Does a high soy intake prevent the development of osteoporosis? Elizabeth Yahn
Soybean or Soya Estrogen GenisteinDaidzein Glycitein
Nutrition of Soy Nutrition Facts Soybean, boiled Amount per 1 cup (172 g) Calories298 Total Fat15g Sat. Fat2.2 g Polyunsat.9g Monounsat.3.4g Cholesterol0mg Sodium2mg Potassium886mg Total Carb17g Protein29g Calcium17% FoodServingTotal PEs (mg) Soy protein concentrate, water wash3.5 oz102 Soy protein concentrate, alcohol wash3.5 oz12 Miso1/2 cup59 Soybeans, cooked1/2 cup47 Tempeh3 oz37 Soybeans, dry roasted1 oz37 Soy milk1 cup30 Tofu based yogurt1/2 cup21 Tofu3 oz20 Soybeans, green, cooked (Edamame)1/2 cup12 Soy hot dog1 hot dog11 Soy sausage3 links3 Soy cheese, mozzarella1 oz2
Osteoporosis Calcium is used as a buffer. Poor absorption in elderly leads to greater resorption from deposits in bones. Rate of osteoporosis determined by rate of fractures.
Soy proteins and isoflavones affect bone mineral density in older women: a randomized control trial (Kenny et. al., 2009) 1 year, double blind, randomized, placebo controlled prospective, 2x2 factorial 97 women aged 60 or older 4 intervention groups: soy protein/isoflavone, soy protein/placebo, control protein/isoflavone, control protein/placebo Dietary counseling every 3 mo for duration of study
(Kenny et. al., 2009)
Gender-specific Associations Between Soy and Risk of Hip Fracture in the Singapore Chinese Health Study (Koh et. al. 2009) Population cohort. Singapore immigrants from Hokkien or Cantonese dialects. Baseline questionnaire and food frequency survey. Record linkage identified 968 subjects with fracture history and 62,186 without.
Women in Quartiles 3 and 4 saw a significant decrease in fracture risk. Longer followup resulted in greater significance for women with greater intakes. (Koh et. al. 2009)
The Soy Isoflavones for Reducing Bone Loss (SIRBL) Study: a 3-y randomized controlled trial in postmenopausal women (Alekel et. al. 2010) Effect of isoflavones on lumbar spine and total proximal femur BMD. Account for lifestyle and biological confounding factors. 209 of 216 participants met compliance standards
(Alekel et. al. 2010)
90 eligible subjects At baseline and post-treatment: dietary intake and physical activity assessed. BMD of lumbar spine and left hip at baseline and post-treatment. Soy isoflavones attenuate bone loss in early postmenopausal Chinese women: A single- blind randomized, placebo-controlled trial (Ye et. al. 2006)
High dosage significantly reduced BMD loss of femur neck and reduced bone turnover. Bone turnover markers returned to normal 24 weeks post-treatment. All subjects were counseled on diet and activity along standardized guidelines. (Ye et. al. 2006)
Summary Two trials in the US found little correlation between soy and fracture risk. In Singapore, soy intake reduced fracture risk for women but not men. An earlier Chinese trial found high doses of isoflavones to have beneficial effects.
In Conclusion... For women of Asian descent soy has been shown to prevent loss of BMD. Evidence is less clear in studies that do not account for ethnic backgrounds. Further studies are needed to determine the role ethnicity may play in the soy-BMD saga.