World War I Britain and allies went to war with Germany on August 4, 1914 Canada did not have authority in international defence, so it was automatically participating Germany & Austria-Hungary vs. Britain, France and Russia for control over Europe Often seen as struggle of nationalism vs. imperialism
World War I Canada initially asked for volunteers (no draft) April 1915 – Battle of Ypres – first gas attack 1916 – Battle of Somme – Canadian casualties of German bombing and machine gun fire April 1917 – Battle of Vimy Ridge: Completely organized by Canadian forces, took over major hill from Germans (months to plan and coordinate) 1917 – Passchendaele – Canadians captured ridge
World War I Billy Bishop – flying ace from Canada, used as poster boy for recruitment and patriotism for Canada’s war effort Canada sent much food and supplies by ship to England; workers in factories mainly women Canada contributed to war effort, but were only a part of Britain’s army, not their own On Treaty of Versailles, Canada demanded to have own signature shown
World War II Germany invaded Poland; Britain and France declare war on Sept 1, 1939 Canada asserts independence by choosing to vote in parliament on Sept 10 Allies were England, Canada, France (initially), Russia, U.S., China
World War II 1941 – Hong Kong – 2000 Canadian soldiers were captured of surrendered by Dec – Dieppe – Allied forces use French port town as practice run for beach invasion. Fails and 3000 of 5000 Canadians are casualties 1943 – Italy – Canada fights for two long years to take parts of country; ultimately successful 1944 June 6 – Battle of Normandy (coast of France), also known as D-Day. Along with Allied forces, Canada captures Juno Beach
World War II From Normandy, Canadian forces head east along the coast and finally liberate the country of Holland (spring 1945) Canada developed huge Home Front industries to supply forces in Europe – mostly run and staffed by women Merchant marine shipped supplies in convoys to Europe under watchful eye of Canadian ‘Corvettes’ – fast-moving battleships Trained many pilots and assisted in bombing runs through Royal Canadian Air Force
Cold War Started when Igor Gouzenko, spy working in Canada under Russian embassy, decides to inform public of his activities Allied powers cut off diplomatic ties to Russia, create “iron curtain” – an imaginary dividing line between western and eastern Europe North Atlantic Treaty Organization created as military alliance between allies to act as defence and deterrent against Stalin’s ideas to push more countries into communist control
Cold War As United States and Russia (U.S.S.R.) emerge as full superpowers with nuclear capabilities, a `cold war` exists wherein no side dared openly fight, but both took every precaution for possibility through measures of high alertness Canada and U.S. create NORAD (North American Aerospace Defence) with a series of DEW (Distant Early Warning) lines across Canadian Arctic in order to check for Russian planes or warheads
Cold War Canada refuses to house nuclear warheads on Canadian soil Avro Arrow company in Canada creates supersonic jet, but project is scrapped by Canadian government without much explanation. From here on U.S. becomes major weapons manufacturer
Korean War June 1950 – North Korea invades South Korea along 38 th parallel United Nations Security Council votes to send army to intervene 25 countries participate, including Canada (27000 troops) Fighting continued to 1953, when armistice signed. As of today, war technically still exists
Vietnam War Although mostly from 1945 – 1975, most fighting in 1960`s North Vietnamese (Communist) attempting to take over country from South Vietnamese (Capitalist) Neither United Nations nor NATO involved. Canada did not fight in this war U.S. citizens, attempting to avoid draft, flees to Canada