Are Mobile Phones safe? Aims: -To know what waves mobile phones produce (D) -To be able to identify reliable scientific evidence (C) -To construct a balanced argument for the use of mobile phones(B).
Using mobile phones
Some people are concerned about mobile phone use because the handsets emit shortwave radiowaves (microwaves) close to the body. As Low As Reasonably Achievable Why limit the use of mobile phones? This involves the following precautions: essential. The government recommends that users take reasonable steps to limit their exposure to the microwaves by following the ALARA principle. Using a hands free kit or shield. Using a phone which emits less radiation. Not talking on a mobile for a long time. Under 16s only using mobiles when
TASK In pairs choose the best 3 scientific facts: 1)FOR letting Emily have a mobile phone 2)AGAINST letting Emily have a mobile phone
Is it fair to say that we can keep on using mobile phones without worrying about health risks? Is it fair to say that children should be discouraged from using mobile phones?
Opinions on mobile phones