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Presentation transcript:


WHO WE ARE  The world’s first global environmental organization (founded 1948)  1,200+ member organizations including 200+ government and 900+ non- government organizations  1,000 staff in 45 offices working on hundreds of conservation projects all aimed at the sustainable management of biodiversity and natural resources – SCIENCE BASED DECISIONS / MULTI-STAKEHOLDER  The largest professional global conservation network Almost 11,000 voluntary scientists and experts, grouped in six Commissions in ~160 countries  Official Observer Status at the United Nations General Assembly, Arctic Council, Antarctic Treaty System, International Maritime Organization

3  Private sector plays a critical role in determining how biodiversity is used and conserved  Conserving the Arctic’s unique biodiversity and ensuring sustainable development of the region’s resources is a major priority for the IUCN Global Marine and Polar Programme  IUCN sees value in linking the work of business with the public sector and civil society to promote a more reliable and resilient environment for sustainable development and nature conservation. Polar Programme Goals

Multiple Uses of the Arctic Marine Environment home to several million people MOTIVATION Home to unique polar species vast natural resources Tourism on the rise Exploration & science Transits increasing A sustainable future requires a collaborative approach

5 International Working with Arctic nations to understand and maintain Arctic biodiversity Convention on Biological Diversity World Heritage Convention - OUV IMO – Special Area, PSSA

66 International - Regional Promote Cross-Sector Dialogue for Sustainable Development What? IUCN bringing together leading Arctic private companies, NGOs, indigenous people, academia, and government, to develop a set of cross-sector safety, environmental and operating principles. How? Regional workshops- scenario building exercise

7 Regional - Local Promote Safety and Stewardship in Bering Strait Region 2013 Pilot Program St. Lawrence Island AIS land based stations and portables for hunting vessels out of Gambell and Savoonga

8 NameRegionDescriptionDeliverablesParticipation Arctic Council Circumpolar Business Forum (AC-CBF) Circumpolar – small to large businesses Under the Canadian Chairmanship the Arctic Council has formed a Circumpolar Business Task force to scope out a Circumpolar Business Forum. First conference call in June First face to face meeting scheduled for September 2013 in Reykavik. Scope to be determined. Funding: Arctic Council Status: CBF to be launched in February 2014 Contact: Mitch Bloom, CANNOR, Co-chair task force (Russia, Finland, Iceland co-chairs) Task Force is Government, Forum intended to be Business and Government IUCN Arctic Cross Sector Business Coalition for S.D. Circumpolar – ocean and coast IUCN is bringing together leading Arctic private companies, NGOs, indigenous people, academia, government, and other stakeholders to develop a set of cross-sector safety, environmental and operating principles to support sustainable development in the Arctic. The project takes a regional approach, through a series of four workshops, as there is no one Arctic. In addition, the project will engage participants in scenario building exercise to allow for business and stakeholders to take a long view of sustainable development in the region. A scoping workshop was hosted March 25/26 where participants expressed interest to link with Arctic Council activities, have a voice in that forum, and provide useful information to that forum and others initiatives through the written deliverables and principles developed. Funding: Business Status: Forming coalition and working toward project partner meeting Contact: Martha McConnell, IUCN Polar Programme Cross-sector Principles for Sustainable Development in Arctic Future Multi- stakeholder – Business, NGO, Government, Indigenous People, Academia ARCTIC BUSINESS ENGAGEMENT LANDSCAPE

9 The Arctic CircleCircum/Sub polar Initiated by President Grimsson of Iceland and Alice Rogoff. This is an extension of the Arctic Imperative Summit (which focused on Alaska and was founded by Rogoff) into a circum/sub polar forum to provide a platform for business, policy-makers, and other stakeholders to engage. High level policy- makers and CEO’s invited and serve on steering committee. Format is plenary session and side sessions that can be closed meetings, panels, roundtable, or another format. Funding: Various Sponsors Status: meeting October 12-14, Reykjavik Contact: Tracey Foster, The Arctic Circle unknown Alaska Arctic Business Roundtable AlaskaLed by the Institute of the North. Inaugural meeting August 12 during the ‘Week of the Arctic’ conference. The goal is to provide a space for industry to come together, learn about and discuss Arctic policy issues, and provide industry perspectives to public officials. Building an active group in Alaska to participate at a wider level such as the Arctic Council, and IUCN Cross-Sector project. Funding: Various (Shell, UAF, Exxon, North Slope Borough..) Status: meeting August 12 Contact: Nils Andreassen, Executive Director IoN Quarterly meetings Arctic Business Round Table (ABRT) European Focus This is being pursued by the organizers of the European Union Arctic Forum Foundation. ABRT preparatory workshop is planned in Oslo, Aug 30 titled “Responsible Business for Sustainable Development of the Arctic”. The content and participants overlap with IUCN Cross-Sector March workshop and outreach. The goal is to have ABRT articulate the voice of Arctic business on a cross-sector basis. The ABRT will function as an independent cross-sector business initiative focused on enabling political impact by connecting the Arctic business community with key policy makers, i.e. the Arctic Council and other international institutions. Funding: unknown Status: Prep meeting Aug 30 with bi-annual meeting and working groups thereafter Contact: Steffen Weber, EU Arctic Forum Foundation unknown

10 Arctic Business Forum European High North Arctic Business Forum is an international business event bringing together companies and business people interested in the European High North investments and business development. The forum is an open arena to discuss new business opportunities and challenges in the arctic and find solutions to improve business cooperation over the actual and abstract borders over the countries and over different branches of business. 4th Arctic Business Forum was arranged in March 2013 in Rovaniemi Finland. Status: 5th Arctic Business Forum dates are March Contact: Lapland Chamber of Commerce European High North Business Yearbook 2013 Business and Government World Ocean Council - Arctic Business Leadership Council Circumpolar – Ocean focus WOC held Arctic business meeting September A WOC Arctic Task Force is considering steps forward. The WOC will engage in development of the format and content of The Arctic Circle business sessions. Funding: Business Status: Unknown Contact: Paul Holthus unknownBusiness Arctic Exchange Status: meeting September 16-18, Stockholm Contact: Unknown unknown North Slope Science Initiative Scenario Building Alaska North Slope The goal among the NSSI agency is to develop a few likely scenarios for O&G development to allow them to evaluate whether they are investing in the amount and the types of science that would be needed to actively evaluate and guide development. The IUCN Cross Sector Business Coalition is using the same methodology and the two initiatives with the University of Alaska Fairbanks are in discussion on how best to collaborate and link efforts. Funding: Government Status: Plan for 2-3 workshops 2014 Contact: John Payne, NSSI Future Research Priorities for the North Slope of Alaska Business, Academia, Government, Indigenous People

BMÞ Photo: Steven Amstrup, USGS 11 Partnerships, Increase Capacity, Sharing, Collaboration, Long- term, Experience, Science-based... Role - EBM....Arctic connections....