BUILDING COMMITTEE REPORT FELLOWSHIP BIBLE CHURCH “Together, one passionate pursuit: to know Him and make Him known” OSKALOOSA, IOWA
Elders and Deacons resumed consideration of FBC facility needs in April 2014 –Possible facility needs identified: Bring Nursery upstairs Sanctuary adequately sized for one service Add space for classrooms; size and number Expand multi-purpose room Increase size of Fellowship Area –Consider: Best use of resources to spread the Gospel Are the facilities hindering our ability to reach and equip Pray for wisdom and God’s leading
Elders refined direction in May 2014 –3 primary facility Needs identified: Accessibility to basement Move Nursery and Toddlers upstairs and expand space Additional Sunday School classrooms and space –Goals of the Needs: Safety accessing all parts of the facilities Large increase in the number of families and children Facilities that support the ministry of the church –Basis of the Needs: 18 children in Nursery with more on the way 12 Pre-K and12 K Attendance averaging around 245 Multiple services not believed to be a limiting factor
Elders - May 2014 (continued) –Other needs discussed: Larger sanctuary Larger fellowship area Larger multi-purpose room Storage –Possible solutions for other needs: Utilize (borrow) other facilities in town Switch days/times for programs to ‘non-church’ nights –Approach defined: Establish small committee to shepherd the process Hire professionals Advance the process, because the need is present and growing
Building Committee Members Gary Capps Sam Fay Mark Fincel Rick Johnson Jeff Kelderman Krystal Van Ee Alvin Westercamp
Building Committee Meetings –Meet Elder defined facility needs: Accessibility to basement –Professionals to propose solutions Nursery moved to main level –Minimum of 460 sq ft needed –Check-in area to prevent children from escaping –Crib room to accommodate nap needs –Good climate control –Appurtenances to be provided and accessible – bottle prep, sink, refrigerator, diaper area, toilet, Toddlers moved to main level and expand space –Minimum of 460 sq ft needed for Nursery (current 190 sq ft) –Check-in area to prevent child escape –Direct access to toilet (without leaving room) –Share some appurtenances with Nursery?
Building Committee Meetings (continued): Additional Sunday School classrooms and space –Pre-K to Middle School: increase from 7 to 11 rooms »Plan to split 3-5 Boys and Girls into 6 classes »At least 200 sq ft per room –Adults: increase from 5 to 7 rooms »2 rooms need sound systems »Vary size between 240 sq ft and 500 sq ft General discussion of facilities: –Keep west basement open area as-is –Split old Nursery into 2 rooms –East basement remains Youth Area –Sliding sound proof partitions to create and improve rooms –Connect church to Sunday School Building –Library expansion alternatives to accommodate all materials Recommendations submitted to Elders, and approved
Finding a Professional: Proposals requested from 3 qualified architects Interview architect Elders retained Big Creek Design Group – Tim Olson Furnished Architectural services: Reviewed identified goals and criteria with Committee Presented ‘big picture’ planning alternatives and possible building options to committee and participating Elders and Deacons Identified viable approaches: –Build to north »likely best use of grounds/space »requires City variance approval –Build to south »need to vacate alley »may involve relocation of utilities
Refining the project: Architect review meetings with committee, participating Elders and Deacons, and others, in March and May 2015 Proposed expansion includes –Accessibility: »East and West Basement Stairs will be redone »Elevator »Corridor between east and west basement –Nursery and Toddler Area: »Nursery: 512 sq ft – Toddler: 777 sq ft »Crib Room attached to Nursery: 123 sq ft »Receiving area for each room, with pass-over counter »Shared toilet facilities –8 potential Sunday School rooms gained: »1,358 sq ft partitionable room – 3 rooms or large area »468 sq ft room »Vacated Nursery (2 rooms); vacated Toddler »Northeast office (conference room/library)
Refining the project (continued): Proposed expansion includes –Library: »507 sq ft to replace 180 sq ft area and 207 sq ft office »Old library will be open for other uses –Mothers Room: »83 sq ft »Located adjacent to Nursery and Toddler areas »Crib Room attached to Nursery: 123 sq ft –Storage »Closet added on main level: 39 sq ft »Mechanical room in new basement: 177 sq ft »Potential to partition parts of basement »Minimal storage in attic –Peaked Roof
Floor Plan – Main Level
Floor Plan – Basement Level