2 ISS-present status Trent Martin NASA AMS Project Manager
3 Electron, positron, proton, antiproton, isotopes…. Milano 20 maggio AMS-02 layout: energy and type separation of particles
4 Antimatter search on anti-He with a sensitivity 10 3 better than current limits High statistics study of the cosmic ray spectrum Isotope separation Antiparticle spectrum 1 year 10 Be is specially interesting for its half time (t 1/2 = years) of the same order than the confinement time of the CR in the Galaxy After 3 years, AMS will collect ~ Be
5 Dark Matter Search INDIRECT DETECTION: in CRs signals due to χχ annihilation in the galactic halo. → neutrinos. → gamma-rays. → antiprotons, positrons, antideuterons ASTROPHYSICS OF COSMIC RAYS!! CR Transport equation in Diffusion Models: in 2D with turbolence convection, energy changing and sources in the halo
6 Secondary antiprotons : background when looking for exotic component To calculate secondary antiproton fluxes:. → p and He in CR (measured flux). → nuclear cross sections (data + Mcarlo). → diffusion models AMS-02 data
7 From interstellar to Earth CR flux-1 Diffusion (r) Diffusion ( ) Adiabatic loss Convection Fokker-Plank equation of propagation in 2 or 3D Solar activity and polarity Heliosphere (Solar) MODULATION + DRIFT!
8 From interstellar to Earth CR flux-2 Magnetosphere MODULATION TF calculation AMS-02 predictions Recontsruct CR trajectories: TF calculation
9 Tesi di laurea breve disponibili Eliosfera Modulazione solare da 1D a 2D Moti di deriva nell’eliosfera CR modulation per i pianeti del sistema solare (Marte etc.) Modulazione nelle fasi A>0 e A<0 Magnetosfera TF per elio e confronto dati AMS01 TF per elettroni e confronto dati AMS01 TF 2009 e previsioni Elio AMS-02 TF per ioni (C-Fe) e previsioni AMS02 On-line running code