5. Personal control beliefs among rural small business owners and farmers Follow-up of Vesala & Peura 2003 A postal questionnaire survey 2006 Total sample 1093 (response rate 30%): Conventional farmers (n= 235), farmers with business diversification (n=663), non-farm rural small business owners (n=195) General purpose: to compare the level of entrepreneurship in these groups on several dimensions Aim of this presentation: to show quantitative differences in personal control belief between these groups and point out the special relevance of personal control in the study of entrepreneurial self and agency
5. Personal control beliefs among rural small business owners and farmers The items used in the measurement of personal control: “ To a great extent I can personally control the success of my firm”, “My personal chances to influence the successfulness of my business are practically rather low” (inverted), “I am able to affect the success of my firm through decisions concerning products and through production”, “I am able to affect the success of my firm through marketing and customer connections”. (Cronbach alfa for the sum variable.77)
Figure 1. Experience of personal control among the sample groups in year The proportion of respondents who partly or strongly agree with the statements
Table 1. Correlations (Spearman) between personal control and some other variables VariableCorrelation age-.03 sex-.04 education.07 revenue year *** non-family employees.26 *** competitiveness.39 *** profitability.19 *** customer activeness.39 ***
Table 2. Best predictors of personal control experience. Linear regression analysis Dependent variable PredictorsBeta-valuestd. Betat-value Personal control Customer activeness *** Competitiveness *** Profitability *** Model: R Square=.25; adjusted R Square=.24
Figure 2. Competitiveness and profitability among three sample groups. Proportionate distributions.
Figure 3. Customer relationships and non-family employees among three sample groups. Proportionate distributions.
5. Personal control beliefs among rural small business owners and farmers: conclusion Results from 2006 conform to results from 2001 Personal control in business: significant (.001) differences between the three groups Differences in personal control beliefs were connected to differences in business (esp. competitiveness & customer activeness)
5. Personal control beliefs among rural small business owners and farmers: conclusion These results are understandable in the light of the qualitative analysis of the construction of personal control belief in the self-presentations of diversified farmers However, these results are statistical generalizations based on the responses by farmers and small business owners: -They do not falsify the interpretation of personal control beliefs as social constructions. -They do not uncover the active role of the individual in the construction process, nor do they uncover the variety and richness of details at the level of individual cases