Tivoli © 2010 IBM Corporation CCMDB New Features for CCMDB August 2010
Tivoli Software © 2010 IBM Corporation CCMDB At A Glance CI Baselines CI Interested Parties Change Scheduler Change Process Automation Virtualization Release Process Manager Workflow Improvements Other Enhancements 2
Tivoli Software © 2010 IBM Corporation 3 CI Baselines What is a Baseline: “A configuration baseline is a snapshot that represents an approved configuration at a particular time that people can reference, compare to, and apply changes to in a manner that is understandable.” Business Value: Provide IT standardization by easily taking a snapshot, at any time, of CIs to produce an approved configuration. Ability to quickly detect changes to those approved configurations Configuration Baselines Authorized CIs Name: May Baseline Date: 5/1/ Name: June Baseline Date: 6/1/ Server1 Baseline Payroll Service Baseline Server1 Baseline Payroll Service Baseline
Tivoli Software © 2010 IBM Corporation 4 CI Baselines Cont. CCMDB 7.2.1: A new Baseline application for: Creating a Baseline for a set of CIs at a particular time. Creating a new Version of an existing Baseline. Comparing a Baseline to what is discovered in the Actual CI Space and viewing the results.
Tivoli Software © 2010 IBM Corporation CI Interested Parties 5 Business Value: Ensure all parties involved with a CI are notified before Changes or Releases are executed to ensure the least impact to the Business. CCMDB 7.2.1: The owner of CI can be a Group or single Person. A new Interested Parties list has been added to the CI application. Our Change process and Release process (or any other process) can notify everyone in the list when a Change or Release is approved against that CI. Additional notifications can also be easily added.
Tivoli Software © 2010 IBM Corporation 6 Change Scheduler Business Value: Change Management users need to be able to easily and accurately schedule all tasks in a Change to provided planned outages in times where the Business will be least affected. CCMDB 7.2.1: New Graphical Scheduler application –View all available times and conflicts in a Gantt Chart –Improved visualization of schedule constraints –Constraints now include resource availability Schedule all tasks of a Change Project-based scheduling What-if scheduling –Work with several projects to try different possibilities –Select one to use for schedule dates
Tivoli Software © 2010 IBM Corporation 7 Change Scheduler Cont. Resource Constraints Chart View entire Change and individual tasks for that Change Easily zoom in or out to change the time scale. Predecessor constraint indicator
Tivoli Software © 2010 IBM Corporation Change Process Automation Business Value: Allow customers to easily standardize and pre-approve routine (low risk) Changes to process them quickly and therefore allowing them to focus on their high risk Changes Automated Risk, Impact and Priority calculation that drive the Change process flow to ensure the Changes get processed quickly, accurately and there is minimal impact to the Business. CCMDB 7.2.1: Automated calculation of key process drivers –Risk: Based on impact & probability of failure –Impact: Based on outage impact & maximum assessed impact –Priority: Based on impact and urgency Automatic process adjustment based on these calculated values –Standard Change –Emergency Change –Normal Change 8
Tivoli Software © 2010 IBM Corporation Automatic Impact Calculation 9 Overall impact is now calculated automatically (in the ootb) Change workflow. 1. It uses individual impacts provided by each assessor on a Change. 2. It also uses the business impact for each of the target CIs of the Change (a new field has been added to CIs to capture their impact). Sub-processes of the end to end ITIL Change workflow.
Tivoli Software © 2010 IBM Corporation Automation based on Change Type Change Type (Standard, Emergency, Normal) can now be set in your Change templates (job plans). 2. The type is then validated using the impact and risk of the Change and will be automatically adjusted, if needed.
Tivoli Software © 2010 IBM Corporation Different Process Flows based on Change Type 11 Standard Emergency Normal Change Type determines the Change process followed. This is default behavior though is easily configurable. Existing customers can choose to take advantage of new updates or continue to use their existing processes.
Tivoli Software © 2010 IBM Corporation 12 Virtualization Business Value: Make it easier and quicker to view, understand and determine impact on Virtual CIs. Make it easier and quicker to process Changes on Virtual CIs. CCMDB 7.2.1: Additional discovery capability on Virtual CIs, using TADDM, that can be imported into your Actual CI Space. This includes Vmware/AIX & Pseries systems. Improved Promotion scope for Virtual CIs. Automated Impact Analysis includes Virtual CIs and their relationships to physical CIs to allow you to determine impact in your Virtual environment without any configuration. Fully automated Standard Change, preapproved without requiring manual assessments and approvals for Virtual CIs, as well as physical CIs.
Tivoli Software © 2010 IBM Corporation 13 Tivoli Release Process Manager CCMDB now contains Tivoli Release Process Manager (TRPM) as a chargeable component of the CCMDB –Provides a centralized packaging for Change, Configuration, and Release Processes –Single Install –Multi-Customer enabled An end to end solution –Incident –Problem –Change –Release –Deployment
Tivoli Software © 2010 IBM Corporation 14 Workflow Designer Updated Graphical Canvas Explorer List View Navigation improvements Workflow Admin Power App w/Explorer Audit - Manage ALL WF Instances Log action results Navigation improvements Workflow Launcher (New) Explorer interface Improved OMP Integration Classify and parameterize Workflows Classify Actions Custom Scripts as new Action type Pluggable, re-usable actions via configuration Improved logging/debug Tpae Workflow Automation Scripts Usability improvements 5 4 Workflow Improvements
Tivoli Software © 2010 IBM Corporation 15 Enhanced Workflow Designer – Explorer View Workflows Tree view based on classification of workflows. User has selected “On-Board Employees -> On-Board Summer Co-op”
Tivoli Software © 2010 IBM Corporation 16 Refresh WF Designer Canvas as iLog-based Applet Flyover Node Flyover
Tivoli Software © 2010 IBM Corporation 17 Other Enhancements Install Improvements – continue the journey –Launch pad concept – much easier –Easy access to documentation and help center Serviceability Enhancements –Logging and Tracing –Backup and restore environments –Recovery from failed Install Performance enhancements on importing and promoting CIs