Multiple Intelligence Learning Multiple Intelligences is a concept that was first proposed by Dr. Howard Gardner, a neuroscientist at Harvard University in the early 1980s. View this theory of Multiple Intelligences in everyone not in: “how smart I am, but how am I smart?” Compiled: L. Landry Adapted from: Simons, Michael, E. Understanding Multiple Intelligences, and How to Use Them in Your Classroom,
Dr. Gardner suggests: intelligence is based on abilities. the intelligences are divided into nine unique categories.
Logical – Mathematical Intelligence (Math smart) You are capable of performing mathematical functions mentally without the use of manipulatives, and in a quick manner. You are also able to be a model student to the rest of the class; you are in tune with the logics of the lesson that is being taught. You may be a “human calculator” as you can memorize a multiplicity of numbers, such as credit cards, schedules, financial records, lists etc.
Naturalist Intelligence You have a sensitivity to features of the natural world (clouds, rock configurations). This ability was clearly of value in our evolutionary past as hunters, gatherers, and farmers; it continues to be central in such roles as botanist or chef. Examples in history: George Washington Carver and Charles Darwin. You enjoy looking at insects, shells, and other parts of creation, and can sort and classify them. You enjoy field trips and hikes in the woods, caring for pets, the use of observation instruments are what cause this person to derive tremendous pleasure because they provide a hands-on mechanism for learning.
Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence (Body Smart) You have the capacity to use your whole body or parts of your body (your hands, your fingers, your arms), to solve a problem, make something, or put on some kind of production. You may be, or want to become an athlete, performing artist (dancer, actor, mime performer), surgeon, doctor, plumber, or carpenter. You have a detailed ability with fingers, hands, and feet; ability to work with objects precisely. Athletes are capable of using precise timing to improve their ability in a certain sport to become more accurate, fast and powerful. Dancers are capable of performing highly complex moves that appear very simple to execute with the greatest of ease and are aesthetically pleasing to the viewers.
Linguistic Intelligence (Word Smart) You have a capacity to use your language to express what's on your mind and to understand other people. You may be, or want to become a poet, writer, orator, speaker, lawyer – and educator. This intelligence focuses especially on the use of grammar and word choice. Words that are memorized can be used for entertainment, persuasion, and explanation. You enjoy reading, writing, and giving presentations concerning issues and ideas that are important in your lives. You have sports, media, and music interests.
Spatial Intelligence - Navigation You have the ability to represent the spatial world internally in your mind – the way a sailor or airplane pilot navigates the large spatial world. Sculptors enjoy representing what is in their “mind’s eye”. Airplane pilots, navigators, hunters, painters, sculptors, and architects have spatial intelligence. You enjoy the science of anatomy. You may enjoy playing chess, you enjoy clarifying with overheads, videos, diagrams.
INTERpersonal Intelligence (People Smart) You understand other people. You are social. Teachers, salespeople, politicians, guidance counselors (all those who deal with people!) You are an outgoing extrovert. You enjoy cooperative learning projects; observation and experiences with others.
INTRApersonal Intelligence (Self smart) You understand yourself, your know who you are, what you can do, what you want to do, how you react to things, which things to avoid, and which things to gravitate toward. You know what you can do, and what you can’t do. You know where to go if you need help. You have self-respect, discipline, inward motivation, imagination, and originality. You mentally visualize what you need to do and then “make it happen” you focus within yourself.
Musical Rhythmic Intelligence (Music Smart) You have the capacity to think in music, to hear patterns, recognize them, and manipulate them. Mozart You possess pitch and rhythm, meter, a full use of sounds. You have numbers and counting abilities.
Existential Intelligence You pose and think about questions of life, death, and reality of your world.
Why Know this about Myself? The idea of multiple intelligences is a theory. You all possess all of the multiple intelligences to a degree, and are capable of using all of them. We will work toward implementing strategies here in the classroom alongside technology. More than 30% of all students – that means this class, are visual learners (you learn better through the use of pictures, images, graphic organizers etc. ) Technology helps your motivation to be stimulated and your problem-solving abilities to grow!