Flyswatter Game!!!
aedificōauxiliumconsentiō cōnsiliumdeindedīmittō effugiōflōsimperātor dērīdeōfaberdēlectō
intermeliornāvigō parātusvertōsimulac pereōtollōpostrīdiē nōnne?pōnōpūnio summussupersumdare
consilium deinde delecto aedifico auxilium consentio derideo dimitto effugio ita melior navigo paratus faber flos imperator inter
pereo pono postridie punio simulac summus supersum tollo verto num nonne -ne
deleo deus difficilis diligenter domina donum familiaris fidelis ipse iste lavo maritus
necesse nobilis quam quamquam –que rex ubi alius aqua claudo commodus debeo effigies equus etiam fractus
impedio lectus lente mare miser nauta princeps redeo sacerdos plaustrum praesum qui saxum teneo unda vinco
Calescite! Scribete in lingua Latina et in Anglice: rēx per aulam Quīntum dūcēbat. servī magnum ōvum in mēnsam posuerant. omnēs hospitēs Belimicum dērīdebant. Answer the following question: The floors of Cogidubnus’ palace were decorated with A.graniteB. cement C. mosaicsD. water…it was under the sea!
Model Sentences ♠ pg. 92 ♣ We will translate together (w00t w00t!). ♥ You do NOT have to write these down. ♦ Introduction to the GENITIVE case…from which Latin word is “genitive” derived?
Calescite! SingularPlural 1 st 2 nd 3 rd Conjugate “laudō, laudāre, laudāvī” (I praise, to praise, I praised) in the Perfect Tense.
Conjugate “laudō, laudāre, laudāvī” (I praise, to praise, I praised) in the Perfect Tense. SingularPlural 1 st laudavī I have warned laudavimus We have warned 2 nd laudavistī You have warned laudavistis Ya’ll have warned 3 rd laudavit S/He/It have warned laudaverūnt They have warned
“tumultus” Pars Una Take out: – Pen/cil – Paper – Your brain! (Tua mens!)
“tumultus” Pars Una Vertite ad paginam… Fabula Formārum Virgārum!!!
Calescite! SingularPlural 1 st 2 nd 3 rd Conjugate “videō, vidēre, vīdī” (I see, to see, I saw) in the PLUPERFECT Tense.
Conjugate “videō, vidēre, vīdī” (I see, to see, I saw) in the PLUPERFECT Tense. SingularPlural 1 st videram I had seen videramus We had seen 2 nd videras You had seen videratis Ya’ll had seen 3 rd viderat S/He/It had seen viderant They had seen
“tumultus” Pars Dua pg. 94 We will translate together Whatever we don’t finish is homework…including questions on pg. 96 ***Pay special attn. to the ________________ tense and the ___________ case***