Real Estate Marketing and Sales Essentials Steps for Success Dan Hamilton
Prospecting for Buyers Introduction:
Prospecting for Buyers Where do we find buyers?
Prospecting for Buyers Good personal marketers should have some of the following: Personal brochure Professional business cards Personal advertising Career apparel, name badge, car signs, and name riders
Prospecting for Buyers Floor Time (Opportunity Time) Answering the phone while on floor time is a process. To prepare for floor time, you must: Know all the properties that are being advertised. Preview all the listings in the office inventory. Obtain a list of alternative properties. Be serious about answering the phone. Smile and smile BIG.
Prospecting for Buyers Types of Buyers Hot buyers Warm buyers Cold buyers
Prospecting for Buyers Here are some key notes when answering the telephone: Preview the properties being advertised. Have ad copy on hand. Prepare answers to possible questions. Ask questions (open-ended) to gain control of the conversation. Get the appointment to discuss home-buying needs and solutions. Have a positive attitude. Callers won’t buy what they call in about. Callers don’t call you back. Callers don’t know what they want to buy. Callers have circled other ads besides yours. You can’t sell a house over the phone. Have additional properties in the price range that might interest callers.
Prospecting for Buyers Answering the telephone (con’t) The buyer is trying to eliminate the house they called about so don’t try and sell it to them. The buyer will call other brokers if you do not eliminate those brokers. The only purpose for the phone is to set appointments. Buyers who call on ads usually can afford more. Buyers who call on signs usually can afford less. Answer a question with a question. Close early and often. Compliment callers. The sign caller is a more serious prospect than an ad caller because the caller already knows the area and what the house looks like from the outside.
Prospecting for Buyers The following are some reasons why you should meet prospective buyers at your office: Anyone who takes the time to meet you at your office is serious. The offices provides security. You have control. Your broker or manager is available at the office to lend expertise if needed. You can make a presentation. You can financially qualify them. You can gather all the information you need. You do not lose business time. It enables you to take advantage of the ready access to necessary files and other resources. It is easier and less threatening to the buyer. It allows you to build rapport.
Prospecting for Buyers Summary: