UNECE Reporting Guidelines Approval – impact on future reporting Katarina Mareckova, 11 May 2009, Vienna TFEIP/EIONET meeting
Content Formats Changes Revisions for 2010 reporting
Reporting Guidelines The Guidelines for Reporting Emission Data under LRTAP Convention (ECE/EB.AIR/97) adopted by EB, Dec 2008, published in January 2009 (in Englisch, French and Russian) 7 technical Annexes (29c) Parties should use reporting formats provided in Annex IV…
Annexes to the reporting Guidelines Annex I – Substances and Definitions pollutants category 1 and category 2– (POPs ?) LPS international air and see traffic notation keys Overview Annex_II.pdf (status of ratification ) Annex_III_Aggregation_gridded_data.doc (GNFR) Annex_IV_reporting_templates.xls Annex_IV_General.doc (supporting information ) Annex_V Gridding Annex_VI_IIR.doc (IIR template) RevisedGL_AnnexVII_References.doc
Procedures and deadlines Data to the CEIP (or post data at CDR and inform CEIP) Notification form to the UNECE secretariat (copy to CEIP) The deadline for submission is 15 February 2009 (IIR by 15 March ) Annual reporting should contain; national total emissions and sectoral emissions of SOx, NOx, NMVOCs, NH 3, CO, HMs, POPs and PM and activity data IIR shell be submitted annually 5-yearly basis (were due 1 March 2007, next in 2012 ) Projections Gridded data (emep grid 50x50km) (for the years 1990, 1995, 2000 and 2005) LPS data
General issues/cross cutting (11) Parties shall as minimum use the methodologies in the latest version of the EMEP|EEA Air Pollutant Emission Inventory Guidebook… (23) Parties should identify in the IIR national key categories… (24) Parties should quantify uncertainties…. (26) …Parties should recalculate emissions when necessary and report their recalculations as part of their annual submissions and document them in the IIR. (45)…Parties should archive all relevant emission information for each year, including, if practicable, all disaggregated emission factors, activity data and documentation about how these factors and data have been generated and aggregated for reporting…. (46) The IIR should be submitted in one of the working languages of the UNECE…. …Parties… …are encouraged to also provide an English translation.
Emissions form road vehicle transport (para 15 and 16) For emissions from transport, Parties within the EMEP region should calculate and report emissions consistent with national energy balances reported to Eurostat or the International Energy Agency. Emissions from road vehicle transport should therefore be calculated and reported on the basis of the fuel sold in the Party concerned. In addition, Parties may report emissions from road vehicles based on fuel used or kilometres driven in the geographic area of the Party. The method for the estimate(s) should be clearly specified in the IIR. Parties outside of the EMEP region may use an alternative emission estimation strategy provided that they provide an explanation of the methodology to the EMEP Centre on Emission Inventories and Projections, CEIP.
Emissions of aviation and navigation (para 17 and 18) Emissions of aviation and navigation (para 17 and 18) Emissions of aviation (national and international) during the LTO cycle belong to the national totals. Cruise emissions from domestic and international aviation should not be included in national totals, but reported separately as memo items in table IV 1 of Annex IV to the Guidelines. Emissions from fuels used for international maritime shipping should not be included in the national totals, whilst Emissions from inland and domestic maritime shipping should be included in the national totals Emissions from other international shipping (as defined in part B of Annex I to these Guidelines), should not be included in national totals but reported separately as memo items in table IV 1 of Annex IV to these Guidelines.
Main differences in reporting obligations NECD LRTAP Convention (NFR) UNFCCC (CRF) Air pollutantsNO x, SO x, VOCs, NH 3 NO x, SO x, CO, NMVOC, NH 3, HMs, POPs, PM (GHGs) NO x, SO x, NMVOC, CO Domestic aviation (LTO) Included in national total Domestic aviation (Cruise) Not included in national total Included in national total International aviation (LTO) Included in national total Not included in national total International aviation (Cruise) Not included in national total International inland shipping Included in national total Not included in national total International maritime Not included in national total Road transport Emissions calculated based on fuel sold and additionaly may be reported on fuel consumed or km driven Emissions calculated based on fuel sold Reporting obligation under CLRTAP harmonised with NECD starting 2009 reporting round
Emission Projections (20)…Parties should provide projection with measures… …consistent with inventory… …consistent with those compiled under EU NECD and the EU MM (36)….at least every five years… …by 15 Feb… …for the years 2010, 2015, 2020,2030 and 2050… (38) …report quantitative info on parameters underlying emission projections… In format as set up in table 2A and 2B
Summary of changes Summary of changes Reporting of activity data in table IV 1a Reporting of transport emissions based on fuel sold In memo items transport emissions based on fuel used or km driven National total / memo items Aviation LTO international => included in NT Cruise national => memo item International inland shipping => included in NT Forest fires => memo item Different grouping of categories for gridded data and LPS data (GNFR) New format of projections table Flat file formats (not preference)
Annex VI Table 1: edits for reporting in 2010 Version NFR09 Revisions up to date: Editorial Corrected few inconsistencies Removed “SNAP national total” Deleted sheet ”Extensions” Comments still possible Updated reporting templates will be made available on the website of the EMEP Centre on Emission Inventories and Projections (CEIP) – Sept
LPS and gridded data (3A and 3B) Until 2012 can be reported in both formats (NFR04 and NFR09) EMEP centres will check and further discuss the structure of GNFR
Discussion items How to improve quality of reporting Experience from 2009 Inconsistent time series (mixture of formats, not recalculated historical years,…) Gaps in inventories (years, pollutants, sectors..) Not provided AD, IIRs Lot of errors in flat files