Project (Livestock Supply Chain Management) By: Muhammad Shahid, Adil Daniel and Fatima Sajid Course: Food Supply Chain Management (Instructor: Mr. Salman Bilal) M.Phil Food Safety and Quality Management Forman Christian College (A Chartered University) Roll Numbers: 16-21004, 16-21019 and 16-21018
Project (Livestock Supply Chain Management) Part By: ADIL DANIEL
The UK Livestock System Project Covers Characters Of Livestock Supply Chain Geographical Distribution and Business Structures Of Livestock Dairy Supply Chain Management White Meat Supply Chain Management Red Meat Supply Chain Management Recommendations for local Market
The UK Livestock System Pillars Of Livestock Supply Chain Dairy And Dairy Products White Meat Red Meat (Beef, Mutton and Lamb) All these comes mostly from small scale business Livestock industry is perishable, fragile and vulnerable i.e. needs careful handling/processing to guarantee quality and safety of the final product to the consumer. Contd.. Food Supply Chain Management, Edited by Michael and Paul, Blacwell Publishing, P-64,65
The UK Livestock System Pillars Of Livestock Supply Chain Different companies in UK are working to develop a chain Local livestock market and dealers Small scale local processors Delivering and selling to local market, e.g. Smith Field Meat Market(London) Milk is delivered in a different way because it has short life and vulnerability to deterioration Primary auction markets and wholesaler's are not involved in Dairy SCM Collected from door Then for the processing. Food Supply Chain Management, Edited by Michael and Paul, Blacwell Publishing, P-64,65
The UK Livestock System Geographical Distribution and Business Structures of Livestock Farms Dairy Farming is primarily located in western lowland areas of UK because efficient/high quality grassland production is possible. White Meat and Egg is based on grain feed, so close to grain production areas .i.e. Eastern part of UK, and is usually operated in controlled environment. Beef and Sheep farms are also dependent on grazing land so it is mostly situated in North and West(Hilly Areas of UK) Food Supply Chain Management, Edited by Michael and Paul, Blacwell Publishing, P-66,67
The UK Livestock System The Dairy Supply Chain Dairy Farm: Specialist units, concentrate on milk production Annual average milk production is 6000 L per cow Many farms breed their own replacement dairy cows Calves, a necessary by-product to milk production are either kept and fed on for or sold to other beef veal farmers Sale of Milk through medium term contracts to dairy processors 32,000 dairy herds supply milk to 135 buyers out of which only 21 buy almost 89% of the total milk output Food Supply Chain Management, Edited by Michael and Paul, Blacwell Publishing, P-68
Livestock Sector of Pakistan Pakistan and Livestock Overview Why Livestock in Pakistan Products from Livestock Livestock as a Business in Pakistan Geographical Concentration of Major Livestock in Pakistan Enhancing Livestock Sector Export Competitiveness, Livestock Sector Of Pakistan.
Livestock Sector of Pakistan Overview Pakistan is blessed with a large population of livestock that is well adapted to the local environmental conditions In Pakistan more than 8 million rural small and landless farmers raise livestock Livestock is ideal for attacking poverty in rural areas livestock makes up almost 55.1% of the agriculture value added and contributes up to 11.6% of the GDP livestock is growing at an annual average rate of 4% since 2007 The present strategy of the government is to encourage the private sector to invest into the livestock business. “private sector-led development” initiative. Enhancing Livestock Sector Export Competitiveness, Livestock Sector Of Pakistan, Page no. 2
Livestock Sector of Pakistan Why Livestock in Pakistan Growth in population Increase in income levels Potential for export of livestock Pakistan in case of livestock is increasing at a rate of about 4% on the other hand crop sector is growing at 3.2% Enhancing Livestock Sector Export Competitiveness, Livestock Sector Of Pakistan, Page no. 2 and 3
Livestock Sector of Pakistan Products from Livestock These products serve as raw material for may industries such as leather, processed food, textiles,etc. These products are also exported worldwide e.g. in case of Gulf export value is US $ 167.27 million(2011) Casings exported to Europe were US $ 51.56 million This business is growing day by day, factors involved may include halal food products, agreement for trade with different countries. Meat Preparations Fur Butter Guts Skin Butter Oil Casings Milk Cheese blood Ghee Meat Bones Enhancing Livestock Sector Export Competitiveness, Livestock Sector Of Pakistan, Page no. 2
Livestock Sector of Pakistan Geographical Concentration of Major Livestock 64% of population lives in rural areas of Pakistan and are mainly involved in agricultural activities which include raising animals for domestic and commercial purposes. Farmers are connected with market for supply of dairy and livestock via organized/unorganized market mechanism. Enhancing Livestock Sector Export Competitiveness, Livestock Sector Of Pakistan, Page no. 3,4 and 5
The Livestock System Livestock Value Chain
Livestock System Agribusiness, issue July, September 2012
Livestock System The Red Meat Sector Pakistan’s Policy to achieve 5 percent growth in meat and 8 percent in milk production Livestock farming to be shifted from subsistence farming to market oriented and commercial farming throughout entire supply chain Pakistan Economic Survey 2012-13, p-31
Project (Livestock Supply Chain Management) Part By: Muhammad Shahid
The UK Livestock System The Dairy Supply Chain Consumption/Utilization of Milk Seventy percent of household liquid milk purchases are made through super-markets Food Supply Chain Management, Edited by Michael and Paul, Blacwell Publishing, P-68,69
The UK Livestock System The Dairy Supply Chain Regulations Dairy sector is heavily regulated through: EU’s Common Agriculture Policy Health and Safety Regulations Food Supply Chain Management, Edited by Michael and Paul, Blacwell Publishing, P-69
Livestock System Pakistan Milk Production System PRODUCTION SYSTEM NUMBER OF ANIMALS MARKETING CHANNELS Small-holder Market Oriented 3 – 5 Retail Shops, Middlemen, Procurement agents of dairy processing plants Small-holder Subsistence 1 – 3 Milk not marketed due to lack of regular access to market. Markets processed goods like desi ghee Per – Urban 100-200 livestock with 90 % buffaloes and 10 % cattle Direct sale to retail shops, contract with the middlemen, sales to consumers Rural Commercial More than 50 (90 % buffaloes and 10 % cattle) Retail Shops, Middlemen, Procurement agents of dairy processing plants Agribusiness, issue July, September 2012
Livestock System Pakistan Milk Production System PRODUCTION SYSTEM NUMBER OF ANIMALS MARKETING CHANNELS Small-holder Subsistence 1 – 3 Milk not marketed due to lack of regular access to market. Markets processed goods like desi ghee Small-holder Market Oriented 3 – 5 Retail Shops, Middlemen, Procurement agents of dairy processing plants Rural Commercial More than 50 (90 % buffaloes and 10 % cattle) Retail Shops, Middlemen, Procurement agents of dairy processing plants Per – Urban 100-200 livestock with 90 % buffaloes and 10 % cattle Direct sale to retail shops, contract with the middlemen, sales to consumers Agribusiness, issue July, September 2012
Livestock System Pakistan Milk Production System Value Chain Analysis of Livestock Sector, District Vehari, Report, P-41-43,
The UK Livestock System The White Meat Supply Chain Include pigs, poultry, fish and eggs Most industrial in nature because of two factors Consumer demand for uniform and cheap products Technological possibilities available Breeding and feeding technologies; productive poultry with very high feed- conversion rates Processing of products into various final consumer lines Food Supply Chain Management, Edited by Michael and Paul, Blacwell Publishing, P-70
The Livestock System Farm Supply Chain
Butchers/Shopkeepers/Retailers Hotels/Bakery/Others Livestock System Chicken Supply Chain of Lahore Tolinton Market Sherawala Market Direct Suppliers Dealers / Wholesalers Butchers/Shopkeepers/Retailers Retail Stores Hotels/Bakery/Others Consumers An Empirical Study of Meat Supply Chain: A Case Study By Hamid Jalil
Livestock System Chicken Supply Chain
Livestock System Fish Supply Chain of Lahore - Pakistan An Empirical Study of Meat Supply Chain: A Case Study By Hamid Jalil
The UK Livestock System The White Meat Supply Chain Offshore Competition Domination of Danish, supplies of bacon and ham to UK market Although pigs produce both bacon and ham as well as pork but UK is only 50% self sufficient in these products (Due to animal welfare - cost of concern/preferences and economy strength reasons) Both production and curing processes are different for each product Danes, especially have tented to concentrate their production and processing capacity on the production of quality bacon and ham Further competencies include: Relative price, established supply chain network, connections and marketing activities Food Supply Chain Management, Edited by Michael and Paul, Blacwell Publishing, P-70
The UK Livestock System The White Meat Supply Chain Strategic Standing Although there is existence of Common Agriculture Policy which Provide border protection against outside the EU supplies but support for intensive livestock has been small for following good reasons: If incentive/support offered then it may lead to unsaleable surpluses Due to existence of resources (especially land) and no significant lag between decisions to expand production and capacity to produce more these sectors respond very quickly to price incentives Food Supply Chain Management, Edited by Michael and Paul, Blacwell Publishing, P-70
The UK Livestock System The Red Meat Sector Traditionally: Line of communication and information flow were informal Hill farming (lowland breeding livestock): rely on same farms for their replacement animals and purchasers use autumn auction market Local butchers were associated with local slaughterhouses and rely known farmers for supplies, selling to known families and households Food Supply Chain Management, Edited by Michael and Paul, Blacwell Publishing, P-72
The Livestock System Traceability Tracesafe Ltd. Case Tracesafe is a farmer owned and controlled private limited company Tracesafe Cattle Management System (ISO 90012 Certified) since 1996 Parent selection, stages of rearing, production to receipt of carcasses (processor to butcher) History of individual cut to be traced back to animal of origin Specialist retailers and quality restaurants who afford the additional cost Serve as a quality assurance stamp and endorsement of traceability Supply Chain Management, Vol 3, No 4- Case Study
The UK Livestock System The Red Meat Sector Development: Changing shopping, food storage, preparations eating habits and growth of super markets resulted in concentration of retail (most developed) outlets and decline of traditional local butcher Centralized buying, processing, distribution and quality controlled supplies Food Supply Chain Management, Edited by Michael and Paul, Blacwell Publishing, P-72
The UK Livestock System The Red Meat Sector Development: Selling of more traditional cuts being replaced by sale of more value- added meats and meat product ingredients Integrated production and marketing throughout the meat chain to deliver consistent quality of product required by market Food Supply Chain Management, Edited by Michael and Paul, Blacwell Publishing, P-72,73
Livestock System Case Study (Kobe Cusine) Kobe Cusine brand is managed by Wagyu Business Unit, which is one of the five units within Australian Agriculture Company-Food Group Case Study, Supply Chain Management at Kobe Cuisine, MAL Meat and Livestock Australia, Issue 1/2005
Livestock System Case Study (Kobe Cusine-Flow of Materials) Cattle are purchased directly from Wagyu cattle suppliers who are paid 10 Dollars premium in order to keep record and integrity Of the breed Cattles of age 12 and 18 months enter the Aronui Feedlot Live weight data are feed on the database as cattles are feed On natural grain for 400 days. Feeding capacity is 6,000 heads. Slaughter and processing is done at two abattoirs (95 % at Stanbroke, 5 % at Kilcoy) Products are marketed directly to end users (20 % to each of Japan, USA, South Korea and Hong Kong) Case Study, Supply Chain Management at Kobe Cuisine, MAL Meat and Livestock Australia, Issue 1/2005
Livestock System Case Study (Supply chain of Kobe Cusine - Communication) Case Study, Supply Chain Management at Kobe Cuisine, MAL Meat and Livestock Australia, Issue 1/2005
Livestock System Case Study (Supply chain Communication at Kobe Cusine) Supply chain communication has a vital role in management Communication in up and down the supply chain; competitive advantage Improved knowledge of chain partners and product understanding Eliminated guess work by précised objective data Improved quality of feedback, continuous improvement of processes Relevant data to help make informed decisions for improving cattle performance Case Study, Supply Chain Management at Kobe Cuisine, MAL Meat and Livestock Australia, Issue 1/2005
The UK Livestock System The Red Meat Sector Retail Market UK has amongst the lowest per capita consumption of beef and veal in the western world Red meat categories experience fall in consumption whereas poultry saw a strong growth Supermarkets handle 55% sale, and others include independent grocers, freezer centers, farms shops and market stalls Farm shops and farmers’ markets are recent trends Independent butchers share decline from 47% to 25% Food Supply Chain Management, Edited by Michael and Paul, Blacwell Publishing, P-73
Livestock System The Red Meat Sector (Marketing System in Lahore) 1 big shopkeepers having 5% market share who purchase animals directly from other animal markets outside the city and sell the meat at their shops in Lahore 2 meat shopkeepers having 30% market share purchase animals from local animal market (KotKamboh) 3 comprising 55% of total meat sale is wholesale marketing by middlemen purchase slaughtered animals from slaughterhouses on wholesale rates for further selling 4 Suppliers which has the remaining 10% of market share They buy meat from slaughter houses and wholesalers to supply it to hotels/restaurants An Empirical Study of Meat Supply Chain: A Case Study By Hamid Jalil
The UK Livestock System The Red Meat Sector Policy Earlier there was existence of Common Agriculture Policy Charge of taxes on import Export subsidies Food Supply Chain Management, Edited by Michael and Paul, Blacwell Publishing, P-75
The UK Livestock System The Red Meat Sector Policy World Wide Change Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture General Agreement on tariffs and trade Food Supply Chain Management, Edited by Michael and Paul, Blacwell Publishing, P-75
The UK Livestock System The Red Meat Sector Policy Now facilitation in form of Environmentally friendly land use practice Animal friendly production system Food Supply Chain Management, Edited by Michael and Paul, Blacwell Publishing, P-75
The Livestock System Partnership Management As far as livestock industry in general and beef industry in particular is concerned following are the benefits which might be expected to result from partnership management: Improved market access Improved communication Higher profit margins Great discipline Supply Chain Management, Vol 3, No 4- Case Study
The Livestock System Tesco Producer Club - Case Problem Producers think that retailers have hidden agenda to tie them in and then cut the price Solution Producer club – communication with farmers on matters of mutual interest Tesco to obtain all its beef, lamb and pork from its producer clubs Farmers who join are not under contract, but Tesco offers competitive prices and club members are assured an outlet for their stock, in return farmers to commit 50 % of their stock Premiums for good quality carcasses Supply Chain Management, Vol 3, No 4- Case Study
The Livestock System M & S and Scotbeef - case Originally Scotbeef is a family-run abattoirs and meet packing business, initially was established to supply its own retail butchers Scotbeef supplies all of its fresh beef to M & S M & S and its shoppers can be confident about quality and safety of the beef Scotbeef become an exclusive supplier to M & S due to its ability to trace beef back to the farm Scotbeef pay higher price for selected farm cattles M & S Scotbeef and farmers have more stable market, reliable and comfortable relationship, plan more effectively, investment decisions taken more easily. Supply Chain Management, Vol 3, No 4- Case Study
The Livestock System
Project (Livestock Supply Chain Management) Part By: Fatima Sajid
Red meat supply chain The United States is the largest beef producing country in the world with annual beef production of 12 million metric tons US at third place with total beef exports of 1.0 million metric tons Pakistan’s current red meat production is 3.2 million tons with 1.76 million tons of beef and 0.629 million tons of mutton produced during 2011-2012. Despite the large livestock resources, Pakistan has not been able to exploit those potentially and make its mark in the international meat trade. The major reasons are unavailability of indigenous meat breeds, lack of improved animal husbandry and modern practices regarding animal fattening for meat purpose, absence of well equipped, modern and certified slaughterhouses and meat processing units. Argi Business Quarterly, Pg#4, JULY - SEP 2012
Technical complexity of the supply chain Auction trade traditionally happens through livestock auction markets, which also deal in breeding stock, between regular buyers and sellers, and even via electronic auctions, Depends on establishment of reliable quality and grading systems Market variety of types, grades and conformations (breeds and cross-bred animals) fed through four different feeding regimes, producing three different carcass grades Slaughter hung and matured after slaughter as a carcass, for the necessary biochemical and biophysical changes to occur to produce tender and tasty meat Depending upon the grade Food Supply Chain Management, Edited by Michael and Paul, Blacwell Publishing, P-75,76
Technical complexity of the supply chain Cutting breakout of the carcass into joints and cuts and the all-important by-products, offcuts and offals final consumer products Distribution retailed through a variety of different outlets such as traditional butchers, supermarkets, corner stores and independent grocers, catering establishments Food Supply Chain Management, Edited by Michael and Paul, Blacwell Publishing, P-75,76
Organization and structure of the supply chain some 300 Livestock auction marts are operational in the UK still account for over 50% of finished cattle sales and 70% of sheep sold live weight. 13 million ‘cattle units (cu)’ (one cattle unit is equivalent to one cow, or seven sheep or three pigs). Decrease in slaughter The massive FMD outbreak of 2001–2002 resulted in the slaughter of ‘only’ 6 million animals in total (mostly sheep) versus a normal annual kill of about 32 million animals. Increase in UK sheep population Food Supply Chain Management, Edited by Michael and Paul, Blacwell Publishing, P-77
Meat price According to DEFRA (2001b), meat price changes (both increases and decreases) are fully or largely transmitted through the supply chain from producer to retail retailers try to reduce the variability of retail prices called ‘levelling’ behaviour overall there was little dispute that in the wake of the BSE crisis, costs in the supply chain rose significantly and the overall value of the carcass fell because of the reduction in the value of some of the by- products. At the same time, consumer demand for beef and lamb fell, making it impossible for retailers to raise prices Food Supply Chain Management, Edited by Michael and Paul, Blacwell Publishing, P-79
The Meat Value Chain The meat value chain in Pakistan may be divided into five segments namely; a. Inputs used in breeding of the livestock b. Breeding of live animals meant for procuring meat and meat products c. Marketing of animals bred for obtaining meat and meat products d. Processing of meat products and value addition e. Marketing of meat in • Domestic market • International markets ENHANCING LIVESTOCK SECTOR EXPORT COMPETITIVENESS REPORT
Supply Channels Channel 1 The first channel involves the rural farmer selling80% of the meat animals to the village beopari,345% to the live animal market and 15% to the rural butchers. Channel 2 The second channels deals with the beopari selling 98% of the meat animals in the live animals market and2% to the rural butchers Channel 3 52% of the meat animals are purchased by the contractors, 15% by the traders/ wholesalers, 31% by the urban butchers and only 2% by the rural butchers Channel 4 27% of the meat animals to traders/wholesalers, 1% to the exporters and 72% to the urban butchers. Channel 5 16% of the meat animals are purchased by the slaughterhouses from the traders/wholesalers, while 84% are purchased by the urban butchers
(Livestock Supply Chain Management) Recommendations for Local market Part By: All Group Members
Recommendations Meat Animals Production: The provincial governments urgently need to establish model meat production farms based upon feedlot fattening in the concentrated areas Clustering to organizing and formalizing the livestock sector Government owned livestock farms should not be privatized To ensure increased level of investment in the meat animal production ENHANCING LIVESTOCK SECTOR EXPORT COMPETITIVENESS, REPORT, P-60
Recommendations Training and Awareness of Stakeholders The government must encourage farmers/ entrepreneurs in the country through its various business support organizations and Small and Medium Enterprise Development Authority (SMEDA) to undertake livestock farming for meat production as a primary source of income besides crop and milk production. Awareness campaigns on development of the livestock sector must primarily be spearheaded by the government primarily Training programmes for the government functionaries are also required to be conducted. ENHANCING LIVESTOCK SECTOR EXPORT COMPETITIVENESS, REPORT, P-61,62
Recommendations Meat Processing Industry Recommendations The Pakistan Livestock and Dairy Development Board needs to carry out detailed planning needs to ensure linkages between the livestock markets, slaughterhouses and the processing facilities for livestock by-products. Meat processing zones as well as export meat processing zones should be established near major cities of the country. These zones should be equipped with facilities required by the meat and meat products manufacturing and processing units To encourage value-addition in the industry, investors should be provided soft loans to establish processing facilities and should also be offered export refinancing credit schemes to support the international marketing of the meat products ENHANCING LIVESTOCK SECTOR EXPORT COMPETITIVENESS, REPORT, P-68
Recommendations Generating Exportable Surplus Recommendations To address investment related issues in the value added livestock export sector, government must position meat production as profitable business and provide facilities to develop this sector in the shape of export meat processing zones facilitate setting up of modern slaughterhouses the government needs to encourage competition in the domestic airline industry to bring down freight cost ENHANCING LIVESTOCK SECTOR EXPORT COMPETITIVENESS, REPORT, P-69