Don Gehring Vice President for Government Relations and Health Policy
6 House Power Map DistrictRDIMFLeadership 1 (Wittman) (Nye) (Scott) (Forbes) (Perriello) (Goodlatte) (Cantor) (Moran) (Boucher) (Wolf) (Connolly) Total
7 House of Delegates Hierarchy House Conferees (6) House Appropriations Subcommittees (10) House Appropriations Committee (25) House of Delegates (100)
8 House Appropriations Subcommittees Capital Outlay Riley Ingram (chair) Bev Sherwood* Steve Landes Chris Jones Clarke Hogan* Johnny Joannou* Bob Brink Jim Scott Health Phil Hamilton* (chair) Harvey Morgan Kirk Cox* Steve Landes John O’Bannon° Bob Brink Mamye BaCote Rosalyn Dance Higher Education Harvey Morgan (chair) Riley Ingram Joe May Kirk Cox* Chris Jones Bud Phillips Algie Howell Steve Shannon * Conferee °Richmond Area Delegate
12 Senate Power Map DistrictRDMFLeadership 1 (Wittman) (Nye) (Scott) (Forbes) (Perriello) (Goodlatte) (Cantor) (Moran) (Boucher) (Wolf) (Connolly)17538 Total
13 Senate Hierarchy Senate Conferees (6) Senate Finance Subcommittees (8) Senate Finance Committee (16) Senate (40)
14 Senate Finance Subcommittees Capital Outlay Henry Marsh° (chair) Chuck Colgan* Louise Lucas Ken Stolle Emmett Hanger John Watkins° Health Edd Houck* (chair) Janet Howell* Henry Marsh° Mary Margaret Whipple William Wampler* Tommy Norment Emmett Hanger Education Chuck Colgan* (chair) Edd Houck* Dick Saslaw* Yvonne Miller William Wampler* Tommy Norment Fred Quayle *Conferee ° Richmond Area Senators
15 Virginia VCU NSU W&M JMU RU VT UVA VSU UMW LU ODU UVA Wise VMI GMU CNU *Republican Leader Emeritus *President Pro Tempore *Majority Leader
16 Eight Legislative Rules to Live By 1.Do the obvious: Show up Do Your Homework Know the System Plan Your Strategy Be Honest 2.Perception is Reality 3.All Doors Open 4.Assume Absolutely Nothing 5.Top Down Politics 6.All Are Not Equal 7.The Squeaky Wheel 8.Networks Are Important
17 For More Information General Assembly Website Office of the Vice President for Government Relations and Health Policy