March 26, 2013
Contents Purpose/scope Timeline Tips in choosing correct self pay payer CHAS SF Medical Now Future NextGen Screen Print CHAS SF Dental Now Future NextGen Screen Print Next Steps Questions Appendix New Payer search example Quiz Questions
Purpose/Scope Update/educate staff of New Sliding Fee payer changes in the NextGen EPM system. 2 nd Payer change(s) to happen: 15 New sliding fee payers: SF Medical SF Dental Why are we doing this? Facilitate information exchange between NextGen and PAML electronically. To streamline operations (i.e. providers being able to sign off on labs as results come through, once available patients being able to access their results through the patient portal.) (Notes: other payers will be updated at a later phase)
Timeline- March 2013 Key Dates MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday New SF payer list is added in test environment- 20 Testing continues, training materials created Super User training? Site Meeting Super users train staff in breakout meeting New Sliding Fee payers Live in NextGen 23 Business Office Direct Feedback Occurs 4 Business Office Direct Feedback Occurs 5 Business Office Direct Feedback Occurs
Tools/Tips in choosing correct SF Payer Tools to use:USE Sliding Scales-Medical/Dental/Special K Sliding Scales-Urgent Care Steps1. Determine if the patient is eligible for Sliding fee 2. Identify the primary paer (I.e. Medical, Dental or Urgent Care) 3. create and/or attach appropriate sliding fee payer to the encounter (i.e. HH size 1, annual income 10,300, SF Medical B payer would be attached) CHAS SF payer reference Tips- choosing the correct payer TIPS1. verify household income is entered in NextGen 2. Determine what sliding fee category the patient is eligible for by using Sliding Scale income guidelines. 3. If income isn't available, collect POI, have patient fill out Sliding fee appliation and enter info in the UDS tab. 4. What type of appointment is the patient being seen for? Dental, Medical, Urgent Care? 5. Add the payer accordingly. 6.Only Billing adds in payers for Special K and Ryan White payers 7.Please note: patients may have multiple sliding fee payers in their insurance account.
CHAS Sliding Fee Medical Now Future Payer Name NowPayer Name will Be:When do we use it N/ASF Medical B For patients that qualify for Sliding fee B and are being seen in Primary Care clinic SF Medical C For patients that qualify for sliding fee C and are being seen in Primary Care Clinic SF Medical D For patients that qualify for sliding fee D and are being seen in Primary Care Clinic SF Medical E For patients that qualify for sliding fee E and are being seen in Primary Care Clinic
CHAS Sliding Fee Dental Now Future Payer Name NowPayer Name will Be:When do we use it? N/ASF Dental 50%For Patients coming in for dental services that qualify for 50% sliding fee SF Dental 100%For patients coming in for dental services that don’t qualify sliding fee
CHAS Sliding Fee Urgent Care Now Future Payer Name NowPayer name will be:When do we use it? N/ASF Urgent Care B For patients that qualify for sliding fee B and are seen for at the Urgent Care SF Urgent Care C For patients that qualify for sliding fee C and are seen for at the Urgent Care SF Urgent Care D For patients that qualify for sliding fee D and are seen for at the Urgent Care SF Urgent Care E For patients that qualify for sliding fee E and are seen for at the Urgent Care
Next Steps Super-users will train affected parties at the Site Meeting during the break out sessions Direct Feedback from the business office will take place, to ensure a high degree of accuracy. Go-Live will occur on Monday April, 1 st Future adjustments may be necessary Call Center/Front Desk will have to add in these payers as we go.
Questions??? General Questions What is further required to make you successful?
QUIZ A 35 year old patient comes in for an extraction appointment. She has a household size of 1 and an annual income of $30,000. What payer do you add to the encounter? A new patient is checking in for a Medical appointment and has no insurance. She has a HH size of 3 with an annual income of $17,300. What sliding fee payer do you add to the encounter? Do you still have to enter a sliding fee information into the UDS tab even though there are sliding fee payers? If a patient is seen at Urgent Care but is also a dental patient is it ok that there are multiple sliding fee payers in the patient account?