Watch out for this… Thursday, October 22 nd you will not need to come to class at 1:20 You will watch and respond to an IRIS module online - and it can be completed anytime - You will get the assignment on Tuesday, October 20 th Are you going to the Math/Science Teacher Conference on Monday, Oct. 26 th ? We are leaving at 5:25 am from the front of EA; Let Dr. Burrows know! Did you get your student work samples (student work) from your microteach? Bring your student work samples to class on Tuesday, October 27th! Your Scientific Research Poster is due Thursday, October 29 th The poster template is under resources on LiveText’s poster assignment
Teaching and Relationships Microteach –Did you do this? – Focus on teaching students; What are they interested in? – Teach just a few concepts per class; Specify objectives – Provide overviews/reviews for students – Find meaningful connections (real-world & personal) – Plan accommodations; Differentiate – Check & assess student learning frequently – Use multiple assessments – Inform your teaching effectiveness with student performance – Engage students to think; Question them! – Allow students to create questions & disseminate findings – Ask students to explain thinking; “How? & Why?” – Use different teaching strategies – Provide opportunity for inquiry – Encourage students to make & follow rules
Peer Critique and RTOP Peer critique – detailed analysis of something (like the videos you made) Analysis – examination of the elements (what constitutes good teaching?) Why would you use peer critique – Explicitly promotes and allows for reflection How could you let students critique peers – YouDemo, post-its, other… What characteristics would you rate? Planning, Implementation, and Assessment (Look at the “Teaching and Relationships” page) RTOP – Revised Teaching Observation Protocol (It is only useful for non-traditional lessons. This will be used for you during student teaching residency evaluations.) Two effective questioning strategies: “Why?” and “How?” Video qualities – above and beyond teaching qualities – – Picture, Sound, Stability, Lighting quality So, the big question is what did you do well in your videos? Did your “students” collect and analyze data?