#4.2 Aim: What is air pollution? Agenda QOD (10) Lesson: Air pollution (15) Activity: Making air-quality testers (15) Summary (5) HW #33 QOD : Which parts of Greene County do you think have the most air pollution? WHY? Air pollution
#4.2 Aim: What is air pollution? Agenda QOD (10) Lesson: Air pollution (15) Activity: Making air-quality testers (15) Summary (5) HW #33 #4.2 Aim: What is air pollution?
#4.2 Aim: What is air pollution? Agenda QOD (10) Lesson: Air pollution (15) Activity: Making air-quality testers (15) Summary (5) HW #33 Air pollution = the release of gases and particulate matter into the atmosphere that can affect climate or harm organisms.
#4.2 Aim: What is air pollution? Agenda QOD (10) Lesson: Air pollution (15) Activity: Making air-quality testers (15) Summary (5) HW #33 Air pollution can be… a). Indoor or… outdoor
#4.2 Aim: What is air pollution? Agenda QOD (10) Lesson: Air pollution (15) Activity: Making air-quality testers (15) Summary (5) HW #33 Air pollution can be… Non-point source (from many locations) b). Point source (from one spot) or…
#4.2 Aim: What is air pollution? Agenda QOD (10) Lesson: Air pollution (15) Activity: Making air-quality testers (15) Summary (5) HW #33 Air pollution can be… From human activity c). Natural or
#4.2 Aim: What is air pollution? Agenda QOD (10) Lesson: Air pollution (15) Activity: Making air-quality testers (15) Summary (5) HW #33 Most people think of air pollution as this… But there are natural sources of air pollution, too!
#4.2 Aim: What is air pollution? Agenda QOD (10) Lesson: Air pollution (15) Activity: Making air-quality testers (15) Summary (5) HW #33 Natural sources of air pollution Strong winds blow dust from deserts in Africa to the Americas, causing die-offs in Caribbean coral reefs 1. Dust storms
#4.2 Aim: What is air pollution? Agenda QOD (10) Lesson: Air pollution (15) Activity: Making air-quality testers (15) Summary (5) HW #33 2. Volcanic eruptions In 1883 an eruption on the Indonesian island of Krakatau blew enough dust into the atmosphere to cause a 1 C drop in global temperatures!
#4.2 Aim: What is air pollution? Agenda QOD (10) Lesson: Air pollution (15) Activity: Making air-quality testers (15) Summary (5) HW #33 In 1997, smoke from a huge Indonesian wild-fire sickened 20 million people, caused cargo ships to collide, and caused a plane crash in Sumatra. 3. Burning vegetation (forest fires)
#4.2 Aim: What is air pollution? Agenda QOD (10) Lesson: Air pollution (15) Activity: Making air-quality testers (15) Summary (5) HW #33 Which of the examples of natural pollution were… point source? Non-point source?
#4.2 Aim: What is air pollution? Agenda QOD (10) Lesson: Air pollution (15) Activity: Making air-quality testers (15) Summary (5) HW #33 Making air-quality testers - Today we will construct air-quality testers that will collect the particulate matter in the air. - You will choose a location to place your air-quality tester until tomorrow (indoor or outdoor). - Make sure it is a safe place so that you can bring your air-quality tester to school Tomorrow!
#4.2 Aim: What is air pollution? Agenda QOD (10) Lesson: Air pollution (15) Activity: Making air-quality testers (15) Summary (5) HW #33 Instructions: 1.Cut-out squares of white Styrofoam. 2. Write your name on your cardboard piece. 3. Glue your square to the cardboard. 4. Coat your square in Petroleum jelly (Vaseline). Remember to bring it back TOMORROW!
#4.2 Aim: What is air pollution? Agenda QOD (10) Lesson: Air pollution (15) Activity: Making air-quality testers (15) Summary (5) HW #33 Think about the Dust Bowl… Indoor or outdoor? Point source or non-point source air pollution? Natural or from human activity?