The report can be found at the following enrollment management website: –The report went through several drafts and iterations before the final report was issued. The taskforce will meet with Chancellor Carney on May 4 th from 2-4 pm in the Silver & Gold Rm. in the Havener Center.