AdColMat: Status of the Working Group and Recent Advancements Working Group on Advanced Materials for Collimators 4 th Meeting - 21/7/2014 A. Dallocchio EN-MME-FS
Outline A. Dallocchio Materials R&D Analyses of HiRadMat 1 st run experiments (HRMT09&HRMT14) Tests proposed for HiRadMat 2 nd run (HRMT21 & HRMT23) Latest updates on collimator simulations Conclusions 21/7/20142
Materials R&D (more details in E. Quaranta presentation) A. Dallocchio21/7/20143 Extensive thermo-physical and mechanical characterization (CERN, GSI, PoliTo) ongoing on the following materials: AC150K CFC R4550 Graphite MoGr CuCD Molybdenum (2 grades: PLANSEE and AT&M) Tungsten-Rhenium Irradiation campaigns in the frame of several collaborations: Kurchatov Institute (Russia): 30MeV protons and 26 C-ions irradiation on CFC, CuCD, MoCuCD BNL (USA): 200 MeV proton irradiation on Molybdenum, Glidcop, CuCD, MoGr GSI (Germany): 1 GeV U and Bi-ions irradiation on CFC, CuCD, MoGr. Au-ions irradiation on CFC, CuCD and MoGr (currently on-going, July 2014)
Materials R&D (more details in E. Quaranta presentation) A. Dallocchio21/7/20144 New instruments procured and new measurement methods developed: Laser-flash to measure diffusivity and conductivity of the materials Dilatometer to measure the CTE Differential Scanning Calorimeter to precisely measure the specific heat of materials up to 2000 ˚C, also detecting phase transitions (to be delivered) Ad-hoc setup prepared at EN/MME mechanical lab to determine the elastic matrix constant of anisotropic materials (E, G, in the different directions) Dilatometer Laser-Flash
HRMT09 A. Dallocchio21/7/20145 The experiment allowed to benchmark thermo-mechanical simulations and to highlight potential machine protection issues, on top of mechanical damage, due to projection of fragments and dust Test bench currently stored at b. 954 waiting for post-irradiation analysis
HRMT14 Status of the simulations A. Dallocchio21/7/20146 Inermet180 ✓ Glidcop Al-15 ✓ Molybdenum ✘ Molybdenum-Diamond ✘ Copper-Diamond ✓ Molybdenum-Graphite ✓ Measurements on Inermet and Glidcop successfully benchmarked against explicit numerical simulations. Results published in Nucl.Instrum.Meth. B308 (2013) 88-99Nucl.Instrum.Meth. B308 (2013) Copper-Diamond and Molybdenum-Graphite recently simulated by M. Garlasché: results to be presented during a future AdColMat meeting The Equation of State of Molybdenum is needed to complete simulations on the last two materials action A. Dallocchio Glidcop Al-15: 4.66e12 protons, simulated vs. measured radial velocity MoGr: 1.95e13 protons Maximum Temperature
HRMT21 Experiment overview A. Dallocchio21/7/20147 HRMT21 – Objective: verify the robustness of the SLAC rotatable collimator against proton impact (beam injection error scenario). Experiment approved by the HiRadMat Scientific Committee (14/3/2014)
HRMT23 Experiment overview A. Dallocchio21/7/20148 HRMT23 – Objectives: Integrally test under LIU/SPS beam train jaws for HL-LHC collimators (baseline: 288 bunches, 1.7E11 p/b; can we go up to 2.3E11 p/b?) Acquire online data about response of complete jaws to beam impact Assess impact consequences on jaws components after irradiation Experiment approved by the HiRadMat Scientific Committee (14/3/2014) If collimator robustness assessed by the experiment 1 TCSx prototype to be installed in the LHC during Christmas Break 2015
HRMT23 Experiment overview A. Dallocchio21/7/20149 HRMT23 – Main features: Three superposed jaws in one tank. Jaws equipped with set of strain gauges, temperature sensors, … for online acquisition. Special tank equipped with viewports for optical acquisition, LDV, electric connections etc. and fast dismounting system for glove box post-irradiation observations.
Collimator Simulations Work ongoing (more details in M. Garlasché presentation): A. Dallocchio21/7/ )TCSG: Finite elements analysis of the beam injection error scenario (P. Gradassi) Same parameters defined in 2004, with HL-LHC intensity (6.4E13 p) FLUKA inputs courtesy of A. Lechner, A. Patapenka and L. Skordis 2)TCSP: Beam injection error scenario has been confirmed as the most critical (no problems highlighted in case of asynchronous beam dump) In case of HL-LHC intensity, T > T melt on the downstream tapering! Recently installed TCSP cannot experience this accident scenario Aluminium tapering under study for future TCSP (coating needed to cope with secondary electron yield) FLUKA inputs courtesy of A. Lechner, A. Patapenka and L. Skordis
Collimator Simulations Work ongoing (more details in M. Garlasché presentation): A. Dallocchio21/7/ )TCT: New thresholds for tertiary collimators (asynchronous beam dump scenario) calculated and presented during MPP Annecy 2013:MPP Annecy 2013 Onset of plastic damage : 5x10 9 p Limit for fragment ejection: 2x10 10 p Limit of for 5 th axis compensation (with fragment ejection): 1x10 11 p Updated asynchronous beam dump scenario studied by R. Bruce and L. Lari (presented during AdColMat 3 th meeting), featuring fractions of subsequent bunches impacted the collimator in different spotsAdColMat 3 th meeting SixTrack/FLUKA inputs not available yet 4)TCSx: FLUKA analysis ongoing (T. Manousos, L. Skordis) to evaluate beam injection error scenario on MoGr active jaw New iterations will most likely be needed, in particular for the active jaw (CuCD to be simulated)
Conclusions A. Dallocchio21/7/ R&D on materials is rapidly progressing, with tests at CERN, GSI, BNL and PoliTo (Elena’s presentation) New instruments are being procured and new measurement methods have been developed: Laser-flash and dilatometer have already been delivered Differential Scanning Calorimeter will allow to precisely measure the specific heat of materials up to 2000 ˚C, also detecting phase transitions Ad-hoc setup prepared at EN/MME mechanical lab to determine the elastic matrix constant of anisotropic materials (E, G, in the different directions) Benchmarking of HRMT14 measurements almost completed; the last simulations will be performed once Mo EOS is available Two experiments proposed for HiRadMat 2 nd run (2015): HRMT21 (SLAC rotatable collimator) and HRMT23 (collimator jaws). Both experiments recommended by the HiRadMat Scientific Committee Several additional simulations (FLUKA and Thermo-mechanical) completed on different collimators with HL-LHC parameters.