Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O’Dell
Before the Book: Preview & Predict Before you begin reading Island of the Blue Dolphins, preview the cover of the book. In your IN on pg. 29, complete the following in paragraph format: Predict what you think the story might be about by looking at the cover illustration and any printed text on the outside of the book.
Meet the author: Scott O’Dell Read the article about Scott O’Dell and answer these questions in your IN on pg. 30 Title___________________________________________________ 1. Summarize your article in five sentences: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. What are the three most important points in the article? 1) 2) 3)
Introducing the Novel When you are reading a text, picking out the 5Ws (who, what, when, where and why) and 1H (how) will help you identify the most important information. Locating the 5Ws and 1H will also help you determine what the main idea is. Analyze a text by filling in the information below in your IN on pg. 31: Title: Who: What: When: Where: Why: How: What is the main idea? (Write at least one paragraph):
Chapters 1 & 2: IN pg. 32: Vocabulary words: Copy and define: kelp ravine parley profit prey Recognize sequence: What happens after Ulape discovers a school of white bass on the floor of the cove: Tell, in order, what events follow her discovery. First…. And then… And after…..
Chapters 1 & 2 continued: IN pg. 33 Purpose: Answer the following in at least one paragraph- Why does Karana’s father warn his people about the Aleuts and Captain Orlov? Reflection: (paragraph or more) Write a summary of today’s reading of Chapters 1 & 2.
Chapters 3-5: IN pg. 35: Vocabulary words: Copy and define: slain ashore wounded council burdens Make Predictions (before reading): Answer the following in complete sentences: What do you think will happen in today’s reading? Why? (Use what you know from the story and your own experiences.) Was your prediction confirmed or not? How do you know?
Chapters 3-5 continued: IN pg. 36: Purpose: Answer the following in at least one paragraph- Why does Karana’s father confront Captain Orlov? What happens as a result? Reflection: (paragraph or more) Write a summary of today’s reading of Chapters 3, 4 & 5.
Chapters 6 & 7: IN pg. 37: Vocabulary words: Copy and define: flee fiber beckoned forlorn Recognize sequence: Explain, in order, the events that led to Ramo being left behind. It may help you to number the events or draw a timeline.
Chapters 6 & 7 continued: IN pg. 38: Purpose: Answer the following in at least one paragraph-What decision does Karana make at the end of Chapter 7? What would you have done in this situation? Reflection: (paragraph or more) Write a summary of today’s reading of Chapters 6 & 7.
Chapter 8: IN pg. 39: Vocabulary words: Copy and define: plentiful thrust rites vowed Make Predictions (before reading): Answer the following in complete sentences: What happened in the story today that surprised you? Why? What happened as you thought it would? How did you know?
Chapter 8 continued: IN pg. 40: Purpose: Answer the following in at least one paragraph-What happens to Ramo? What vow does Karana make as a result? Reflection: (paragraph or more) Write a summary of today’s reading of Chapter 8.
Vocabulary: IN pg. 41: Finding Meaning: Below are important words that appear in the story. Draw a picture to help you understand and remember the meaning. Write what the word means underneath. The write some other words that remind you of the word. vowed kelp ravine slain ashore plentiful thrust Draw a Picture: Write a Definition Find 3. 2. 1. Other words:
Chapter 9: IN pg. 42: Vocabulary words: Copy and define: forbade shaft lair Recognize sequence: What events happen after Karana leaves the village? Write the sequence of events on a timeline. After burning down the village, Karana leaves.
Chapter 9 continued: IN pg. 43: Purpose: Answer the following in at least one paragraph-What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of Karana’s new home? Reflection: (paragraph or more) Write a summary of today’s reading of Chapter 9.
Chapters 10-11: IN pg. 44 : Vocabulary words: Copy and define: ancestors befall omen headland Make Predictions (before reading): Answer the following in complete sentences: What happened in the story today that surprised you? What did you think was going to happen?
Chapters 10-11 continued: IN pg. 45: Purpose: Answer the following in at least one paragraph-Why does Karana leave the island? Why does she return? Reflection: (paragraph or more) Write a summary of today’s reading of Chapters 10-11.
Chapters 12-14: IN pg. 46: Vocabulary words: Copy and define: scarce sinew wary swollen Recognize sequence: Briefly explain the steps Karana takes to make her new home. Use this format to record your answers: First: Next: After that: And then: Last:
Chapters 12-14 continued: IN pg. 47: Purpose: Answer the following in at least one paragraph- How is Karana finally able to get a sea elephant’s tooth? For what purpose does she plan to use it? Reflection: (paragraph or more) Write a summary of today’s reading of Chapters 12-14.
Chapters 15-16: IN pg. 48: Vocabulary words: Copy and define: bolder abandoned Make Predictions (before reading): Answer the following in complete sentences: What do you think will happen in today’s reading? Why? My prediction was (correct, incorrect, partially correct). Write an explanation.
Chapters 15-16 continued: IN pg. 49: Purpose: Answer the following in at least one paragraph- What event in today’s reading greatly changes Karana’s life? How? Reflection: (paragraph or more) Write a summary of today’s reading of Chapters 15-16.
Chapters 17-18: IN pg. 50: Vocabulary words: Copy and define: barb lure taming Recognize sequence: Fill in the rest of the spaces with events from the story, in the order in which they occurred. Use this format to record your answers: 1. Rontu begins to act strangely; Karana opens the fence and lets him out. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Rontu never leaves Karan again; the wild dogs never return to the headland.
Chapters 17-18 continued: IN pg. 51: Purpose: Answer the following in at least one paragraph- What makes spring such a happy time for Karana? Reflection: (paragraph or more) Write a summary of today’s reading of Chapters 17-18.
Chapters 19-20: IN pg. 52: Vocabulary words: Copy and define: singed mourning reef crevice seldom Make Predictions (before reading): Answer the following in complete sentences: What happened in the story today that surprised you? What did you think was going to happen?
Chapters 19-20 continued: IN pg. 53: Purpose: Answer the following in at least one paragraph- What does Karana discover upon her return from Tall Rock? How does she react? Reflection: (paragraph or more) Write a summary of today’s reading of Chapters 19-20.
Vocabulary: IN pg. 54: Finding Meaning: Below are important words that appear in the story. Draw a picture to help you understand and remember the meaning. Write what the word means underneath. The write some other words that remind you of the word. forbade lair sinew wary abandoned reef seldom Draw a Picture: Write a Definition Find Other words: 1. 2. 3.
Chapters 21-22: IN pg. 55: Vocabulary words: Copy and define: fortunate gestures deserted Recognize sequence: Draw the sequence of events that happened in the story today in the order in which they occurred.
Chapters 21-22 continued: IN pg. 56: Purpose: Answer the following in at least one paragraph- How does Karana’s feelings for the Aleut girl change? Reflection: (paragraph or more) Write a summary of today’s reading of Chapters 21-22.
Chapters 23-25: IN pg. 58: Vocabulary words: Copy and define: mended quiver Recognize sequence: What event leads Karana to befriend the otter: What happens as a result? Karana befriends an otter, whom she names Mon-a-nee. ? ?
Chapters 23-25 continued: IN pg. 59: Purpose: Answer the following in at least one paragraph-What vow does Karana make? Why does she make this vow? Reflection: (paragraph or more) Write a summary of today’s reading of Chapters 23-25.
Chapters 26-28: IN pg. 60: Vocabulary words: Copy and define: snares crest shuddered vanquished Make Predictions (before reading): Answer the following in complete sentences: After losing Rontu, Karana is bound to grieve and feel lonelier than ever. How do you think she will handle this loneliness? Why? (Use what you know from the story and your own experiences.) Was your prediction confirmed or not? How do you know?
Chapters 26-28 continued: IN pg. 61: Purpose: Answer the following in at least one paragraph- What two major events does Karana experience in these chapters? How does each affect her? Reflection: (paragraph or more) Write a summary of today’s reading of Chapters 26-28.
Chapter 29 & Author’s Note: IN pg. 62: Vocabulary words: Copy and define: ornament port inhabitants crude excavations Purpose: Answer the following in at least one paragraph- What do you learn about Karana’s story in the Author’s Note? What challenges did Karana face, and how did she meet them? Reflection: (paragraph or more) Write a summary of today’s reading of Chapter 29 and the Author’s Notes.
Connecting Words & Ideas: IN pg. 63: Part A: Below are “chains” of words you learned while reading the story. Use the top and bottom word from each row to write a sentence. If you can, write sentences that have to do with the story. The first pair shows and example: Chain 1 mourning Mourning her brother Ramo’s death, Karana vowed to kill the wild dogs. vowed seldom forbade
Connecting Words & Ideas continued: IN pg. 64: Chain 2 slain thrust wary plentiful
Connecting Words & Ideas continued: IN pg. 65: Part B: Imagine all of the different places the author has taken you in the book. From the list below, choose three words that describe a place that is important in the story. Next, draw a picture to represent each place. Finally, explain how each place is important to the story. lure ravine lair reef profit omen ancestors beckoned swollen shuddered forlorn rites headland port prey Place: Picture: How is it important?
Content Connection: IN pg. 66: Recognizing Cause and Effect: Certain ideas and events are related by cause and effect. This means that one event or idea causes, or brings about, another. An effect is what happens as a result. It could be an event or a change. A cause is the reason why that event or change occurred. Use an organizer like the one below when making notes about cause and effect. These words/phrases may signal a “cause”: because… since… if… lead to… due to… the reason for… a cause of… These words/phrases may signal an “effect”: so… then… for this reason… as a result… Therefore… an effect of… Cause Effect Don’t Forget! Writers often use words like these to signal cause and effect: if….then since, because so, therefore, as a result
What causes earthquakes?: IN pg. 67: Read the article carefully, annotating the text. Then, answer the following questions: Number each paragraph in the article. Then, circle all “signal” words/phrases you find that show a cause-and-effect relationship. Name one signal word/phrase in paragraph 3. Name one signal word/phrase in paragraph 4. Name one way that human beings can cause earthquakes. Name the three different layers of the earth. How do these layers help you to understand how earthquakes are caused? What happens when rock on one side of a fault line presses against rock on the other side? What effect can tsunamis have if they reach shore?
What causes earthquakes? continued: IN pg. 68: Write out how you would explain the cause(s) of earthquakes so that a child could understand. This must be at least two paragraphs in length.